



  • 读数据:就是将您需要训练的文本的所有句子、标签读出来,后续进行
  • 统计词频:看每个单词出现的次数,后边可以根据这个确立自己建的词典大小。
  • 建词典:就是给一个单词唯一的标识符。



   0 one long string of of cliches .
   1 if you 've ever entertained the notion of doing what the title of this film implies , what sex with strangers actually shows may put you off the idea forever .
   0 k-19 exploits our substantial collective fear of nuclear holocaust to generate cheap hollywood tension .
   0 it 's played in the most straight-faced fashion , with little humor to lighten things up .
   1 there is a fabric of complex ideas here , and feelings that profoundly deepen them .





 1 import  collections
 2 class Instance:·#这部分可以看一下python中类和对象的内容
 3     def __init__(self):
 4         self.words=[]
 5         self.label=[]
 8 insts=[]#要将所有读出来的句子和标签放在里边
 9 path ="./dev.txt"#当前目录下文件路径
10 with open(path,encoding="utf-8") as f:
11     for line in f.readlines():#读取整个文件
12         inst = Instance()
13         # print(line)
14         line=line.strip()#将读出的每个句子后的空行删掉
15         line = line.split(" ")#将句子分开成单个单词
16         # print(line)
17         label=line[0]#读出标签
18         word=line[1:]#读出一个句子的所有单词        # print(label)
19         # print(word)
20         inst.words=word#将一句话的所有单词放在inst对象中
21         inst.label.append(label)#将一个句子的标签添加到inst对象中
22         # print(inst.words)
23         # print(inst.label)
24         insts.append(inst)#将inst对象中的内容添加到总的insts中
25         # print(insts)
26         if len(insts)==5:#只读五个句子
27             break
28 print("all {} sentences".format(len(insts)))#将format()里的值传给{}
29 print("****" * 40)

32 word_dict={}#初始化所有单词的词典 33 label_dict={}#初始化所有标签的词典 34 for inst in insts:#遍历所有的句子 35 for word in inst.words:#遍历每句话中所有的单词 36 if word in word_dict:#如果单词出现在了单词词典中,就加1 37 word_dict[word] +=1 38 else:#如果遍历的时候没有,把单词添加到词典中并且赋值为1 39 word_dict[word]=1 40 41 for label in inst.label:#同上 42 if label in label_dict: 43 label_dict[label] +=1 44 else: 45 label_dict[label] =1 46 47 print(word_dict) 48 print("****" *20) 49 print(label_dict) 50 print("#"* 40) 51 52

53 id2words=[]#通过下标(唯一标识符)找到对应单词 54 words2id ={}#通过单词写出下标 55 unk="<unk>" 56 pad="<pad>" 57 id2words.append(unk) 58 id2words.append(pad) 59 words2id[unk]=0 60 words2id[pad]=1 61 newid =2 #每遍历一个单词,记录下标(唯一标识)变化 62 min_freq = 2#根据词频获取有用单词 63 for key in word_dict:#遍历单词词典的所有单词 64 if word_dict[key] >=min_freq: 65 id2words.append(key)#把每一个单词都添加到id2words中 66 words2id[key] = newid#给每一个或的单词唯一标识 67 newid +=1 68 print(id2words) 69 print("#"*40) 70 print(words2id) 71 print("*"*40) 72 73

74 test_word = 'you' 75 print(id2words[2]) 76 print(words2id[test_word]) 77 78 unkword='of' 79 if unkword not in words2id: 80 print(words2id[unk]) 81 else: 82 print(words2id[unkword])





posted @ 2018-10-28 20:21  Smile*Goldfish  阅读(628)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报