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微软发布Windows Embedded Handheld移动平台

Posted on 2010-06-18 09:06  被遗弃的小指  阅读(2322)  评论(8编辑  收藏  举报

在今年2月15日微软发布新一代的面向普通消费者的移动设备平台Windows Phone 7之后,大家都在猜测微软的 LOB方案将会何去何从。今日,微软宣告了其新的面向企业用户的移动平台 Windows Embedded Handheld 平台的诞生。

什么是Windows Embedded Handheld?

其实Windows Embedded Handheld平台并不是一个全新的平台,它是微软基于针对企业移动市场的一套解决方案。因为随着Windows Phone 7的到来,以前的基于Windows Mobile 6.x操作系统的设备面临着一些抉择。对于普通消费者来说,毫无疑问Windows Phone 7将是其最佳选择。但是对于基于Windows Mobile 6.x操作系统的那些企业解决方案来说,Windows Phone 7太过于面向消费者已经不是很适合。那么需要移动解决方案的企业市场将怎么办?Windows Embedded Handheld就是微软现在所推出的这样一套解决方案。

所谓Windows Embedded Handheld,它并不是基于某个特定的操作系统。而是根据客户的需要基于Windows Embedded CE或者Windows Mobile操作系统的这样一套移动解决方案。对于目前来说,可以选择Windows Embedded CE 6或者是Windows Mobile 6.x操作系统。



Windows Embedded 6

Windows Mobile



• Custom SDK
or shared API
• Limited
portability of

• Consistent API
• Windows
• Portability across

Windows Embedded CE componentized image allows for each device
to expose a completely different set of components/ technologies
and therefore APIs to an ISV.
Windows Mobile consistent API supports rich third-party software
development. Enterprises enjoy portability of applications across
various Windows Mobile devices.


• No Active
Directory or
remote wipe

• Active Directory
• Remote wipe

Both software platforms offer device and removable media encryption
for industry-leading security. For additional data security, Windows
Mobile also offers remote wipe and AD support.


• Device

• System Center
Mobile Device
Manager integration

Windows Embedded CE SNMP agent support consists of a master
agent and one or more extension agents.
Windows Mobile includes advanced device management capabilities
including Active Directory and Group Policy.


• CellCore but
no dialer

• Dialer and
CellCore interface

Windows Embedded CE comes with CellCore and the device
vendor would need to build a custom dialer or phone interface.
Windows Mobile has a very rich and easy-to-use interface for
all phone-related tasks.


• Full

• Partial
• Familiar and
consistent user

Windows Embedded CE offers full customization flexibility to the
image and the latest technologies such as Silverlight ™ for
Windows Embedded, the revolutionary UI framework for creating
innovative devices with rich user experiences.
Windows Mobile has partial customization flexibility as defined in the
Microsoft logo test kit (LTK), but the interface provides a familiar
experience to users—icons, file structures, etc.


• Up to 32,768
processes running
at one time

• Up to 32 concurrent
processes running

Windows Embedded CE allows up to 32,768 processes running
concurrently and each process gets a 2 GB virtual address space to run.
Windows Mobile can run up to 32 processes and each process
runs in a 32 MB virtual address space.


• Display hardware
• Headless support

• Specific resolution
and glass
sizes support
• No headless support

Windows Embedded CE has several recommended display
configurations; however, solution providers can still write a fully
functional display driver for displays outside of these recommendations.
Windows Embedded CE devices can even be made headless
(e.g., RFID readers on factory floor conveyor belts).
Windows Mobile UI and performance are tailored toward certain
display and glass sizes. Some of the display resolutions supported
range from 176 х 220 to 800 x 480 (WVGA). For complete listing,
please refer to the OPK.

MS Office支持

• Limited – Office
viewers only

• Yes

Windows Embedded CE offers Office viewers.
Windows Mobile 6.5 offers Office Mobile allowing for viewing,
editing, and forwarding.

如何选择适合自己企业的Windows Embedded Handheld解决方案?

我们看到Windows Embedded CE和Windows Mobile这两种不同的操作系统截然不同,那么企业应该如何选择适合自己的平台呢?

当企业有如下需求的时候,最好选择Windows Mobile操作系统:

1。 需要在多种不同的设备上保障应用程序的兼容性。

2。 设备需要一些高级的安全保障,例如通过SCCM来进行管理。

3。 有一些电话的连接需求。

当企业有如下需求的时候,建议采用Windows Embedded CE操作系统:

1。 高度自定义的设备

2。 该设备专注于某种特定的任务

Windows Embedded Handheld的Roadmap

在今年,Windows Embedded Handheld还是会以Windows Mobile 6.5的系统为主(例如MOTO今天刚刚推出的ES400)。当然如果您愿意,还可以使用基于Windows Embedded CE 6的平台。但是到了明年下半年,市面上将会以基于Windows Embedded Compact 7为主的设备占据主导地位。而那时候,基于 Silverlight的UI展现技术的Windows Embedded Compact 7将会给Windows Embedded Handheld市场带来崭新的活力。



1。 Windows Phone 7 Series 概述、亮点以及。。。。。。

2。 Windows Embedded Compact 7 正式对外公布

3。 Windows Embedded Handheld