金融量化学习---Python, MySQL, Pandas

这里用来记录一些在金融领域,尤其是银行相关的资金、债券、票据中应用到的数据管理与分析, 编程等心得或笔记,以及个人的一点小小兴趣(易经八卦、藏密禅修)等


Pulp之三:官网上的应用样例(5)-Scheduling of 2 factories (工厂生产问题) (双索引的用法)

In our last example, we explored the scheduling of 2 factories.
Both factories had 2 costs:
Fixed Costs - Costs incurred while the factory is running
Variable Costs - Cost per unit of production

We're going to introduce a third cost - Start up cost.
This will be a cost incurred by turning on the machines at one of the factories.
In this example, our start-up costs will be:
Factory A - €20,000
Factory B - €400,000
Let's start by reminding ourselves of the input data.



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Sep 14 14:35:48 2020
@author: juncheng


import pandas as pd
import pulp

factories = pd.read_csv('factory_variables.csv', index_col=['Month', 'Factory'])
demand = pd.read_csv('monthly_demand.csv', index_col=['Month'])

# 产量
production = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("production",
                                     ((month, factory) for month, factory in factories.index),
{(1, 'A'): production_(1,_'A'),
 (1, 'B'): production_(1,_'B'),
 (2, 'A'): production_(2,_'A'),
  (12, 'B'): production_(12,_'B')}

# 工厂的状态,开工或者停工 
factory_status = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("factory_status",
                                     ((month, factory) for month, factory in factories.index),
{(1, 'A'): factory_status_(1,_'A'),
 (1, 'B'): factory_status_(1,_'B'),
 (2, 'A'): factory_status_(2,_'A'),
 (2, 'B'): factory_status_(2,_'B'),
 (3, 'A'): factory_status_(3,_'A'),
(12, 'B'): factory_status_(12,_'B')}

# 工厂是否启动状态 
switch_on = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("switch_on",
                                    ((month, factory) for month, factory in factories.index),
{(1, 'A'): switch_on_(1,_'A'),
 (1, 'B'): switch_on_(1,_'B'),
 (2, 'A'): switch_on_(2,_'A'),
 (2, 'B'): switch_on_(2,_'B'),
  (12, 'B'): switch_on_(12,_'B')}


# 初始化模型model
model = pulp.LpProblem("scheduling_problem", pulp.LpMinimize)

# 选择工厂A的索引
factory_A_index = [tpl for tpl in factories.index if tpl[1] == 'A']
factory_B_index = [tpl for tpl in factories.index if tpl[1] == 'B']

# 定义目标函数
model += pulp.lpSum(
    [production[m, f] * factories.loc[(m, f), 'Variable_Costs'] for m, f in factories.index]
    + [factory_status[m, f] * factories.loc[(m, f), 'Fixed_Costs'] for m, f in factories.index]
    + [switch_on[m, f] * 20000 for m, f in factory_A_index]
    + [switch_on[m, f] * 400000 for m, f in factory_B_index]
#[(1, 'A'), (2, 'A'), (3, 'A'), (4, 'A'), (5, 'A'), (6, 'A'), \
#    (7, 'A'), (8, 'A'), (9, 'A'), (10, 'A'), (11, 'A'), (12, 'A')]

# 产量等于需求量
months = demand.index
for month in months:
    model += production[(month, 'A')] + production[(month, 'B')] == demand.loc[month, 'Demand']

# 如果停工,产量为0,否则产量在最大和最小产能之间。
for month, factory in factories.index:
    min_production = factories.loc[(month, factory), 'Min_Capacity']
    max_production = factories.loc[(month, factory), 'Max_Capacity']
    model += production[(month, factory)] >= min_production * factory_status[month, factory]
    model += production[(month, factory)] <= max_production * factory_status[month, factory]

# B厂五月份停工
model += factory_status[5, 'B'] == 0
model += production[5, 'B'] == 0

if factory_status[month - 1] == 0 and factory_status[month] == 1:
    switch_on[month] = 1
    switch_on[month] = 0

But now we want to add in our constraints for switching on.
A factory switches on if:
It is off in the previous month (m-1)
AND it on in the current month (m).
As we don't know if the factory is on before month 0, we'll assume that the factory has switched on if it is on in month 1.
for month, factory in factories.index:
    # 我们假设第0个月是没有开工的,因此第一个月如果开工就有启动成本,否则没有
    if month == 1:
        model += switch_on[month, factory] == factory_status[month, factory]

       model += switch_on[month, factory] >= factory_status[month, factory] - factory_status[month-1, factory]
       model += switch_on[month, factory] <= 1 - factory_status[month-1, factory]
       model += switch_on[month, factory] <= factory_status[month, factory]
For those interested in using my function defined above (make_io_and_constraint). Instead of:
model += switch_on[month, factory] >= factory_status[month, factory] - factory_status[month-1, factory]
model += switch_on[month, factory] <= 1 - factory_status[month-1, factory]
model += switch_on[month, factory] <= factory_status[month, factory]
You could write:
for constraint in make_io_and_constraint(switch_on[month, factory], 
                                        factory_status[month, factory], 
                                        factory_status[month-1, factory], 0, 1):
    model += constriant
def make_io_and_constraint(y1, x1, x2, target_x1, target_x2):
    Returns a list of constraints for a linear programming model
    that will constrain y1 to 1 when
    x1 = target_x1 and x2 = target_x2; 
    where target_x1 and target_x2 are 1 or 0
    binary = [0,1]
    assert target_x1 in binary
    assert target_x2 in binary
    if IOx1 == 1 and IOx2 == 1:
        return [
            y1 >= x1 + x2 - 1,
            y1 <= x1,
            y1 <= x2
    elif IOx1 == 1 and IOx2 == 0:
        return [
            y1 >= x1 - x2,
            y1 <= x1,
            y1 <= (1 - x2)
    elif IOx1 == 0 and IOx2 == 1:
        return [
            y1 >= x2 - x1,
            y1 <= (1 - x1),
            y1 <= x2
        return [
            y1 >= - (x1 + x2 -1),
            y1 <= (1 - x1),
            y1 <= (1 - x2)



output = []
for month, factory in production:
    var_output = {
        'Month': month,
        'Factory': factory,
        'Production': production[(month, factory)].varValue,
        'Factory Status': factory_status[(month, factory)].varValue,
        'Switch On': switch_on[(month, factory)].varValue
output_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(output).sort_values(['Month', 'Factory'])
output_df.set_index(['Month', 'Factory'], inplace=True)


posted on 2020-10-12 00:19  chengjon  阅读(200)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报