




  This example draws fonts (as used by the Adafruit_GFX library) onto the
  screen. These fonts are called the GFX Free Fonts (GFXFF) in this library.

  Other True Type fonts could be converted using the utility within the
  "fontconvert" folder inside the library. This converted has also been
  copied from the Adafruit_GFX library.

  Since these fonts are a recent addition Adafruit do not have a tutorial
  available yet on how to use the utility.   Linux users will no doubt
  figure it out!  In the meantime there are 48 font files to use in sizes
  from 9 point to 24 point, and in normal, bold, and italic or oblique

  This example sketch uses both the print class and drawString() functions
  to plot text to the screen.

  Make sure LOAD_GFXFF is defined in the User_Setup.h file within the
  TFT_eSPI library folder.


#include <TFT_eSPI.h> // Hardware-specific library
#include <SPI.h>

#include "Free_Fonts.h" // Include the header file attached to this sketch

TFT_eSPI tft = TFT_eSPI();                   // Invoke custom library with default width and height

unsigned long drawTime = 0;

void setup(void) {




void loop() {

  int xpos =  0;
  int ypos = 40;

  // >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  // Select different fonts to draw on screen using the print class
  // >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

   // Clear screen to navy background

  header("AGV1 Receive Message Show");

  //For comaptibility with Adafruit_GFX library the text background is not plotted when using the print class
  //even if we specify it.
  //tft.setTextColor(TFT_YELLOW, TFT_BLACK);
  tft.setTextColor(TFT_YELLOW, TFT_NAVY);
  tft.setCursor(xpos, ypos);    // Set cursor near top left corner of screen

  tft.setTextFont(GLCD);     // Select the orginal small GLCD font by using NULL or GLCD
  tft.println();             // Move cursor down a line
  // tft.print("Original GLCD font");    // Print the font name onto the TFT screen

  tft.setFreeFont(FSB24);   // Select Free Serif 9 point font, could use:
  // tft.setFreeFont(&FreeSerif9pt7b);
  tft.println();          // Free fonts plot with the baseline (imaginary line the letter A would sit on)
  // as the datum, so we must move the cursor down a line from the 0,0 position
  tft.print("Task: Collect Lot");  // Print the font name onto the TFT screen

  tft.setFreeFont(FSB12);       // Select Free Serif 12 point font
  tft.println();                // Move cursor down a line
  //tft.print("Serif Bold 12pt"); // Print the font name onto the TFT screen

  tft.setFreeFont(FSB18);       // Select Free Serif 12 point font
  tft.println();                // Move cursor down a line
  tft.print("Time:2023/07/26 15:05:18"); // Print the font name onto the TFT screen

  tft.setFreeFont(FSB24);       // Select Free Serif 24 point font
  tft.println();                // Move cursor down a line
  tft.print("Destination:1TH0308"); // Print the font name onto the TFT screen


  // >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  // Now use drawString() so we can set background colours and the datum
  // >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  // tft.fillScreen(TFT_BLACK);

  // header("Draw with background using drawString()");

  // tft.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE, TFT_BLACK);

  // tft.setTextDatum(TC_DATUM); // Centre text on x,y position

  // xpos = tft.width() / 2; // Half the screen width
  // ypos = 50;

  // tft.setFreeFont(FSB9);                              // Select the font
  // tft.drawString("Serif Bold 9pt", xpos, ypos, GFXFF);  // Draw the text string in the selected GFX free font
  // ypos += tft.fontHeight(GFXFF);                      // Get the font height and move ypos down

  // tft.setFreeFont(FSB12);
  // tft.drawString("Serif Bold 12pt", xpos, ypos, GFXFF);
  // ypos += tft.fontHeight(GFXFF);

  // tft.setFreeFont(FSB18);
  // tft.drawString("Serif Bold 18pt", xpos, ypos, GFXFF);
  // ypos += tft.fontHeight(GFXFF);

  // tft.setFreeFont(FSB24);
  // tft.drawString("Serif Bold 24pt", xpos, ypos, GFXFF);
  // ypos += tft.fontHeight(GFXFF);

  // // Set text padding to 120 pixels wide area to over-write old values on screen
  // tft.setTextPadding(120);
  // for (int i = 0; i <= 20; i++) {
  //   tft.drawFloat(i / 10.0, 1, xpos, ypos, GFXFF);
  //   delay (200);
  // }

  // delay(4000);

  // >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  // Same again but with colours that show bounding boxes
  // >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  // tft.fillScreen(TFT_DARKGREY);

  // header("Show background filled bounding boxes");

  // tft.setTextColor(TFT_YELLOW, TFT_BLACK);

  // tft.setTextDatum(TC_DATUM); // Centre text on x,y position

  // xpos = tft.width() / 2; // Half the screen width
  // ypos = 50;

  // tft.setFreeFont(FSB9);                              // Select the font
  // tft.drawString("Serif Bold 9pt", xpos, ypos, GFXFF);  // Draw the text string in the selected GFX free font
  // ypos += tft.fontHeight(GFXFF);                        // Get the font height and move ypos down

  // tft.setFreeFont(FSB12);
  // tft.drawString("Serif Bold 12pt", xpos, ypos, GFXFF);
  // ypos += tft.fontHeight(GFXFF);

  // tft.setFreeFont(FSB18);
  // tft.drawString("Serif Bold 18pt", xpos, ypos, GFXFF);
  // ypos += tft.fontHeight(GFXFF);

  // tft.setFreeFont(FSBI24);
  // tft.drawString("Serif Bold Italic 24pt", xpos, ypos, GFXFF);
  // ypos += tft.fontHeight(GFXFF);

  // // Set text padding to 120 pixels wide area to over-write old values on screen
  // tft.setTextPadding(120);
  // for (int i = 0; i <= 20; i++) {
  //   tft.drawFloat(i / 10.0, 1, xpos, ypos, GFXFF);
  //   delay (200);
  // }

  // delay(4000);

  // // >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  // // Now show setting the 12 datum positions works with free fonts
  // // >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  // // Numbers, floats and strings can be drawn relative to a datum
  // tft.fillScreen(TFT_BLACK);
  // header("Draw text relative to a datum");

  // tft.setTextColor(TFT_DARKGREY, TFT_BLACK);
  // tft.setFreeFont(FSS9);
  // tft.setTextDatum(TL_DATUM);
  // tft.drawString("[Top left}", 20, 60, GFXFF);
  // drawDatum(20,60);

  // tft.setTextDatum(TC_DATUM);
  // tft.drawString("[Top centre]", 240, 60, GFXFF);
  // drawDatum(240,60);

  // tft.setTextDatum(TR_DATUM);
  // tft.drawString("[Top right]", 460, 60, GFXFF);
  // drawDatum(460,60);

  // tft.setTextDatum(ML_DATUM);
  // tft.drawString("[Middle left]", 20, 140, GFXFF);
  // drawDatum(20,140);

  // tft.setTextDatum(MC_DATUM);
  // tft.drawString("[Middle centre]", 240, 140, GFXFF);
  // drawDatum(240,140);

  // tft.setTextDatum(MR_DATUM);
  // tft.drawString("[Middle right]", 460, 140, GFXFF);
  // drawDatum(460,140);

  // tft.setTextDatum(BL_DATUM);
  // tft.drawString("[Bottom Left]", 20, 220, GFXFF);
  // drawDatum(20,220);

  // tft.setTextDatum(BC_DATUM);
  // tft.drawString("[Bottom centre]", 240, 220, GFXFF);
  // drawDatum(240,220);

  // tft.setTextDatum(BR_DATUM);
  // tft.drawString("[Bottom right]", 460, 220, GFXFF);
  // drawDatum(460,220);

  // tft.setTextDatum(L_BASELINE);
  // tft.drawString("[Left baseline]", 20, 300, GFXFF);
  // drawDatum(20,300);

  // tft.setTextDatum(C_BASELINE);
  // tft.drawString("[Centre baseline]", 240, 300, GFXFF);
  // drawDatum(240,300);

  // tft.setTextDatum(R_BASELINE);
  // tft.drawString("[Right baseline]", 460, 300, GFXFF);
  // drawDatum(460,300);



// Print the header for a display screen
void header(const char *string)
  tft.setTextColor(TFT_MAGENTA, TFT_BLUE);
  tft.fillRect(0, 0, 480, 30, TFT_BLUE);
  tft.drawString(string, 239, 2, 4); // Font 4 for fast drawing with background

// Draw a + mark centred on x,y
void drawDatum(int x, int y)
  tft.drawLine(x - 5, y, x + 5, y, TFT_GREEN);
  tft.drawLine(x, y - 5, x, y + 5, TFT_GREEN);

// There follows a crude way of flagging that this example sketch needs fonts which
// have not been enbabled in the User_Setup.h file inside the TFT_HX8357 library.
// These lines produce errors during compile time if settings in User_Setup are not correct
// The error will be "does not name a type" but ignore this and read the text between ''
// it will indicate which font or feature needs to be enabled
// Either delete all the following lines if you do not want warnings, or change the lines
// to suit your sketch modifications.

#ifndef LOAD_GLCD

#ifndef LOAD_FONT2

#ifndef LOAD_FONT4

#ifndef LOAD_FONT6

#ifndef LOAD_FONT7

#ifndef LOAD_FONT8

#ifndef LOAD_GFXFF


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2021-07-26 MCP2515 CAN总线模块介绍