【DWM1000】 code 解密3一ANCHOR RUN起来

int done = INST_NOT_DONE_YET; 

#define INST_DONE_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_EVENT       1       //this signifies that the current event has been processed and instance is ready for next one

#define INST_DONE_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_EVENT_TO    2   //this signifies that the current event has been processed and that instance is waiting for next one with a timeout

                                               //which will trigger if no event coming in specified time

#define INST_NOT_DONE_YET                 0      //this signifies that the instance is still processing the current event


int message = instance_peekevent(); //get any of the received events from ISR

int instance_peekevent(void)

    int instance = 0;

    return instance_data[instance].dwevent[instance_data[instance].dweventPeek].type; //return the type of event that is in front of the queue


  第一次运行到这里的时候,instance_data[instance].dweventPeek 为0 ,我们在之前初始化的时候看到的结果

Peek,也就是瞟一眼,看看是否有事件,假定我们这里还米有收到任何事件。 后面我们会看事件的产生,怎么往里面装,怎么取出。 这里只是简单的瞟一眼。

while(done == INST_NOT_DONE_YET)

      //int state = instance_data[instance].testAppState;

     done = instance_localdata[instance].testapprun_fn(&instance_data[instance], message) ;   // run the communications application

     //we've processed message

      message = 0;


 由于进入函数的时候,我们定义了局部变量done 为INST_NOT_DONE_YET,所以至少会执行一下while 循环里面的内容。

done = instance_localdata[instance].testapprun_fn(&instance_data[instance], message) ; 



void instance_setapprun(int (*apprun_fn)(instance_data_t *inst, int message))

         int instance = 0 ;
         instance_localdata[instance].testapprun_fn = apprun_fn;

  设定这些函数,只是提供入口,此时还不会执行。但是RX TX 回调函数是通过中断触发的,设定后可能会立马执行,这个我们后续看代码分析。


testapprun_s &instance_data[instance], message)

传递的两个变量A : instance_data, 也就是我们开始初始化的变量instance

B:message. instance_peekevent()是它的返回值,我们暂且还不能假定是什么东西。



/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


// the main instance state machine (all the instance modes Tag, Anchor or Listener use the same statemachine....)


// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


int testapprun_s(instance_data_t *inst, int message)
    switch (inst->testAppState)
        case TA_INIT :
            // printf("TA_INIT") ;
            switch (inst->mode)
                case TAG:





到目前为止,ANCHOR 和TAG 的代码基本都是一致的。后面状态机就有区别了。



   switch (inst->testAppState)
        case TA_INIT :
            // printf("TA_INIT") ;
            switch (inst->mode)
                case TAG:
                case ANCHOR:

                    dwt_enableframefilter(DWT_FF_NOTYPE_EN); //disable frame filtering

                    inst->frameFilteringEnabled = 0 ;



#if (USING_64BIT_ADDR==0)
                        uint16 addr = inst->eui64[0] + (inst->eui64[1] << 8);
                        //set source address into the message structure
                         memcpy(&inst->msg.sourceAddr[0], inst->eui64, ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_S);
//set source address into the message structure memcpy(&inst->rng_initmsg.sourceAddr[0], inst->eui64, ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_S); } #else //set source address into the message structure memcpy(&inst->msg.sourceAddr[0], inst->eui64, ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_L); //set source address into the message structure memcpy(&inst->rng_initmsg.sourceAddr[0], inst->eui64, ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_L); #endif // First time anchor listens we don't do a delayed RX dwt_setrxaftertxdelay(0); //change to next state - wait to receive a message inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT ; dwt_setrxtimeout(0); inst->canprintinfo = 1; } break; case LISTENER: { …… } break ; // end case TA_INIT default: break; } break; // end case TA_INIT

上来case 是根据设备状态判断的,没错,我们之前初始化的时候见过这个家伙

 INST_STATES testAppState ;             int instance_init_s(int mode) TA_INIT

进去后,会根据不同的角色(TAG ANCHOR LISTENER)执行不同的代码,先忽略TAG 和 LISTENER的部分,看看ANCHOR做了什么

 dwt_enableframefilter(DWT_FF_NOTYPE_EN); //disable frame filtering
 inst->frameFilteringEnabled = 0 ;

关于帧的控制,感觉这家伙不想接收任何数据,同时对结构体frameFilteringEnabled 赋值为0.




uint8   eui64[8];                                // devices EUI 64-bit address  ????
uint16  panid ;        instance_init 0          xdeca                          // panid used in the frames

可以追进去看看这两个函数,都是寄存器级别的操作了,我们不追了。dwt_ 开头的都是寄存器级别的操作。 


#define USING_64BIT_ADDR (1) //when set to 0 - the DecaRanging application will use 16-bit addresses


    //set source address into the message structure
    memcpy(&inst->msg.sourceAddr[0], inst->eui64, ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_L);
    //set source address into the message structure
    memcpy(&inst->rng_initmsg.sourceAddr[0], inst->eui64, ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_L);

好,关于结构体,已知参数又多了两个msg.sourceAddr[0] 和rng_initmsg.sourceAddr[0]。 这两个参数都是ANCHOR的长地址。(这两个参数的值归ANCHOR所有)

// First time anchor listens we don't do a delayed RX
//change to next state - wait to receive a message
inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT ;
inst->canprintinfo = 1;

这段代码中有两个dwt_ 开头的函数,我们看注释就可以了,取消delayed RX设定以及将rxtimeout设置为0. 修改了testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT,同时canprintinfo 被设置为1

 看到这里突然想到我们testapprun_s 传入两个函数,第二message 还没有用到,确实,对ANCHOR 的TA_INIT 还没有用到这个参数。

case TA_INIT :

Break 了,我们需要看看  switch (inst->testAppState)之外是否还有代码。


    return inst->done;
} // end testapprun()


仔细在TA_INITàANCHOR 代码块找了一圈发现并没有设置这个inst->done. 好吧,那我们看看之前初始化的时候是否有设置。

  int done ;                                      //done with the current event/wait for next event to arrive

没有标记,那可能是没有设置,我们那认为它返回的初始值0. 先这样吧,第一次尝试了testapprun_s,我们赶快跳到instance_run(void) 中吧。

while(done == INST_NOT_DONE_YET)
     //int state = instance_data[instance].testAppState;
     done = instance_localdata[instance].testapprun_fn(&instance_data[instance], message) ;   // run the communications application
     //we've processed message
      message = 0;


#define INST_NOT_DONE_YET               0

 看来很不幸,满足while 条件,再次执行,再次进入到testapprun_s中。

posted @ 2017-10-21 21:47  tuzhuke  阅读(1825)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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