pycharm 提示unresolved library 'staticfiles'的解决
在优化完项目后,发现项目模板中以前正常识别的{% load static %}突然无法识别了,提示Unresolved library 'static'
# 设置静态文件访问
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
#Django2.0以后,不需要加这个------ STATICFILES_DIRS = (os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static'),) ----html页面引用可以用{% load static %}代替原来的{% staticfiles %}
查看了Stack Overflow中,找到了答案;
解决方案:In my case this happened when PyCharm couldn't find file. This because I have - local_setting, prod_setting etc. So I go to File -> Settings -> Language & Framworks -> Django -> Settings and select appropriate file with setting of django project