F# 中的主动模式
也许以前你就听说过主动模式----通常与"了不起的"或者"惊人的"这些词联系在一起. 主动模式是F# 众多特有功能中的一个,并且,当你对这些功能有所体验时,你会觉得主动模式将会是最强大的功能中的一个.这篇文章将会从主动模式的单条件和多条件匹配到部分和参数化匹配来展示它的强大之处.你会通过这篇文章里的一个例子来了解为什么它会命名为主动模式.那么,让我们开始吧.
首先,我们来认识一下主动模式. 主动模式是由被称为"Banana Clips" 的"(|" " |)"符号组成。主动模式 有多种不同的形式----在这篇文章中,我们将一一介绍它们。
主动模式中最简单的一种就是单条件匹配模式。它是为把输入转化为其它某种不同格式而设计的。一个简单的情况就是当你希望把一个字符串转化为一个全大写的版本,这时,你可以使用此方法。当然,你可以使用一个常规的函数来解决此情况中的问题,主动模式可以让你在一个let或者match 结构中将这些结果作为一部分使用。
// Single case Active Patterns - For converting data
let (|UpperCase|) (x:string) = x.ToUpper()
// The item being matched is the parameter into the active pattern, and what comes
// after the ActivePattern name is the result. In this case the pattern match will
// only fire if the AP result is exactly "FOO".
let result = match "foo" with
| UpperCase "FOO" -> true
| _ -> false
assert (result = true)
// This function simply returns the upper case version of the parameter. (Since
// the AP result was bound to the identifier 'result'.)
let ucName name = match name with UpperCase result -> result
// An example of converting a string to a color.
let (|ToColor|) x =
match x with
| "red" -> System.Drawing.Color.Red
| "blue" -> System.Drawing.Color.Blue
| "white" -> System.Drawing.Color.White
| _ -> failwith "Unknown Color"
// Use AP in let binding
let form = new System.Windows.Forms.Form()
let (ToColor col) = "red"
form.BackColor <- col
相比较而言,多条件主动模式会更有意思。理解这些最好的方法就是:将整个输入分解成一些不同的东西。 例如,将所有的整数划分为偶数和奇数。
let (|Odd|Even|) x = if x % 2 = 0 then Even else Odd
let isDivisibleByTwo x = match x with Even -> true | Odd -> false
// This active pattern divides all strings into their various meanings.
let (|Pharagraph|Sentence|Word|WhiteSpace|) (input : string) =
let input = input.Trim()
if input = "" then
elif input.IndexOf(".") <> -1 then
// Notice that Pharagraph contains an tuple of sentence counts, and sentences.
let sentences = input.Split([|"."|], StringSplitOptions.None)
Pharagraph (sentences.Length, sentences)
elif input.IndexOf(" ") <> -1 then
// Notice that Sentence contains an Array of strings
Sentence (input.Split([|" "|], StringSplitOptions.None))
// Notice that the word contains a string
Word (input)
let rec countLetters str =
match str with
| WhiteSpace -> 0
| Word x -> x.Length
| Sentence words
-> Array.map countLetters words |> Array.fold (+) 0
| Pharagraph (_, sentences)
-> Array.map countLetters sentences |> Array.fold (+) 0
// Partial Active Patterns - For carving out a subsection of the input space.
let (|DivisibleBySeven|_|) input = if input % 7 = 0 then Some() else None
let (|IsPerfectSquare|_|) (input : int) =
let sqrt = int (Math.Sqrt(float input))
if sqrt * sqrt = input then
let describeNumber x =
match x with
| DivisibleBySeven & IsPerfectSquare -> printfn "x is divisible by 7 and is a perfect square."
| DivisibleBySeven -> printfn "x is divisible by seven"
| IsPerfectSquare -> printfn "x is a perfect square"
| _ -> printfn "x looks normal."
// Parameterized Active Patterns - Passing Patameters into Active Patterns
let (|MultipleOf|_|) x input = if input % x = 0 then Some(input / x) else None
let factorize x =
let rec factorizeRec n i =
let sqrt = int (Math.Sqrt(float n))
if i > sqrt then
match n with
| MultipleOf i timesXdividesIntoI
-> i :: timesXdividesIntoI :: (factorizeRec n (i + 1))
| _ -> factorizeRec n (i + 1)
factorizeRec x 1
assert([1; 10; 2; 5] = (factorize 10))