C Primer+Plus(十四)编程练习
#include<stdio.h> #include<ctype.h> void eatline(); int count_days(struct date p); struct date{ int day; int month; char year[4]; }; int main(void) { struct date yourday; int days; printf("please input yourday's date:\n"); scanf("%d",&yourday.day); printf("please input yourday's month:\n"); scanf("%d",&yourday.month); eatline(); printf("please input yourday's year:\n"); gets(yourday.year); printf("%d-%d-%s,the total days=%d.\n",yourday.day, yourday.month,yourday.year,count_days(yourday)); getch(); return 0; } void eatline(void) { while(getchar()!='\n') continue; } int count_days(struct date p) { int base; switch(p.month) { case 1:base=0;break; case 2:base=31;break; case 3:base=59;break; case 4:base=90;break; case 5:base=120;break; case 6:base=151;break; case 7:base=181;break; case 8:base=212;break; case 9:base=243;break; case 10:base=273;break; case 11:base=304;break; case 12:base=334;break; } return (base+p.day); }
#include<stdio.h> #define CSIZE 4 void eatline(void); void get_score(struct student *); float get_avr(struct student *); struct name{ char firstname[5]; char lastname[10]; }; struct student{ struct name sname; float grade[3]; float average; }; int main(void) { struct student njust981021[CSIZE]; int i; for(i=0;i<CSIZE;i++) { printf("input NO.%d student's First_name:\n",i+1); scanf("%s",njust981021[i].sname.firstname); eatline(); printf("input NO.%d student's last_name:\n",i+1); scanf("%s",njust981021[i].sname.lastname); eatline(); } for(i=0;i<CSIZE;i++) { get_score(&njust981021[i]); } for(i=0;i<CSIZE;i++) { njust981021[i].average=get_avr(&njust981021[i]); } for(i=0;i<CSIZE;i++) { printf("%s_%s's score is:%2f %2f %2f,averag score is:%5f.\n", njust981021[i].sname.firstname,njust981021[i].sname.lastname, njust981021[i].grade[0],njust981021[i].grade[1], njust981021[i].grade[2],njust981021[i].average); } getch(); return 0; } void eatline(void) { while(getchar()!='\n') continue; } void get_score(struct student *s) { float a,b,c; printf("input %s's score.\n",s->sname.lastname); scanf("%f%f%f",&a,&b,&c); s->grade[0]=a; s->grade[1]=b; s->grade[2]=c; } float get_avr(struct student *s) { return (s->grade[0]+s->grade[1]+s->grade[2])/3.0; }
To choose a function,enter its letter label:
a)Show number of empty seats
b)Show list of empty seats
c)Show alphabetical list of seats
d)Assign a customer to a seat assignment
e)Delete a seat assignment
//花了好多时间才弄出来,不含文件操作,不含字母排序功能 //增加了相关选项 //TC3下调试通过,各函数运行正常 #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> struct planeseat{ //这里按字符串设置座位号应该更合理,可字符串在预订函数中的处理有不少暂时我 //无法解决的问题 int seatnum; char assign; char name[10]; }; //结构定义 //函数声明区域 void select_f(void(* fp)(struct planeseat *),struct planeseat *); void eatline(void); char show_menu(void); //显示主菜单 void show_all(struct planeseat *); //显示座位信息 void show_emptynum(struct planeseat *); //显示空余座位数量 void show_emptylist(struct planeseat *); //显示空余座位列表 void show_assign(struct planeseat *); //显示已预订座位列表 void assign_seat(struct planeseat *); //预定座位 void delete_seat(struct planeseat *); //取消座位预订 int main(void) { //结构数组定义,初始化 struct planeseat ps[12]={ {1,'n',"noname"},{2,'n',"noname"},{3,'n',"noname"}, {4,'n',"noname"},{5,'n',"noname"},{6,'n',"noname"}, {7,'n',"noname"},{8,'n',"noname"},{9,'n',"noname"}, {10,'n',"noname"},{11,'n',"noname"},{12,'n',"noname"} }; int i; char a; void (*pf)(struct planeseat *p);//定义函数指针 //提示输入选项 printf("iput your choice:(a,b,c,d,e,s,f)\n"); //接收输入,调用对应函数,若f则退出;之后再调用显示菜单函数 while((a=show_menu())!='f') //注意这里f选项的处理方式 { switch(a) { case 'a':pf=show_emptynum;break; case 'b':pf=show_emptylist;break; case 'c':pf=show_assign;break; case 'd':pf=assign_seat;break; case 'e':pf=delete_seat;break; case 's':pf=show_all;break; } select_f(pf,ps); //体会加深理解这里函数指针及select_f函数的定义及用法 } printf("Enter for quit.\n"); getch(); return 0; } //显示主菜单函数定义 char show_menu(void) { char ans; printf("\nTo choose a function,enter its letter label:\n"); printf("a)Show number of empty seats\n"); printf("b)Show list of empty seats\n"); printf("c)Show list of assigned seats\n"); printf("d)Assign a customer to a seat assignment\n"); printf("e)Delete a seat assignment\n"); printf("s)Show all seats information\n"); printf("f)Quit\n"); ans=getchar(); ans=tolower(ans); eatline(); while(strchr("abcdesf",ans)==NULL) { puts("Between a.b.c.d.e.s.f:"); ans=tolower(getchar()); eatline(); } return ans; } //清除缓冲区 void eatline(void) { while(getchar()!='\n') continue; }
//显示座位信息表 void show_all(struct planeseat *p) { int i; for(i=0;i<12;i++) { printf("--No.%d--SeatNumber:%d---SeatAssigned: %c---AssignedName: %s.\n", i+1,p->seatnum,p->assign,p->name); p++; } }
//显示空余座位数量函数定义 void show_emptynum(struct planeseat *p) { int i=0,j; for(j=0;j<12;j++) {if (p->assign=='n') { p++;i++; } else p++; } if(i==0) printf("Sorry,it is Full.\n"); else printf("Now here is %d seats empty.\n",i); }
//显示空余座位列表函数定义 void show_emptylist(struct planeseat *p) { int i=0,j; for(j=0;j<12;j++) {if (p->assign=='n') printf("%d.ASSIGNED:%c seat is:%d of %s.\n",i++, p->assign,p->seatnum,p->name); p++; } if(i==0) printf("Sorry,it is Full.\n"); }
//预定座位函数定义 void assign_seat(struct planeseat *p) { int input_num; show_emptylist(p); printf("choose the number of seat.\n"); scanf("%d",&input_num); eatline(); while(input_num!=p->seatnum) p++; printf("input the name of seat.\n"); gets(p->name); p->assign='y'; printf("Assign success!%s's seat number is %d-%c.\n", p->name,p->seatnum,p->assign); }
//显示已预订座位清单函数定义 void show_assign(struct planeseat *p) { int j; for(j=0;j<12;j++) {if (p->assign=='y') printf("%d.assigned seat is:%d,BY %s.\n",j+1,p->seatnum,p->name); p++; } }
//取消座位预订函数定义 void delete_seat(struct planeseat *p) { int assign_num; show_assign(p); printf("input the assigned name.\n"); scanf("%d",&assign_num); eatline(); while(assign_num!=p->seatnum) p++; p->assign='n'; printf("Cancel success!\n Seat of %s is empty.\n",p->seatnum); }
void select_f(void(* fp)(struct planeseat *p),struct planeseat *q) { (*fp)(q); }
#include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> #define arrlen 10 void transform(double a[],double b[],int n,double(*)(double)); double own_f(double); void transform(double a[],double b[],int n,double(*pf)(double)) { int i; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { b[i]=(*pf)(a[i]); } printf("Transfer finished!\n"); } void show_array(double a[],int arraylen,int linenum) { int i; printf("\n"); for(i=1;i<=arraylen;i++) { printf("-----%f-----",a[i-1]); if(i%linenum==0) printf("\n"); } } double own_f(double x) { return x*x; } int main(void) { double a[10]={1.2,2.3,3.41,4.09,5.60,6.18,7.63,8.123,9.36,10.00}; double b[10]; char choice; double(*pf[2])(double a)={sqrt,own_f}; int i; for(i=0;i<2;i++) { transform(a,b,10,pf[i]); show_array(a,10,3); show_array(b,10,3); printf("Any key for next function.\n"); getch(); } return 0; }