
博客原文 blog.tooln.cn

Thank you all for your tests, feedback and support. I am personally sorry for the issues we had today.
We can consider the issue as resolved, now its a question of DNS propagation getting to everyone.
Our official announcement regarding the problems today:
Unfortunately today jsDelivr unexpectedly lost its ICP license in China. As effect the regional CDN disabled our account.

This resulted in the extended outage we had in mainland China and Taiwan.

Other regions were unaffected.

We understand how difficult it was for our users to experience this unique situation.

From now on all Chinese traffic will be served by "near China" locations provided by global CDN providers.

This will have the additional benefit of better failover logic in the future.



本博客使用 Hexo 框架和 NexT 主题,默认使用的是 JSDelivr 作为 静态资源的 CDN 服务提供商,为了能正常访问,所以需要切换到国内CDN

1. 升级Next主题


  • 使用npm管理的

    # 目前最新的是8.11.1,大于8.9.0就可以
    npm install hexo-theme-next@8.11.1
  • 使用git仓库管理的使用git pull



运营方 节点 地域 链接及格式 上游 备注
75CDN(360前端) 360自有节点? 全球 https://lib.baomitu.com/ cdnjs
知乎 阿里云 全球 https://unpkg.zhimg.com/ unpkg
百度 百度云 全球 https://code.bdstatic.com/npm/ 内建npm镜像(上游淘宝cmpnjs)
饿了么 阿里云 中国大陆 https://npm.elemecdn.com/ unpkg?


# It's recommended to use the same version as in `_vendors.yml` to avoid potential problems.
# Remember to use the HTTPS protocol of CDN links when you enable HTTPS on your site.
  # The CDN provider of NexT internal scripts.
  # Available values: local | jsdelivr | unpkg | cdnjs | custom
  # Warning: If you are using the latest master branch of NexT, please set `internal: local`
  internal: local
  # The default CDN provider of third-party plugins.
  # Available values: local | jsdelivr | unpkg | cdnjs | custom
  # Dependencies for `plugins: local`: https://github.com/next-theme/plugins
  plugins: custom

  # Custom CDN URL
  # For example:
  # custom_cdn_url: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/${npm_name}@${version}/${minified}
  # custom_cdn_url: https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/${cdnjs_name}/${version}/${cdnjs_file}
  # jsdelivr: `https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/${name}@${version}/${file}`,
  # unpkg : `https://unpkg.com/${name}@${version}/${file}`,
  # cdnjs : `https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/${alias || name}/${version}/${file.replace(/^(dist|lib|)\/(browser\/|)/, '')}`
  custom_cdn_url: https://lib.baomitu.com/${cdnjs_name}/${version}/${cdnjs_file}

3. 修改谷歌字体库



  enable: true

  # Uri of fonts host, e.g. https://fonts.googleapis.com (Default).
  host: https://fonts.geekzu.org


博客使用了Valine 作为评论系统,依赖于next-theme/hexo-next-valine,查看源码发现将cdn.jsdelivr.net写死在代码里


document.addEventListener('page:loaded', () => {
    .then(() => NexT.utils.getScript(
      { condition: window.Valine }
    .then(() => {
      new Valine(CONFIG.valine);
NexT.utils.loadComments('#valine-comments', () => {
  NexT.utils.getScript('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/valine@1.4.14/dist/Valine.min.js', () => {
    new Valine(Object.assign({{ config.valine | safedump }}, {
      el: '#valine-comments',
      path: {{ url_for(page.path) | replace(r/index\.html$/, '') | safedump }},
      serverURLs: {{ serverURLs | safedump }}
  }, window.Valine);


{%- if next_data %}

{{ next_data('valine', config.valine, {
  el: '#valine-comments',
  path: url_for(page.path) | replace(r/index\.html$/, ''),
  libUrl: config.valine.libUrl | default('https://lib.baomitu.com/valine/latest/Valine.min.js',true),
  serverURLs: config.valine.serverURLs or 'https://' + config.valine.appId.slice(0, 8) | lower + '.api.lncldglobal.com'
}) }}
document.addEventListener('page:loaded', () => {
    .then(() => NexT.utils.getScript(
      { condition: window.Valine }
    .then(() => {
      new Valine(CONFIG.valine);

{%- else %}

{%- set serverURLs = config.valine.serverURLs or 'https://' + config.valine.appId.slice(0, 8) | lower + '.api.lncldglobal.com' %}
{%- set libUrl =  config.valine.libUrl | default('https://lib.baomitu.com/valine/latest/Valine.min.js',true) %}
NexT.utils.loadComments('#valine-comments', () => {
  NexT.utils.getScript('{{libUrl}}', () => {
    new Valine(Object.assign({{ config.valine | safedump }}, {
      el: '#valine-comments',
      path: {{ url_for(page.path) | replace(r/index\.html$/, '') | safedump }},
      serverURLs: {{ serverURLs | safedump }}
  }, window.Valine);

{%- endif %}


npm i patch-package -D


npx patch-package hexo-next-valine


  enable: true
  appId: xx # Your leancloud application appid
  appKey: xx # Your leancloud application appkey
  # library CDN url, you can set this to your preferred CDN
  libUrl: https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/valine/1.4.18/Valine.min.js
posted @ 2022-05-18 22:15  tsvico  阅读(200)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报