Jolt Awards: The Best Books
Jolt大奖素有“软件业界的奥斯卡”之美誉,共设通用类图书、技术类图书、语言和开发环境、框架库和组件、开发者网站等十余个分类,每个分类设有一个“震撼奖”(Jolt Award)和三个“生产力奖”(Productivity Award)。一项技术产品只有在获得了Jolt奖之后才能真正成为行业的主流,一本技术书籍只有在获得了Jolt奖之后才能真正奠定经典的地位。赞助商Jolt可乐的广告词是“震撼全世界”,Jolt奖就让我们看到,是谁在震撼着我们今天的世界。虽然Jolt并不起决定作用,但代表了某种技术趋势与潮流。
2014 Jolt Awards: The Best Books
Jolt Award(震撼奖):
Jolt Productivity Award(生产力奖):
- Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++, 2nd Edition
- Single Page Web Applications: JavaScript End-to-End (单页Web应用:JavaScript从前端到后端)
Jolt Finalist(入围):
2013 Jolt Awards: The Best Books
Jolt Award(震撼奖):
- Lean UX (精益设计 : 设计团队如何改善用户体验)
Jolt Productivity Award(生产力奖):
Jolt Finalist(入围):
2012 Jolt Awards: The Best Books
Jolt Award(震撼奖):
- Specification by Example: How Successful Teams Deliver the Right Software (实例化需求:团队如何交付正确的软件)
Jolt Productivity Award(生产力奖):
Jolt Finalist(入围):
- How Google Tests Software
- Running Lean, Iterate from Plan A to a Plan That Works, Second Edition
- Elemental Design Patterns
2011 Jolt Awards: The Best Books
Jolt Award(震撼奖):
- Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation, by Jez Humble and David Farley (持续交付:发布可靠软件的系统方法)
Jolt Productivity Award(生产力奖):
- Mining the Social Web: Analyzing Data from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Other Social Media Sites, by Matthew A. Russell
- Seven Languages in Seven Weeks: A Pragmatic Guide to Learning Programming Languages, by Bruce Tate
Jolt Finalist(入围):
- The Joy of Clojure: Thinking the Clojure Way, by Michael Fogus and Chris Houser
- The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4A: Combinatorial Algorithms, Part 1, by Donald Knuth
- Domain-Specific Languages by Martin Fowler with Rebecca Parsons
2010 Jolt Awards: The Best Books
Jolt Award(震撼奖):
- Masterminds of Programming: Conversations with the Creators of Major Programming Languages, by Federico Biancuzzi and Shane Warden
Jolt Productivity Award(生产力奖):
- Hello World! Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners, by Warren D. Sande and Carter Sande
Jolt Finalist(入围):
- SDLC 3.0: Beyond a Tacit Understanding of Agile, by Mark Kennaley
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