今天写代码遇到下面的情况,ext_name是文件的扩展名,我想判断它是不是'.v'或者'.V',就写成了下面的:if ext_name is not ('.v' or '.V'):然后出错了,经过翻书才知道对于or这种短路操作符,只要第一个表达式不是false,整个a or b返回的值就是a的值,否则就是b的值。对于and也是一样,只要a不是false,a and b返回的就是b的值。下列情况在p... 阅读全文
The Options Users with ATI cards basically have these options:Standard Open Source Drivers Usually stable. These drivers currently have relatively poor 3D performance, but newer 3D drivers using the Gallium3D infrastructure are under development.Edge Open Source Drivers These drivers have improved . 阅读全文