摘要: 1.SQL语句 create table C##HR.t_noindex as select * from all_objects; create table C##HR.t_indexed as select * from all_objects create index owner_idx on 阅读全文
posted @ 2023-10-09 22:23 DawnTraveler 阅读(5) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要: 1.问题 在使用Oracle SQL Developer时,遇到以下问题: 状态: 失败 -测试失败: Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12514, TNS:listener does not current 阅读全文
posted @ 2023-10-09 20:06 DawnTraveler 阅读(3521) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要: 1.问题 问题如标题所示,在使用Oracle SQL Developer连接时发现错误: 状态: 失败 -测试失败: IO 错误: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection (CONNECTION_ID=BMRc/8PgR2+0i4 阅读全文
posted @ 2023-10-09 19:59 DawnTraveler 阅读(210) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑