# 格式化字符串--P45 format2 = "Pi with three decimals:%.3f" from math import pi print(format2 % pi) # 字符串模板 from string import Template s = Template('$x,glorious $x!') value = s.substitute(x='txwtech') # 替换了x变量的值 print(value) s2 = Template("${x}nice") # 替换的内容与现有内容相连,挨着一起,就添加{} value2 = s2.substitute(x="ok") print(value2) # 插入美元符号$ s3 = Template("make $$ selling $x") value3 = s3.substitute(x="oo") print(value3) # 字典变量 s5 = Template('a $thing muse never $action') d = {} d['thing'] = 'gentleman' d['action'] = 'show his talent' value5 = s5.substitute(d) print(value5) #字符串格式化完整版本 s6 = '%s plus %s is %s' %(1,2,3) print(s6) s7 = 'Price of eggs:$%d' %32 print(s7) #打印十进制 s8 = 'Hexadecimal price of eggs %x' %42 print(s8) #打印十六进制,2a #打印浮点数 from math import pi s9 = 'pi:%f...' % pi print(s9) # %i带符号十进制数 s10 = 'very inexact estimate of pi: %i' % pi print(s10) s11 = 'using str: %s' % 41 print(s11) s12 = 'using str2:%r' % 32 print(s12) #字符串宽度与精度 f1 = '%10f' % pi #输出总数10位数,两个空格+3.141593 print(f1) f2 = '%10.2f' %pi print(f2) #小数点两位,位数不够,前面添加空格 f3 = '%.2f' %pi #默认宽度,小数2位 print(f3) #取字符串宽度5 f5 = '%.5s' % 'likee is ok' print(f5) #林外一种方式,使用星号(元组参数) f6 = '%.*s' %(5,'beautiful') print(f6) #符号对齐用0填充 f7 = '%010.2f' % pi print(f7) #减号(-)用来左对齐数值 f8 = '%-10.2f' % pi print(f8) print(('%5d' % 10) +'\n' +('%5d' % -10)) #加号标注+-符号 print(('%+5d' % 10) +'\n' +('%+5d' % -10)) #3-1 width = 20 price_width = 10 item_width = width - price_width header_format = '%-*s%*s' format ='%-*s%*.2f' print('='*width) print (header_format %(item_width,'Item',price_width,'Price')) print('-'*width) print(format %(item_width,'Apples',price_width,0.4)) print(format %(item_width,'Pears',price_width,0.5)) print(format %(item_width,'Cantaloupes',price_width,1.92)) print(format %(item_width,'Dried',price_width,8)) print(format %(item_width,'Prunes',price_width,12)) print('='*width) print('PP49')