OnSysCommand 函数
OnSysCommand()这个函数主要是截获控制命令的,msdn上的解释如下: The framework calls this member function when the user selects a command from the Control menu, or when the user selects the Maximize or the Minimize button. 尤其是最大化和最小化窗口的时候,比如现在软件的流行的点关闭按钮,不是对出而是隐藏的情况,就可以在这里来实现, void CMainFrame::OnSysCommand(UINT nID, LPARAM lParam) { if (nID == SC_CLOSE) ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); ..... }
注意和PreTranslateMessage的区别 PreTranslateMessage是用来截获消息的,msdn的解释如下 Used by class cwinapp to translate window messages before they are dispatched to the virtual BOOL PreTranslateMessage( MSG* pMsg ); |