CSS3 Transitions


CSS3 transitions allows you to change property values smoothly (from one value to another), over a given duration.


How to use css3 transitions?

To create a transition effect,you must specify two things:

  • the css property you want to add an effect to
  • the duration of the effect

Note:If the duration part is not specified,the transition will have no effect,because the default value is 0.

The following example shows a 100px*100px red <div> element.The <div> elements has also specified a transition effect for the width property,with a duration of 2 seconds:


div {
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;
    background: red;
    -webkit-transition: width 2s; /* Safari */
    transition: width 2s;

The transition effect will start when the specified CSS property (width)changes value.

Now,let us specify a new value for the width property when a user mouses over the <div> element:


div:hover {
    width: 300px;

Notice that when the cursor mouses out of the element ,it willgradually change back to its original style.

Change Several Property Values

The following example adds a transition effect for both the width and height property,with a duration of 2 seconds for the width and 4 seconds for the height:


div {
    -webkit-transition: width 2s, height 4s; /* Safari */
    transition: width 2s, height 4s;

Specify the Speed Curve of the Transition

The transition-timing-function property specifies the speed curve of the transition effect.

The transition-timing-function property can have the following values:

  • ease
  • linear
  • ease-in
  • ease-out
  • ease-in-out
  • cubic-bezier(n,n,n,n)
posted @ 2017-07-30 18:47  tryao  阅读(241)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报