Level Listgoogle 说明:A Drawable that manages a number of alternate Drawables, each assigned a maximum numerical value. Setting the level value of the drawable with setLevel() loads the drawable resource in the level list that has a android:maxLevel value greater than or equal to the value passed to t 阅读全文
Android中drawable分为Bitmap File、Nine-Patch File、Layer List、State List、Level List、Transition Drawable、Inset Drawable、Clip Drawable、Scale Drawable、Shape Drawable等10余种类型,其中最常用的当属Bitmap File和Nine-Patch File,这两种也是我目前比较熟悉也比较简单的类型,这里暂不单独列举。下面将从Layer List开始,一种一种类型去采用实例的方式进行深度分析。Layer ListA LayerDrawable is a 阅读全文