
获取数据源数据的实现---Architecting Android

2015-05-31 16:32  ttylinux  阅读(410)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报


* Interface that represents a Repository for getting {@link User} related data.
public interface UserRepository {
   * Get an {@link rx.Observable} which will emit a List of {@link User}.
  Observable<List<User>> getUsers();

   * Get an {@link rx.Observable} which will emit a {@link User}.
   * @param userId The user id used to retrieve user data.
  Observable<User> getUser(final int userId);



* {@link UserRepository} for retrieving user data.
public class UserDataRepository implements UserRepository {

  private final UserDataStoreFactory userDataStoreFactory ;
  private final UserEntityDataMapper userEntityDataMapper ;

  private final Func1<List<UserEntity> , List<User>> userListEntityMapper =
      new Func1<List<UserEntity> , List<User>>() {
        @Override public List<User> call (List<UserEntity> userEntities) {
          return UserDataRepository. this.userEntityDataMapper .transform(userEntities) ;

  private final Func1<UserEntity , User>
      userDetailsEntityMapper = new Func1<UserEntity , User>() {
    @Override public User call (UserEntity userEntity) {
      return UserDataRepository. this.userEntityDataMapper .transform(userEntity) ;

   * Constructs a {@link UserRepository}.
   * @param dataStoreFactory A factory to construct different data source implementations.
   * @param userEntityDataMapper {@link UserEntityDataMapper}.
  public UserDataRepository(UserDataStoreFactory dataStoreFactory ,
      UserEntityDataMapper userEntityDataMapper) {
    this .userDataStoreFactory = dataStoreFactory;
    this. userEntityDataMapper = userEntityDataMapper ;

  @Override public Observable<List<User>> getUsers() {
    //we always get all users from the cloud
    final UserDataStore userDataStore = this.userDataStoreFactory .createCloudDataStore() ;
    return userDataStore.getUserEntityList().map( userListEntityMapper );

  @Override public Observable<User> getUser( int userId) {
    final UserDataStore userDataStore = this.userDataStoreFactory .create(userId);
    return userDataStore.getUserEntityDetails(userId).map( userDetailsEntityMapper );





* Interface that represents a data store from where data is retrieved.
public interface UserDataStore {
   * Get an {@link rx.Observable} which will emit a List of {@link UserEntity}.
  Observable<List<UserEntity>> getUserEntityList();

   * Get an {@link rx.Observable} which will emit a {@link UserEntity} by its id.
   * @param userId The id to retrieve user data.
  Observable<UserEntity> getUserEntityDetails (final int userId) ;


* Factory that creates different implementations of {@link UserDataStore}.
public class UserDataStoreFactory {

  private final Context context;
  private final UserCache userCache;

  public UserDataStoreFactory(Context context , UserCache userCache) {
    if (context == null || userCache == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Constructor parameters cannot be null!!!") ;
    this .context = context.getApplicationContext() ;
    this. userCache = userCache;

   * Create {@link UserDataStore} from a user id.
  public UserDataStore create( int userId) {
    UserDataStore userDataStore;

    if (! this.userCache .isExpired() && this.userCache .isCached(userId)) {
      userDataStore = new DiskUserDataStore(this. userCache);
    } else {
      userDataStore = createCloudDataStore();

    return userDataStore;

   * Create {@link UserDataStore} to retrieve data from the Cloud.
  public UserDataStore createCloudDataStore() {
    UserEntityJsonMapper userEntityJsonMapper = new UserEntityJsonMapper() ;
    RestApi restApi = new RestApiImpl(this .context, userEntityJsonMapper) ;

    return new CloudUserDataStore(restApi , this.userCache );





* {@link UserDataStore} implementation based on connections to the api (Cloud).
public class CloudUserDataStore implements UserDataStore {

  private final RestApi restApi;
  private final UserCache userCache;

  private final Action1<UserEntity> saveToCacheAction = new Action1<UserEntity>() {
    @Override public void call(UserEntity userEntity) {
      if (userEntity != null) {
        CloudUserDataStore.this .userCache.put(userEntity) ;

   * Construct a {@link UserDataStore} based on connections to the api (Cloud).
   * @param restApi The {@link RestApi} implementation to use.
   * @param userCache A {@link UserCache} to cache data retrieved from the api.
  public CloudUserDataStore(RestApi restApi , UserCache userCache) {
    this .restApi = restApi ;
    this. userCache = userCache;

  @Override public Observable<List<UserEntity>> getUserEntityList() {
    return this .restApi.getUserEntityList() ;

  @Override public Observable<UserEntity> getUserEntityDetails (final int userId) {
    return this.restApi.getUserEntityById(userId).doOnNext( saveToCacheAction);

在这个例子中,有如下的UserDataStore实现:CloudUserDataStore, DiskUserDataStore