
#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>



//struct Person{

//    float heightInMeters;

//    int weightInKilos;




typedef struct{

    float heightInMeters;

    int weightInKilos;



//float bodyMassIndex(Person p){

//    return p.weightInKilos / (p.heightInMeters * p.heightInMeters);



float bodyMassIndex(Person *p){

    return p->weightInKilos / (p->heightInMeters * p->heightInMeters);



int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {





    Person *mikey = (Person *)malloc(sizeof(Person));



    mikey->weightInKilos = 96;

    mikey->heightInMeters = 1.7;



    float mikeyBMI = bodyMassIndex(mikey);

    printf("mikey has a BMI of %f\n", mikeyBMI);






    mikey = NULL;


    return 0;


//    //struct Person mikey;

//    //Person mikey;

//    mikey.heightInMeters = 1.7;

//    mikey.weightInKilos = 96;


//    //struct Person aaron;

//    //Person aaron;

//    aaron.heightInMeters = 1.97;

//    aaron.weightInKilos = 84;


//    printf("mikey is %.2f meters tall.\n", mikey.heightInMeters);

//    printf("mikey weights %d kilograms.\n", mikey.weightInKilos);

//    printf("aaron is %.2f meters tall.\n", aaron.heightInMeters);

//    printf("aaron weights %d kilograms.\n", aaron.weightInKilos);


//    float bmi;

//    bmi = bodyMassIndex(mikey);

//    printf("mikey has a BMI of %.2f\n", bmi);


//    bmi = bodyMassIndex(aaron);

//    printf("aaron has a BMI of %.2f\n", bmi);


//    return 0;


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