

" Open file or directory with the corresponding application
" associated by the shell
function! s:ShellExecute()
  " Are we on a line with a file name?
  let l = getline(".")
  if l =~ '^"'

  " Copy window settings to script settings
  let s:sortby=w:sortdirlabel . w:sorttype
  let s:longhelp = w:longhelp
  let s:longlist = w:longlist

  " Get the file name
  let fn=s:GetFullFileName()

  if (has("win32"))
    exec "silent ! start \"\" \"".substitute(fn, "/", "\\", "g")."\""
elseif (has("unix")) exec "silent !xdg-open \'".fn."\'"

else if (exists("g:netrw_browsex_viewer")) exec "silent !" . g:netrw_browsex_viewer . " \'".fn."\'" else exec "silent !start \'".fn."\'" endif endif endfunction


augroup WinManagerRefresh
        " Thomas Regner <> suggested i use the following
        " autocmds instead, to automatically skip refreshing on [No Files] and
        " such...
        "au BufEnter ^[^\[]* call <SID>RefreshWinManager()
        "au BufDelete ^[^\[]* call <SID>RefreshWinManager("BufDelete")
        au BufEnter * call <SID>RefreshWinManager()
        au BufDelete * call <SID>RefreshWinManager("BufDelete")
    augroup END
augroup WinManagerRefresh
        " Thomas Regner <> suggested i use the following
        " autocmds instead, to automatically skip refreshing on [No Files] and
        " such...
        au BufEnter ^[^\[]* call <SID>RefreshWinManager()
        au BufDelete ^[^\[]* call <SID>RefreshWinManager("BufDelete")
        "au BufEnter * call <SID>RefreshWinManager()
        "au BufDelete * call <SID>RefreshWinManager("BufDelete")
    augroup END
posted on 2012-11-03 17:02  T_shell  阅读(685)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报