procedure TForm3.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin dxGanttControl1.LoadFromFile('test.xml'); //加载 任务 end; procedure TForm3.保存任务Click(Sender: TObject); begin dxGanttControl1.SaveToFile('test.xml'); end;
在右边 持续 界面中,按住第一个任务,等鼠标 变化, 放松到目标 任务即可。
uses DateUtils; procedure TForm3.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var ADate: TDateTime; ATask: TdxGanttControlTask; ATaskCollection: TdxGanttControlTasks; I: Integer; begin ATaskCollection := dxGanttControl1.DataModel.Tasks; // Provides access to the task collection ADate := EncodeDateTime(2024, 03, 19, 8, 0, 0, 0); //第一个任务的 时间 for I := 1 to 10 do //10 个任务 begin ATask := ATaskCollection.Append; // Appends a task to the collection ATask.Manual := False; // Specifies that a task is automatically scheduled ATask.OutlineLevel := 1; // Specifies a task's nesting level ATask.Start := ADate; // Assigns a start date to a task ATask.Finish := ADate + EncodeTime(9, 0, 0, 0); // Assigns a finish date to a task ATask.Name := 'Task #' + IntToStr(I); // Specifies a task name if I > 1 then ATask.PredecessorLinks.Append.PredecessorUID := ATaskCollection[ATaskCollection.Count - 2].UID; // Links a task to a predecessor ADate := IncDay(ADate); // Checks if a task is planned on a workday while not dxGanttControl1.DataModel.ActiveCalendar.IsWorkday(ADate) do ADate := IncDay(ADate); end; end;
delphi dxGanttControl1 汉化