关键字:PHP 时区 时间 日志
<html> <body> <?php date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Hong_Kong'); //set time zone set_error_handler("myHandler"); //set error handler $chinatime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); //get current time $max_size = 500000; try { $content = "Hello WeiXin!"; logger2($content); //throw new Exception("Value must be 1 or below aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"); } catch(Exception $e) { logger2("Exception Message: ".$e->getMessage()); } //record operation log into .log file function logger($log_content) { print_r(date('H:i:s')." ".$log_content."<br />"); $log_filename = date("Ymd").".log"; $file = fopen($log_filename ,"a+"); fwrite($file, date('H:i:s')." ".$log_content."\r\n"); fclose($file); } //record operation log into .log file function logger2($log_content) { Global $max_size; print_r(date('H:i:s')." ".$log_content." "."<br />"); $log_filename = date("Ymd").".log"; if(file_exists($log_filename) and (abs(filesize($log_filename)) > $max_size)){unlink($log_filename);sleep(1);} file_put_contents($log_filename, date('H:i:s')." ".$log_content." "."\r\n", FILE_APPEND); } //error handler function function myHandler($level, $message, $file, $line, $context) { logger("<b>[ERROR]</b> LEVEL: $level, MESSAGE: $message, FILE: $file, LINE: $line, CONTENT: $context"); die(); } ?> </body> </html>