HITCON CTF 2022 SuperPrime
继续复现HITCON CTF 的赛题。争取近期全部复现完。
from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime, isPrime, bytes_to_long
def getSuperPrime(nbits):
while True:
p = getPrime(nbits)
pp = bytes_to_long(str(p).encode())
if isPrime(pp):
return p, pp
p1, q1 = getSuperPrime(512)
p2, q2 = getSuperPrime(512)
p3, q3 = getSuperPrime(512)
p4, q4 = getSuperPrime(512)
p5, q5 = getSuperPrime(512)
n1 = p1 * q1
n2 = p2 * p3
n3 = q2 * q3
n4 = p4 * q5
n5 = p5 * q4
e = 65537
c = bytes_to_long(open("flag.txt", "rb").read().strip())
for n in sorted([n1, n2, n3, n4, n5]):
c = pow(c, e, n)
print(f"{n1 = }")
print(f"{n2 = }")
print(f"{n3 = }")
print(f"{n4 = }")
print(f"{n5 = }")
print(f"{e = }")
print(f"{c = }")
x &= a_0 + a_1*10 + a_2*10^2 + \cdots \\
&= \sum_{i=0}^na_i*10^i
f(x) &= (a_0 + 48) + (a_1 + 48)<<8 + (a_2 + 48)<<16 + \cdots\\
&=(a_0 + 48) + (a_1 + 48)*2^{8} + (a_2+48)*2^{16}+\cdots\\
# part 1
n1 = p1 * q1
# part 2
n2 = p2 * p3
n3 = q2 * q3
# part 3
n4 = p4 * q5
n5 = p5 * q4
Part 1
def binary_search(n):
L, R = 0, 2**512
while L <= R:
middle = (L+R) // 2
v = middle*f(middle)
if v > n:
R = middle
elif v < n:
L = middle
return middle
Part 2
, n3
n_2 &= p_2*p_3 \\
n_3&=q_2*q_3 \\
&= [(a_{01}+48) + (a_{11}+48)*256 + (a_{21}+48)*256^2+\cdots+]*[(a_{02}+48)+(a_{12}+48)*256+(a_{22}+48)*256^2+\cdots+]
n_2 &\equiv a_{01}*a_{02} \pmod{10} \\
n_2 &\equiv (a_{01} + a_{11}*10)*(a_{02}+a_{12}*10) \pmod{10^2} \\
&\vdots \\
n_2 &\equiv (a_{01} + \cdots+a_{n1}*10^n)*(a_{02} + \cdots+a_{n2}*10^n) \pmod{10^{n+1}}
n_3 &\equiv (a_{01}+48)*(a_{02}+48) \pmod{256}\\
n_3&\equiv[(a_{01}+48)+\cdots+(a_{n1}+48)*256^n]*[(a_{02}+48)+\cdots+(a_{n2}+48)*256^n] \pmod{256^{n+1}}
欸?是不是感觉似曾相识。很像BabySSS这道题的处理,不过这里有两个未知变量,但是对于每一个模10和256的幂,有两个方程,而且\(a_{i1}\)和\(a_{i2}\)的取值都在\([0, 9]\)
这个区间内,可以爆破。具体的方法使用到了Prune and Search搜索算法。
#Prune and Search
#official writeup from maple3142
def factor2(n1, n2):
n1p = None
def test_digits(ps, qs):
nonlocal n1p
if n1p is not None:
return False
p = sum([pi * 10**i for i, pi in enumerate(ps)])
pp = sum([(48 + pi) * 256**i for i, pi in enumerate(ps)])
q = sum([pi * 10**i for i, pi in enumerate(qs)])
qq = sum([(48 + pi) * 256**i for i, pi in enumerate(qs)])
if p != 0 and p != 1 and n1 % p == 0:
n1p = p
return False
m1 = 10 ** len(ps)
m2 = 256 ** len(qs)
return (p * q) % m1 == n1 % m1 and (pp * qq) % m2 == n2 % m2
def find_ij(ps, qs):
for i in range(10):
for j in range(10):
if test_digits(ps + [i], qs + [j]):
yield i, j
def search(ps, qs):
for i, j in find_ij(ps, qs):
search(ps + [i], qs + [j])
search([], [])
n2p = bytes_to_long(str(n1p).encode())
assert n2 % n2p == 0
return (n1p, n1 // n1p), (n2p, n2 // n2p)
Part 3
n4&=p_4*f(p_5) \\
offical writeup
def factor3(n1, n2):
def try_factor(l, r): #二分搜索
while l < r:
m = (l + r) // 2
if m > 1 and n1 % m == 0:
return m
if m * f(n2 // f(m)) < n1:
l = m + 1
r = m - 1
for i in range(16):
# brute force top 4 bits of p1
# because len(str(p1)) must be constant to have monotonic property
l = i << 508
r = l + (1 << 508)
if p1 := try_factor(l, r):
return (p1, n1 // p1), (f(p1), n2 // f(p1))
这道题并没有考到很多密码学上的知识,而是一些非常有用的搜索算法,以及数学上的变换。通过这道题,学习了很多,包括Prune and Search还有对于时间复杂度的估算的应用。