wince不支持C运行时库 time()
wince居然不支持C运行时库 time()函数!找到一个转换代码
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <winbase.h>
static struct tm Date;
// the count of days of 12 months
const int SecOfOneDay = 86400 ; // 24*60*60
const short month[2][13]={
int IsLeapYear(int year)
return (0==year%4 && (0!=year%100 || 0==year%400) );
// notify :::: the result you should see in the time.h of standard c
// eg . 1972/11/28/ 6:30:30
// save as : 72/10/28/ 6:30:30
void Second2Date(const unsigned long* seconds , struct tm* Date )
long totalsec = *(seconds) ;
int leapyear;
// judge the year
for(int i=0 ; ; i++)
leapyear = IsLeapYear(1970+i);
totalsec -= (long) (month[leapyear][0] * SecOfOneDay);
if( totalsec < 0 )
// Date->tm_yday = month[leapyear][0]-1; do not fill this data
Date->tm_year = 70+i; // 1970+i-1900 as standard C
totalsec += (long) (month[leapyear][0] * SecOfOneDay);
// judge the weekday
int weekday = 1900+Date->tm_year-1; // the 1900 , do not forget !!!!!
weekday = weekday + (int)(weekday/4) - (int)(weekday/100) + (int)(weekday/400) + (int)(totalsec/SecOfOneDay)+1;
Date->tm_wday = weekday%7;
// judge the month
for( i=1; i<=12 ; i++ )
totalsec -= (long) (month[leapyear][i] * SecOfOneDay);
if(totalsec < 0)
Date->tm_mon = i-1; // the define of tm_mon (0--11)
totalsec += (long) (month[leapyear][i] * SecOfOneDay);
// judge the day , hour, min , second
Date->tm_mday = (int)(totalsec/SecOfOneDay+1) ;
int oddsec = (int)(totalsec%SecOfOneDay);
Date->tm_hour = (int)(oddsec/3600);
oddsec = (int)(oddsec%3600);
Date->tm_min = (int)(oddsec/60);
oddsec = (int)(oddsec%60);
Date->tm_sec = oddsec;
unsigned long Date2Second(struct tm* Date)
long totalseconds = 0 ;
int leapyear;
int index ;
// now index stands for the year
for(index=1970; index< (Date->tm_year+1900); index++)
leapyear = IsLeapYear(index);
totalseconds += (long)(month[leapyear][0] * SecOfOneDay);
leapyear = IsLeapYear(index);
// now index stands for the month
for(index=1 ; index<(Date->tm_mon+1) ; index++)
totalseconds += (long)(month[leapyear][index]*SecOfOneDay);
// day
totalseconds += (long)((Date->tm_mday-1)*SecOfOneDay);
// hour , minute ,second
totalseconds += (long)(Date->tm_hour)*3600;
totalseconds += (long)(Date->tm_min)*60;
totalseconds += (long)Date->tm_sec;
return totalseconds;
struct tm* gmtime(const time_t* seconds)
#ifdef _WIN32_WCE
Second2Date( seconds , &Date );
return &Date;
return gmtime(seconds);
time_t mktime(struct tm* Date)
#ifdef _WIN32_WCE
return Date2Second(Date);
return mktime(Date);
time_t time(time_t *timer)
struct tm st;
st.tm_sec = systime.wSecond; // second
st.tm_min = systime.wMinute; // minute
st.tm_hour = systime.wHour; // hour
st.tm_mday = systime.wDay; // Specifies the current day of the month
st.tm_mon = systime.wMonth - 1; //
st.tm_year = systime.wYear - 1900; //
return timer? (*timer = mktime(&st)) : mktime(&st);
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <winbase.h>
static struct tm Date;
// the count of days of 12 months
const int SecOfOneDay = 86400 ; // 24*60*60
const short month[2][13]={
int IsLeapYear(int year)
return (0==year%4 && (0!=year%100 || 0==year%400) );
// notify :::: the result you should see in the time.h of standard c
// eg . 1972/11/28/ 6:30:30
// save as : 72/10/28/ 6:30:30
void Second2Date(const unsigned long* seconds , struct tm* Date )
long totalsec = *(seconds) ;
int leapyear;
// judge the year
for(int i=0 ; ; i++)
leapyear = IsLeapYear(1970+i);
totalsec -= (long) (month[leapyear][0] * SecOfOneDay);
if( totalsec < 0 )
// Date->tm_yday = month[leapyear][0]-1; do not fill this data
Date->tm_year = 70+i; // 1970+i-1900 as standard C
totalsec += (long) (month[leapyear][0] * SecOfOneDay);
// judge the weekday
int weekday = 1900+Date->tm_year-1; // the 1900 , do not forget !!!!!
weekday = weekday + (int)(weekday/4) - (int)(weekday/100) + (int)(weekday/400) + (int)(totalsec/SecOfOneDay)+1;
Date->tm_wday = weekday%7;
// judge the month
for( i=1; i<=12 ; i++ )
totalsec -= (long) (month[leapyear][i] * SecOfOneDay);
if(totalsec < 0)
Date->tm_mon = i-1; // the define of tm_mon (0--11)
totalsec += (long) (month[leapyear][i] * SecOfOneDay);
// judge the day , hour, min , second
Date->tm_mday = (int)(totalsec/SecOfOneDay+1) ;
int oddsec = (int)(totalsec%SecOfOneDay);
Date->tm_hour = (int)(oddsec/3600);
oddsec = (int)(oddsec%3600);
Date->tm_min = (int)(oddsec/60);
oddsec = (int)(oddsec%60);
Date->tm_sec = oddsec;
unsigned long Date2Second(struct tm* Date)
long totalseconds = 0 ;
int leapyear;
int index ;
// now index stands for the year
for(index=1970; index< (Date->tm_year+1900); index++)
leapyear = IsLeapYear(index);
totalseconds += (long)(month[leapyear][0] * SecOfOneDay);
leapyear = IsLeapYear(index);
// now index stands for the month
for(index=1 ; index<(Date->tm_mon+1) ; index++)
totalseconds += (long)(month[leapyear][index]*SecOfOneDay);
// day
totalseconds += (long)((Date->tm_mday-1)*SecOfOneDay);
// hour , minute ,second
totalseconds += (long)(Date->tm_hour)*3600;
totalseconds += (long)(Date->tm_min)*60;
totalseconds += (long)Date->tm_sec;
return totalseconds;
struct tm* gmtime(const time_t* seconds)
#ifdef _WIN32_WCE
Second2Date( seconds , &Date );
return &Date;
return gmtime(seconds);
time_t mktime(struct tm* Date)
#ifdef _WIN32_WCE
return Date2Second(Date);
return mktime(Date);
time_t time(time_t *timer)
struct tm st;
st.tm_sec = systime.wSecond; // second
st.tm_min = systime.wMinute; // minute
st.tm_hour = systime.wHour; // hour
st.tm_mday = systime.wDay; // Specifies the current day of the month
st.tm_mon = systime.wMonth - 1; //
st.tm_year = systime.wYear - 1900; //
return timer? (*timer = mktime(&st)) : mktime(&st);