Matlab 文件格式化/Matlab Source File Formattor



但是在网上并没有找到一个比较好的实现,此前到是找到一个使用Matlab的M文件来实现代码格式化的,设置还挺多的,但是我就是不喜欢(I'm Geek)。



I do quite a lot of works with Matlab. And chances are that, I shall read some others' code. It's a pity that not all the guys write code in a neat way. At the same time, it's easier for comprehension if the code is neatly presented. So it's of great importance to format the code.

I've searched through the Internet, but is disappointed by the fact that there aren't many tools to achieve this goal. The only one I found is written in M-file. I'm a geek, and also a vim user.

So I wrote a little command line tool named MFormator which is written in C++ with regex expression. And you can find it on the github.

Please tell me if this tool help you

posted @ 2019-11-19 23:27  Troy_Daniel  阅读(319)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报