C Primer+Plus(十七)高级数据表示 编程练习(一)
//双向链表 #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #define TSIZE 45 struct film { char title[TSIZE]; int rating; struct film *prev; struct film *next; }; int main(void) { struct film *head=NULL; struct film *temp,*current; char input[TSIZE]; puts("Enter title:"); while(gets(input)!=NULL&&input[0]!='\0') { current=(struct film*)malloc(sizeof(struct film)); if(head==NULL) { head=current; current->prev=NULL; } else { temp->next=current; current->prev=temp; } current->next=NULL; strcpy(current->title,input); puts("Enter rating:"); scanf("%d",¤t->rating); while(getchar()!='\n') continue; puts("Enter next title:"); temp=current; } if(head==NULL) printf("No list.\n"); else printf("here is the list:\n"); current=head; while(current!=NULL) { printf("Movie:%s Rating:%d\n",current->title,current->rating); current=current->next; } printf("NIXU list:\n"); current=head; while(current->next!=NULL) { current=current->next; } while(current->prev!=NULL) { printf("Movie:%s Rating:%d\n",current->title,current->rating); current=current->prev; } printf("Movie:%s Rating:%d\n",current->title,current->rating); current=head; while(head!=NULL) { free(current); head=head->next; current=head; } printf("BYE!\n"); getch(); return 0; }
//递归显示 #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #define TSIZE 45 struct film { char title[TSIZE]; int rating; struct film *next; }; void showlist(const struct film *fp) { if(fp!=NULL) { showlist(fp->next); printf("Movie:%s Rating:%d\n",fp->title,fp->rating); } } int main(void) { struct film *head=NULL; struct film *prev,*current; char input[TSIZE]; puts("Enter title:"); while(gets(input)!=NULL&&input[0]!='\0') { current=(struct film*)malloc(sizeof(struct film)); if(head==NULL) head=current; else prev->next=current; current->next=NULL; strcpy(current->title,input); puts("Enter rating:"); scanf("%d",¤t->rating); while(getchar()!='\n') continue; puts("Enter next title:"); prev=current; } if(head==NULL) printf("No list.\n"); else printf("here is the list:\n"); current=head; while(current!=NULL) { printf("Movie:%s Rating:%d\n",current->title,current->rating); current=current->next; } printf("NIXULIST:\n"); showlist(head); current=head; while(head!=NULL) { free(current); head=head->next; current=head; } printf("BYE!\n"); getch(); return 0; }
typedef struct list { Item entries[100]; //项目数组 int items; //项目数量 }List;
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> struct film { char title[45]; int rating; }; typedef struct film Item; typedef struct list { Item entries[100]; int items; }List; //数组型数据接口定义 void InitializeList(List *plist) { int i; for(i=0;i<100;i++) { plist->entries[i].title[0]='\0'; plist->entries[i].rating=0; } plist->items=0; } int ListIsEmpty(const List *plist) { return plist->items==0; } int ListIsFull(const List *plist) { return plist->items==100; } int ListItemCount(const List *plist) { return plist->items; } int AddItem(Item item,List *plist) { int i=0; if(ListIsFull(plist)) return 0; else { while(plist->entries[i].title[0]!='\0') i++; plist->entries[i]=item; plist->items++; return 1; } } void Traverse(const List *plist,void(*pfun)(Item item)) { int i=0; while(plist->entries[i].title[0]!='\0') { (*pfun)(plist->entries[i]); i++; } } void showmovies(Item item) { printf("Movie:%s Rating:%d\n",item.title,item.rating); } //接口定义完成 int main(void) { List movies; Item temp; InitializeList(&movies); if(ListIsFull(&movies)) { printf("Error!\n"); exit(1); } puts("Enter title:"); while(gets(temp.title)!=NULL&&temp.title[0]!='\0') { puts("Enter your rating:"); scanf("%d",&temp.rating); while(getchar()!='\n') continue; if(AddItem(temp,&movies)==0) { printf("Error!\n"); break; } if(ListIsFull(&movies)) { puts("The list is now full."); break; } puts("Enter next title:"); } if(ListIsEmpty(&movies)) printf("NO DATA!\n"); else { printf("Here is the movies:\n"); Traverse(&movies,showmovies); } printf("You entered %d movies.\n",ListItemCount(&movies)); printf("BYE!\n"); getch(); return 0; }
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define MAXQUEUE 10 #define MIN_PER_HR 60.0 //队列ADT定义描述 typedef struct item { long arrive; //一位顾客加入队列的时间 int processtime; //其所需要的咨询时间 }Item; typedef struct node { Item item; struct node *next; }Node; typedef struct queue { Node *front; Node *rear; int items; }Queue; /*函数原型 */ /*操作:初始化队列 */ /*操作前:pq指向一个队列 */ /*操作后:该队列被初始化为空 */ void InitializeQueue(Queue *pq); /*操作:判断队列是否为空 */ /*操作前:pq指向一个已初始化的队列 */ /*操作后:若空返回true,否则返回false */ int QueueIsEmpty(const Queue *pq); /*操作:判断队列是否满 */ /*操作前:pq指向一个已初始化的队列 */ /*操作后:若满返回true,否则返回false */ int QueueIsFull(const Queue *pq); /*操作:确定队列中项目数量 */ /*操作前:pq指向一个已初始化的队列 */ /*操作后:返回项目数量 */ int QueueItemCount(const Queue *pq); /*操作:在队列尾部添加新项目 */ /*操作前:pq指向一个已初始化的队列,item是要被添加的项目 */ /*操作后:如果添加成功,返回true,否则返回false */ int EnQueue(Item item,Queue *pq); /*操作:从队列首端删除项目 */ /*操作前:pq指向一个已初始化的队列 */ /*操作后:如果队列非空,队列首端项目被复制到*pitem */ /* 并被从队列中删除,函数返回true;如果这个操作使队列为空 */ /* 则把队列重置为空队列;如果队列开始就为空,返回false int DeQueue(Item *pitem,Queue *pq); /*操作: 清空队列 */ /*操作前:pq指向一个已初始化的队列 */ /*操作后:队列为空 */ void EmptyTheQueue(Queue *pq); //队列ADT定义描述---------finished //队列ADT接口代码 /*操作:初始化队列 */ /*操作前:pq指向一个队列 */ /*操作后:该队列被初始化为空 */ void InitializeQueue(Queue *pq) { pq->front=NULL; pq->rear=NULL; pq->items=0; } /*操作:判断队列是否为空 */ /*操作前:pq指向一个已初始化的队列 */ /*操作后:若空返回true,否则返回false */ int QueueIsEmpty(const Queue *pq) { return pq->items==0; } /*操作:判断队列是否满 */ /*操作前:pq指向一个已初始化的队列 */ /*操作后:若满返回true,否则返回false */ int QueueIsFull(const Queue *pq) { return pq->items==MAXQUEUE; } /*操作:确定队列中项目数量 */ /*操作前:pq指向一个已初始化的队列 */ /*操作后:返回项目数量 */ int QueueItemCount(const Queue *pq) { return pq->items; } /*操作:在队列尾部添加新项目 */ /*操作前:pq指向一个已初始化的队列,item是要被添加的项目 */ /*操作后:如果添加成功,返回true,否则返回false */ int EnQueue(Item item,Queue *pq) { Node *pnew; if(QueueIsFull(pq)) return 0; pnew=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); if(pnew==NULL) return 0; pnew->item=item; pnew->next=NULL; if(QueueIsEmpty(pq)) pq->front=pnew; else pq->rear->next=pnew; pq->rear=pnew; pq->items++; return 1; } /*操作:从队列首端删除项目 */ /*操作前:pq指向一个已初始化的队列 */ /*操作后:如果队列非空,队列首端项目被复制到*pitem */ /* 并被从队列中删除,函数返回true;如果这个操作使队列为空 */ /* 则把队列重置为空队列;如果队列开始就为空,返回false */ int DeQueue(Item *pitem,Queue *pq) { Node *temp; if(QueueIsEmpty(pq)) return 0; *pitem=pq->front->item; temp=pq->front; pq->front=pq->front->next; free(temp); pq->items--; if(pq->items==0) pq->rear=NULL; return 1; } /*操作: 清空队列 */ /*操作前:pq指向一个已初始化的队列 */ /*操作后:队列为空 */ void EmptyTheQueue(Queue *pq) { Item *pitem; while (!QueueIsEmpty(pq)) DeQueue(pitem,pq); } //队列ADT接口代码-------------finish //x是顾客到来的平均间隔时间(秒) //如果这1分钟有则1; int newcustomer(double x) { if (rand()*x/RAND_MAX<1) return 1; else return 0; } //设置顾客参量 //when是顾客到来时间 Item customertime(long when) { Item cust; cust.processtime=rand()%3+1; cust.arrive=when; return cust; } int main(void) { Queue line1,line2; Item temp; //新顾客数据 int hours; //模拟小时数 int perhour; //每小时平均顾客到来数 long cycle,cyclelimit; long turnaways=0; //被拒顾客数 long customers1=0; //加入队列的顾客数 long customers2=0; long served1=0; //接受服务的顾客数 long served2=0; long sum_line=0; //累计队列长度 int wait_time1=0; //从当前到sigmund空闲所需时间 int wait_time2=0; double min_per_cust; //顾客到来的平均间隔时间 long line_wait=0; //队列累计等待时间 InitializeQueue(&line1); InitializeQueue(&line2); srand(time(0)); puts("Case Study:Sigmund Lander's Advice Booth"); puts("Enter the number of simulation hours:"); scanf("%d",&hours); cyclelimit=MIN_PER_HR*hours; puts("Enter average number of customers per hour:"); scanf("%d",&perhour); min_per_cust=MIN_PER_HR/perhour; for(cycle=0;cycle<cyclelimit;cycle++) { if(newcustomer(min_per_cust)) { if(QueueIsFull(&line1)&&QueueIsFull(&line2)) turnaways++; else if(QueueItemCount(&line1)<=QueueItemCount(&line2)) { customers1++; temp=customertime(cycle); EnQueue(temp,&line1); } else { customers2++; temp=customertime(cycle); EnQueue(temp,&line2); } } if(wait_time1<=0&&!QueueIsEmpty(&line1)) { DeQueue(&temp,&line1); wait_time1=temp.processtime; line_wait+=cycle-temp.arrive; served1++; } if(wait_time2<=0&&!QueueIsEmpty(&line2)) { DeQueue(&temp,&line2); wait_time2=temp.processtime; line_wait+=cycle-temp.arrive; served2++; } if(wait_time1>0) wait_time1--; if(wait_time2>0) wait_time2--; sum_line+=QueueItemCount(&line1)+QueueItemCount(&line2); } if(customers1>0) { printf("-------Queue A-------\n"); printf("A Customers accepted:%ld\n",customers1); printf(" A Customers served:%ld\n",served1); } if(customers2>0) { printf("-------Queue B-------\n"); printf("B Customers accepted:%ld\n",customers2); printf(" B Customers served:%ld\n",served2); } else puts("No customers!"); printf("--------Other info------\n"); printf("turnaways:%ld\n",turnaways); printf("average queue size:%f\n",(double)sum_line/cyclelimit); printf("average wait time:%f minutes\n",(double)line_wait/(served1+served2)); EmptyTheQueue(&line1); EmptyTheQueue(&line2); puts("Bye!"); getch(); return 0; }
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #define MAXNUM 100 typedef char Item; typedef struct node { Item item; struct node *next; }Node; typedef struct stack { Node *top; Node *bottom; int items; }Stack; /*函数原型 */ /*操作:初始化堆栈 */ void InitializeStack(Stack *ps) { ps->top=NULL; ps->bottom=NULL; ps->items=0; } /*操作:判断堆栈是否为空 */ /*操作前:ps指向一个已初始化的队列 */ /*操作后:若空返回true,否则返回false */ int StackIsEmpty(const Stack *ps) { return ps->items==0; } /*操作:判断Stack是否满 */ int StackIsFull(const Stack *ps) { return ps->items==MAXNUM; } /*操作:确定堆栈中项目数量 */ int StackItemCount(const Stack *ps) { return ps->items; } /*操作:在堆栈顶部添加新项目 */ /*操作前:ps指向一个已初始化的堆栈,item是要被添加的项目 */ /*操作后:如果添加成功,返回true,否则返回false */ int PushStack(Item item,Stack *ps) { Node *pnew; if(StackIsFull(ps)) return 0; pnew=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); if(pnew==NULL) return 0; pnew->item=item; if(StackIsEmpty(ps)) { ps->top=pnew; pnew->next=NULL; } else { pnew->next=ps->top; ps->top=pnew; } ps->items++; return 1; } /*操作:从堆栈顶部删除项目 */ /*操作前:ps指向一个已初始化的队列 */ /*操作后:如果堆栈非空,顶部项目被复制到*pitem */ /* 并被从堆栈中删除,函数返回true;如果这个操作使队列为空 */ /* 则把堆栈重置为空队列;如果堆栈开始就为空,返回false */ int DeStack(Item *pitem,Stack *ps) { Node *temp; if(StackIsEmpty(ps)) return 0; *pitem=ps->top->item; temp=ps->top; ps->top=ps->top->next; free(temp); ps->items--; if(ps->items==0) ps->bottom=NULL; return 1; } /*操作: 清空堆栈 */ /*操作前:ps指向一个已初始化的堆栈 */ /*操作后:堆栈为空 */ void EmptyTheStack(Stack *ps) { Item *pitem; while (!StackIsEmpty(ps)) DeStack(pitem,ps); } int main() { char st[100]; Item *a; int i=0; Stack *cs; printf("input the string:\n"); scanf("%s",st); while(getchar()!='\n') continue; InitializeStack(cs); while(st[i]!='\0') { if(StackIsFull(cs)) printf("Stack Full!\n"); else PushStack(st[i],cs); i++; } while(cs->items!=0) { DeStack(a,cs); putch(*a); } getch(); return 0; }
#include<stdio.h> void find(int a[100],int num,int x) { int i=num/2; int lowp=0; int highp=num; //设置范围标记 while(x!=a[i]) { if(x<a[i]) highp=i; else lowp=i; if(i==(lowp+highp)/2) break; //如果折半后还为原数,则结束,推出循环 else i=(lowp+highp)/2; } if(x==a[i]) printf("the number x exist in the array.serial muber is:%d.\n",i); else printf("the number x is not exist."); } int main() { int arrm[100]={1,2,5,7,9,12,17,18,21,22,39,56,78,89,108,112,158,336,511}; int x=112; find(arrm,19,x); getch(); return 0; }