ACL 2023 最新收录的对话、知识图谱、信息抽取相关文章



RECAP: Retrieval-Enhanced Context-Aware Prefix Encoder for Personalized Dialogue Response Generation
Span-Selective Linear Attention Transformers for Effective and Robust Schema-Guided Dialogue State Tracking
Prompter: Zero-shot Adaptive Prefixes for Dialogue State Tracking Domain Adaptation
Query Enhanced Knowledge-Intensive Conversation via Unsupervised Joint Modeling
DAMP: Doubly Aligned Multilingual Parser for Task-Oriented Dialogue


[Peek Across: Improving Multi-Document Modeling via Cross-Document Question-Answering]
Modeling What-to-ask and How-to-ask for Answer-unaware Conversational Question Generation
Learning Answer Generation using Supervision from Automatic Question Answering Evaluators
Question-Answering in a Low-resourced Language: Benchmark Dataset and Models for Tigrinya
Faithful Question Answering with Monte-Carlo Planning
Augmenting Pre-trained Language Models with QA-Memory for Open-Domain Question Answering


Direct Fact Retrieval from Knowledge Graphs without Entity Linking
Jinheon Baek, Alham Fikri Aji, Jens Lehmann and Sung Ju Hwang


Prompting Language Models for Linguistic Structure
Searching for Needles in a Haystack: On the Role of Incidental Bilingualism in PaLM’s Translation Capability
Composition-contrastive Learning for Sentence Embeddings


Unsupervised Open-domain Keyphrase Generation


A Three-Stage Learning Framework for Low-Resource Knowledge-Grounded Dialogue Generation

doc2dial: A Goal-Oriented Document-Grounded Dialogue Dataset
DOC2DIAL: A Framework for Dialogue Composition Grounded in Documents
DOC2DIAL: a Framework for Dialogue Composition Grounded in Business Documents

Zero-Resource Knowledge-Grounded Dialogue Generation

Continual Prompt Tuning for Dialog State Tracking


posted @ 2023-06-21 09:53  鸽鸽的书房  阅读(251)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报