来自英国的两位MVP,Rob Miles 和 Andy Wigley为 大家奉献了12场精彩的Windows Phone 7开发课程。它涵盖了Windows Phone 7的开发体系介绍,Silverlight for Windows Phone以及XNA等诸多内容。可以说,只要你认证的听完这些课程就完全能够自己动手做出优秀的Windows Phone 7应用程序了。怎么样,还不快来听听?
Session 1: Introduction
Session 2: Building a Silverlight Application, Part 1
Session 3: Building a Silverlight Application, Part 2
Session 4: Building Games for the Windows Phone 7 Platform
Session 5: Building XNA Games for the Windows Phone 7 Platform, Part 1
Session 6: Building XNA Games for the Windows Phone 7 Platform, Part 2
Session 7: Advanced Application Development, Part 1
Session 8: Advanced Application Development, Part 2
Session 9: Advanced Application Development, Part 3
Session 10: Marketing Your Windows Phone 7 Application
Session 11: Working with Media
Session 12: Final Silverlight Topics and Wrap-Up
最后,如果你是一位设计师,别忘了去看看Windows Phone Design Day的课程哦。