

Sub main
' Declarations
Dim destination(1 To 50, 1 To 125) As Variant
Dim prompt As integer
Dim retcode as Variant
Dim query as String
Dim outputStr as String
dim i,j as integer
dim sumstring as string

' Open the datasource "SblTest"
'connection = SQLOpen("DSN=testpool; UID=root; PWD=111111")

'action1 = 1 ' Get the names of the ODBC datasources
'retcode = SQLGetSchema(connection:=connection,action:=1, qualifier:=qualifier, ref:=datasources())

'msgbox retcode
' Close the datasource connection
query = "select * from test_table"
retcode = SQLRequest("DSN=testpool;UID=root; PWD=111111",query,outputStr,prompt,0,destination())
msgbox retcode

for i=1  to 2

for j=1 to retcode

msgbox sumstring
'msgbox destination(i,j)

next j
next i


retcode = SQLClose(connection)
End Sub


'query = "select * from class"
'retcode = SQLRequest("DSN=SBLTESTW;UID=DBA;PWD=SQL",query,outputStr,prompt,0,destination())
'End Sub

' The following will open the datasource SBLTESTW and execute the query
' specified by query and return the results in destination

posted on 2007-06-28 09:28  飞儿  阅读(235)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报