golang底层 netpoll

需要poll的文件描述符都被设置成非阻塞的,加入到epoll里,对应的pollDesc放到epoll event的data域中,

某个goroutine读写fd被阻塞时,runtime会把 fd 对应的 pollDesc 里的 rg / wg 字段设置为这个 g,然后将 g 放到系统的等待队列中

调度循环和系统监控会不停地调用netpoll,当有事件就绪时,唤醒pollDesc里的 rg / wg





pollDesc里timer类型的字段 rt / wt 代表读写操作的超时时间,超时后会调用ready函数将对应的g放到等待队列中


    type pollDesc struct {
        link         *pollDesc // in pollcache, protected by pollcache.lock
        lock            mutex // protects the following fields
        fd              uintptr
        closing     bool
        seq             uintptr // protects from stale timers and ready notifications
        rg              uintptr // pdReady, pdWait, G waiting for read or nil
        rt              timer   // read deadline timer (set if rt.f != nil)
        rd              int64   // read deadline
        wg              uintptr // pdReady, pdWait, G waiting for write or nil
        wt              timer   // write deadline timer
        wd              int64   // write deadline
        user            uint32  // user settable cookie


posted @ 2020-05-27 22:20  是的哟  阅读(594)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报