json解析之jackson ObjectMapper



jackson是spring mvc内置的json转换工具,fastjson则是阿里做的开源工具包。


 1 /**
 2  * json serialize
 3  * @param obj
 4  * @return
 5 */
 6 public static String jsonSerialize(final Object obj) {
 7     ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper();
 8     try {
 9         return om.writeValueAsString(obj);
10     } catch (Exception ex) {
11         return null;
12     }
13 }


 1 /**
 2  * json deserialize
 3  * @param json
 4  * @param mapClazz
 5  * @return
 6 */
 7 public static Object jsonDeserialize(final String json, final Class<?> mapClazz) {
 8     ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper();
 9     try {
10         return om.readValue(json, mapClazz);
11     } catch (Exception ex) {
12         return null;
13     }
14 }




1. 在class上添加忽略未知属性的声明:@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown=true)

2. 在反序列化中添加忽略未知属性解析,如下:

 1 /**
 2  * json deserialize
 3  * @param json
 4  * @param mapClazz
 5  * @return
 6 */
 7 public static Object jsonDeserialize(final String json, final Class<?> mapClazz) {
 8     ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper();
 9     try {
10         // 忽略未知属性
11         om.configure(DeserializationConfig.Feature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false);
12         return om.readValue(json, mapClazz);
13     } catch (Exception ex) {
14         return null;
15     }
16 }

3. 添加"Any setter"来处理未知属性

1 // note: name does not matter; never auto-detected, need to annotate
2 // (also note that formal argument type #1 must be "String"; second one is usually
3 // "Object", but can be something else -- as long as JSON can be bound to that type)
4 @JsonAnySetter
5 public void handleUnknown(String key, Object value) {
6     // do something: put to a Map; log a warning, whatever
7 }

4. 注册问题处理句柄




posted @ 2014-01-28 09:58  treerain  阅读(7839)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报