<?php $txt="Hello world!"; echo $txt; ?>
<?php $txt1="Hello world!"; $txt2="What a nice day!"; echo $txt1 . " " . $txt2; ?>
<?php echo strlen("Hello world!"); ?>
<?php echo strpos("Hello world!","world"); ?>
<?php $str = addcslashes("Hello World!","W"); echo($str); ?>
<?php $str = "Welcome to my humble Homepage!"; echo $str."<br>"; echo addcslashes($str,'m')."<br>"; echo addcslashes($str,'H')."<br>"; ?>
<?php $str = "Welcome to my humble Homepage!"; echo $str."<br>"; echo addcslashes($str,'A..Z')."<br>"; echo addcslashes($str,'a..z')."<br>"; echo addcslashes($str,'a..g'); ?>
<?php $str = addslashes('What does "yolo" mean?'); echo($str); ?>
<?php $str = "Who's Peter Griffin?"; echo $str . " This is not safe in a database query.<br>"; echo addslashes($str) . " This is safe in a database query."; ?>
<?php $str = bin2hex("Hello World!"); echo($str); ?>
<?php $str = "Hello world!"; echo bin2hex($str) . "<br>"; echo pack("H*",bin2hex($str)) . "<br>"; ?>
<?php $str = "Hello World!"; echo $str . "<br>"; echo chop($str,"World!"); ?>
<?php $str = "Hello World!\n\n"; echo $str; echo chop($str); ?>
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> Hello World! Hello World! </body> </html>
<?php echo chr(52) . "<br>"; // Decimal value echo chr(052) . "<br>"; // Octal value echo chr(0x52) . "<br>"; // Hex value ?>
<?php $str = chr(43); $str2 = chr(61); echo("2 $str 2 $str2 4"); ?>
<?php $str = "Hello world!"; echo chunk_split($str,1,"."); ?>
<?php $str = "Hello world!"; echo chunk_split($str,6,"..."); ?>
<?php $str = "Hello world! æøå"; echo $str . "<br>"; echo convert_cyr_string($str,'w','a'); ?>
<?php $str = ",2&5L;&@=V]R;&0A `"; echo convert_uudecode($str); ?>
<?php $str = "Hello world!"; // Encode the string $encodeString = convert_uuencode($str); echo $encodeString . "<br>"; // Decode the string $decodeString = convert_uudecode($encodeString); echo $decodeString; ?>
<?php $str = "Hello world!"; echo convert_uuencode($str); ?>
<?php $str = "Hello world!"; // Encode the string $encodeString = convert_uuencode($str); echo $encodeString . "<br>"; // Decode the string $decodeString = convert_uudecode($encodeString); echo $decodeString; ?>
<?php $str = "Hello World!"; echo count_chars($str,3); ?>
<?php $str = "Hello World!"; echo count_chars($str,4); ?>
<?php $str = "Hello World!"; print_r(count_chars($str,1)); ?>
<?php $str = "PHP is pretty fun!!"; $strArray = count_chars($str,1); foreach ($strArray as $key=>$value) { echo "The character <b>'".chr($key)."'</b> was found $value time(s)<br>"; } ?>
<?php $str = crc32("Hello World!"); printf("%un",$str); ?>
<?php $str = crc32("Hello world!"); echo 'Without %u: '.$str."<br>"; echo 'With %u: '; printf("%u",$str); ?>
<?php $str = crc32("Hello world."); echo 'Without %u: '.$str."<br>"; echo 'With %u: '; printf("%u",$str); ?>
<?php $hashed_password = crypt('mypassword'); // 自动生成盐值 /* 你应当使用 crypt() 得到的完整结果作为盐值进行密码校验,以此来避免使用不同散列算法导致的问题。(如上所述,基于标准 DES 算法的密码散列使用 2 字符盐值,但是基于 MD5 算法的散列使用 12 个字符盐值。)*/ if (hash_equals($hashed_password, crypt($user_input, $hashed_password))) { echo "Password verified!"; } ?>
<?php // 设置密码 $password = 'mypassword'; // 获取散列值,使用自动盐值 $hash = crypt($password); ?>
<?php if (CRYPT_STD_DES == 1) { echo 'Standard DES: ' . crypt('rasmuslerdorf', 'rl') . "\n"; } if (CRYPT_EXT_DES == 1) { echo 'Extended DES: ' . crypt('rasmuslerdorf', '_J9..rasm') . "\n"; } if (CRYPT_MD5 == 1) { echo 'MD5: ' . crypt('rasmuslerdorf', '$1$rasmusle$') . "\n"; } if (CRYPT_BLOWFISH == 1) { echo 'Blowfish: ' . crypt('rasmuslerdorf', '$2a$07$usesomesillystringforsalt$') . "\n"; } if (CRYPT_SHA256 == 1) { echo 'SHA-256: ' . crypt('rasmuslerdorf', '$5$rounds=5000$usesomesillystringforsalt$') . "\n"; } if (CRYPT_SHA512 == 1) { echo 'SHA-512: ' . crypt('rasmuslerdorf', '$6$rounds=5000$usesomesillystringforsalt$') . "\n"; } ?>
<?php echo "Hello world!"; ?>
<?php $str = "Hello world!"; echo $str; ?>
<?php $str = "Hello world!"; echo $str; echo "<br>What a nice day!"; ?>
<?php $str1="Hello world!"; $str2="What a nice day!"; echo $str1 . " " . $str2; ?>
<?php $age=array("Peter"=>"35"); echo "Peter is " . $age['Peter'] . " years old."; ?>
<?php echo "This text spans multiple lines."; ?>
<?php echo 'This ','string ','was ','made ','with multiple parameters.'; ?>
<?php $color = "red"; echo "Roses are $color"; echo "<br>"; echo 'Roses are $color'; ?>
<?php $color = "red"; ?> <p>Roses are <?=$color?></p>
<?php $str = "www.runoob.com"; print_r (explode(".",$str)); ?>
<?php $str = 'one,two,three,four'; // 返回包含一个元素的数组 print_r(explode(',',$str,0)); print "<br>"; // 数组元素为 2 print_r(explode(',',$str,2)); print "<br>"; // 删除最后一个数组元素 print_r(explode(',',$str,-1)); ?>
<?php $number = 9; $str = "Beijing"; $file = fopen("E:\\test.txt","w"); echo fprintf($file,"There are %u million bicycles in %s.",$number,$str); ?>
<?php $number = 123; $file = fopen("test.txt","w"); fprintf($file,"%f",$number); ?>
<?php $number = 123; $file = fopen("E:\\test.txt","w"); fprintf($file,"With 2 decimals: %1$.2f nWith no decimals: %1$u",$number); ?>
<?php $num1 = 123456789; $num2 = -123456789; $char = 50; // The ASCII Character 50 is 2 // Note: The format value "%%" returns a percent sign printf("%%b = %b <br>",$num1); // Binary number printf("%%c = %c <br>",$char); // The ASCII Character printf("%%d = %d <br>",$num1); // Signed decimal number printf("%%d = %d <br>",$num2); // Signed decimal number printf("%%e = %e <br>",$num1); // Scientific notation (lowercase) printf("%%E = %E <br>",$num1); // Scientific notation (uppercase) printf("%%u = %u <br>",$num1); // Unsigned decimal number (positive) printf("%%u = %u <br>",$num2); // Unsigned decimal number (negative) printf("%%f = %f <br>",$num1); // Floating-point number (local settings aware) printf("%%F = %F <br>",$num1); // Floating-point number (not local settings aware) printf("%%g = %g <br>",$num1); // Shorter of %e and %f printf("%%G = %G <br>",$num1); // Shorter of %E and %f printf("%%o = %o <br>",$num1); // Octal number printf("%%s = %s <br>",$num1); // String printf("%%x = %x <br>",$num1); // Hexadecimal number (lowercase) printf("%%X = %X <br>",$num1); // Hexadecimal number (uppercase) printf("%%+d = %+d <br>",$num1); // Sign specifier (positive) printf("%%+d = %+d <br>",$num2); // Sign specifier (negative) ?>
<?php print_r (get_html_translation_table()); // HTML_SPECIALCHARS is default. ?>
<?php print_r (get_html_translation_table(HTML_SPECIALCHARS)); ?>
<?php print_r (get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES)); ?>
<?php echo hebrev("á çùåï äúùñâ"); ?>
<?php echo hebrevc("á çùåï äúùñâ\ná çùåï äúùñâ"); ?>
<?php echo hex2bin("48656c6c6f20576f726c6421"); ?>
<?php $str = "<© W3CSçh°°¦§>"; echo html_entity_decode($str); ?>
<?php $str = "Jane & 'Tarzan'"; echo html_entity_decode($str, ENT_COMPAT); // Will only convert double quotes echo "<br>"; echo html_entity_decode($str, ENT_QUOTES); // Converts double and single quotes echo "<br>"; echo html_entity_decode($str, ENT_NOQUOTES); // Does not convert any quotes ?>
<?php $str = "My name is Øyvind Åsane. I'm Norwegian."; echo html_entity_decode($str, ENT_QUOTES, "ISO-8859-1"); ?>
<?php $str = "This is some <b>bold</b> text."; echo htmlspecialchars($str); ?>
<?php $str = "Jane & 'Tarzan'"; echo htmlspecialchars($str, ENT_COMPAT); // 默认,仅编码双引号 echo "<br>"; echo htmlspecialchars($str, ENT_QUOTES); // 编码双引号和单引号 echo "<br>"; echo htmlspecialchars($str, ENT_NOQUOTES); // 不编码任何引号 ?>
<?php $str = 'I love "PHP".'; echo htmlspecialchars($str, ENT_QUOTES); // 编码双引号和单引号 ?> ;
<?php $arr = array('Hello','World!','Beautiful','Day!'); echo implode(" ",$arr); ?>
<?php $arr = array('Hello','World!','Beautiful','Day!'); echo implode(" ",$arr)."<br>"; echo implode("+",$arr)."<br>"; echo implode("-",$arr)."<br>"; echo implode("X",$arr); ?>
<?php $arr = array('Hello','World!','Beautiful','Day!'); echo join(" ",$arr); ?>
<?php $arr = array('Hello','World!','Beautiful','Day!'); echo join(" ",$arr)."<br>"; echo join("+",$arr)."<br>"; echo join("-",$arr)."<br>"; echo join("X",$arr); ?>
<?php echo lcfirst("Hello world!"); ?>