
Oracle:Scalar Subqueries

2011-07-19 13:41  Tracy.  阅读(584)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报


Introduced in Oracle9, scalar subqueries allow you to treat the output of a subquery as a column or even an expression within a SELECT statement. It is a query that only selects one column or expression and returns just one row. If the scalar subquery fails to return select any rows, Oracle will use a NULL value for the output of the scalar subquery.

The following is an example of using the scalar subquery to determine how many rows in the DEPT table contain an employee corresponding to each row in the EMP table.

SELECT d.deptno, d.dname, (SELECT count(*) FROM emp e
                            WHERE e.deptno = d.deptno) AS "Num Dept"

 FROM dept d;

    DEPTNO DNAME            Num Dept
---------- -------------- ----------
        10 ACCOUNTING              3
        20 RESEARCH                5
        30 SALES                   6
        40 OPERATIONS              0

Where to use Scalar Subqueries

Scalar Subqueries are mainly used for the following tasks:

Remove an Outer Join

When you remove an outer join, not only is the resulting query usually easier to read, but many times, the performance can be improved as well.

Consider this Outer Join Query:

select a.username, count(*) Cnt, avg(b.object_id) Avg
  from all_users a, all_objects b
 where a.username = b.owner(+)
 group by a.username
 order by a.username;

USERNAME                              CNT        AVG
------------------------------ ---------- ----------
ANONYMOUS                               1
CTXSYS                                338 42790.6657
DBSNMP                                 46 9673.65217
DIP                                     1
DMSYS                                 189 42439.6878
EXFSYS                                279 42935.1792
F1                                      1
G1                                      1
MDDATA                                  1
MDSYS                                 863 49667.7068
MGMT_VIEW                               1
NAVSEARCH                              36 51610.0278
OLAPSYS                               718   49881.61
ORDPLUGINS                             10    44487.7
ORDSYS                               1720 45540.4012
OUTLN                                   7 1179.57143
SCOTT                                  43 53183.1163
SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA                      8    44475.5
SYS                                 22957 17383.9356
SYSMAN                               1291 52369.1534
SYSTEM                                426 6553.87324
TSMSYS                                  2     8687.5
WMSYS                                 232 10102.1422
XDB                                   346 43841.8006

Replaced by the following Query using two Scalar Subqueries.

select a.username UserName, (select count(*)
                               from all_objects b
                              where b.owner = a.username) Cnt,
                            (select avg(object_id )
                               from all_objects b
                              where b.owner = a.username) Avg
  from all_users a
order by a.username;

USERNAME                              CNT        AVG
------------------------------ ---------- ----------
ANONYMOUS                               0
CTXSYS                                338 42790.6657
DBSNMP                                 46 9673.65217
DIP                                     0
DMSYS                                 189 42439.6878
EXFSYS                                279 42935.1792
F1                                      0
G1                                      0
MDDATA                                  0
MDSYS                                 863 49667.7068
MGMT_VIEW                               0
NAVSEARCH                              36 51610.0278
OLAPSYS                               718   49881.61
ORDPLUGINS                             10    44487.7
ORDSYS                               1720 45540.4012
OUTLN                                   7 1179.57143
SCOTT                                  43 53183.1163
SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA                      8    44475.5
SYS                                 22957 17383.9356
SYSMAN                               1291 52369.1534
SYSTEM                                426 6553.87324
TSMSYS                                  2     8687.5
WMSYS                                 232 10102.1422
XDB                                   346 43841.8006

The two Scalar Subqueries can be even replaced with an Object Type

create or replace type ConvertType as object
  cnt number,
  average number

That maps to the two numbers we would like to return: the count and the average. Now, we can get the result using this query:

select username UserName, a.data.cnt Cnt, a.data.average Avg
  from (select username, (select ConvertType(count(*),avg(object_id))
                            from all_objects b
                           where b.owner = a.username) data
          from all_users a) A
 order by username;

USERNAME                              CNT        AVG
------------------------------ ---------- ----------
ANONYMOUS                               0
CTXSYS                                338 42790.6657
DBSNMP                                 46 9673.65217
DIP                                     0
DMSYS                                 189 42439.6878
EXFSYS                                279 42935.1792
F1                                      0
G1                                      0
MDDATA                                  0
MDSYS                                 863 49667.7068
MGMT_VIEW                               0
NAVSEARCH                              36 51610.0278
OLAPSYS                               718   49881.61
ORDPLUGINS                             10    44487.7
ORDSYS                               1720 45540.4012
OUTLN                                   7 1179.57143
SCOTT                                  43 53183.1163
SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA                      8    44475.5
SYS                                 22957 17383.9356
SYSMAN                               1291 52369.1534
SYSTEM                                426 6553.87324
TSMSYS                                  2     8687.5
WMSYS                                 232 10102.1422
XDB                                   346 43841.8006

Aggregate from Multiple Tables

If you want to calculate Aggregates from different Tables, then Scalar Subqueries can be used.

Suppose you are trying to generate a report that shows by username, the username, created date, number of tables they own, and the number of constraints they own for all users.

Solution with Outer Join and Inline View:

select a.username,
       nvl(b.cons_cnt,0) cons,
       nvl(c.tables_cnt,0) tables
 from all_users a,
         (select all_constraints.owner, count(*) cons_cnt
            from all_constraints, all_users
           where all_users.username = all_constraints.owner
           group by owner) b,
         (select all_tables.owner, count(*) tables_cnt
            from all_tables, all_users
           where all_users.username = all_tables.owner
           group by owner) c

 where a.username = b.owner(+)
   and a.username = c.owner(+)
order by a.username

USERNAME                       CREATED         CONS     TABLES
------------------------------ --------- ---------- ----------
ANONYMOUS                      23-AUG-06          0          0
CTXSYS                         23-AUG-06         92         37
DBSNMP                         23-AUG-06         88         21
DIP                            23-AUG-06          0          0
DMSYS                          23-AUG-06          7          2
EXFSYS                         23-AUG-06         89         44
F1                             23-OCT-06          0          0
G1                             23-OCT-06          0          0
MDDATA                         23-AUG-06          0          0
MDSYS                          23-AUG-06        170         49
MGMT_VIEW                      24-OCT-06          0          0
NAVSEARCH                      23-OCT-06         12          7
OLAPSYS                        23-AUG-06        568        126
ORDPLUGINS                     23-AUG-06          0          0
ORDSYS                         23-AUG-06         13          4
OUTLN                          23-AUG-06          0          3
SCOTT                          23-AUG-06         57          7
SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA             23-AUG-06          0          0
SYS                            23-AUG-06       2317        709
SYSMAN                         24-OCT-06       1161        337
SYSTEM                         23-AUG-06        418        142
TSMSYS                         23-AUG-06          2          1
WMSYS                          23-AUG-06        105         40
XDB                            23-AUG-06         33         11

Elapsed: 00:00:00.51

Solution with two Scalar Subqueries:

select username,
         (select count(*)
            from all_constraints
           where owner = username) cons,
         (select count(*)
            from all_tables
           where owner = username) tables

    from all_users
  order by username

USERNAME                       CREATED         CONS     TABLES
------------------------------ --------- ---------- ----------
ANONYMOUS                      23-AUG-06          0          0
CTXSYS                         23-AUG-06         92         37
DBSNMP                         23-AUG-06         88         21
DIP                            23-AUG-06          0          0
DMSYS                          23-AUG-06          7          2
EXFSYS                         23-AUG-06         89         44
F1                             23-OCT-06          0          0
G1                             23-OCT-06          0          0
MDDATA                         23-AUG-06          0          0
MDSYS                          23-AUG-06        170         49
MGMT_VIEW                      24-OCT-06          0          0
NAVSEARCH                      23-OCT-06         12          7
OLAPSYS                        23-AUG-06        568        126
ORDPLUGINS                     23-AUG-06          0          0
ORDSYS                         23-AUG-06         13          4
OUTLN                          23-AUG-06          0          3
SCOTT                          23-AUG-06         57          7
SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA             23-AUG-06          0          0
SYS                            23-AUG-06       2317        709
SYSMAN                         24-OCT-06       1161        337
SYSTEM                         23-AUG-06        418        142
TSMSYS                         23-AUG-06          2          1
WMSYS                          23-AUG-06        105         40
XDB                            23-AUG-06         33         11

Elapsed: 00:00:02.32

As you can see, in this case, the Outer Join / Inline View solution is much faster.

Inserting into Tables, based on Values from other Tables

Scalar subqueries are also handy for inserting into tables, based on values from other tables.

create table summary (
  sum_sal number,
  max_sal number,
  min_sal number,
  avg_sal number

insert into summary (
values (
    (select sum(sal) from emp),
    (select max(sal) from emp),
    (select min(sal) from emp),
    (select avg(sal) from emp)


1 row created.


Scalar subqueries are restricted to returning a single value because they select a finite value. Scalar subqueries can be used in almost any place where an expression can be used, including:

  • CASE expressions
  • SELECT statements
  • VALUES clauses of INSERT statements
  • WHERE clauses
  • ORDER BY clauses
  • Parameters of a function

There are also important restrictions on scalar subqueries. Scalar subqueries can’t be used for:

  • Default values for columns
  • RETURNING clauses
  • Hash expressions for clusters
  • Functional index expressions
  • CHECK constraints on columns
  • WHEN condition of triggers
  • GROUP BY and HAVING clauses
  • START WITH and CONNECT BY clauses