
  在 LCD 驱动的时候发现,linux logo一直弄不出来,猜想可能是因为uImage的问题,就看了一眼 uImage 时间:

  我现在的时间是 ,那可能就是没有更新make的时候没有更新,就上网搜了一下用下面的命令输出 uImage:make uImage

CALLscripts/atonic/check-atomics.shCHKinclude/generated/ compile.h
Kernel: arch/arm/boot/ Image is readyKernel: arch/arm/boot/zImage is readymultiple (or no) load addresses:
This is incompatible with uImages
Specify LOADADDR on the commandline to build an uImage
arch/arm/boot/Makefile:90: recipe for target 'arch/arn/boot/uInage’ failedmake[1]:***[arch/arm/boot/uImage] Error 1
arch/aro/Makefile:342: recipe for target 'uInage' failed make:***「uInage] Error 2



  执行这条指令就成功了(千万注意加载地址是否正确):make ARCH=arm LOADADDR=0xc2000000 uImage


posted @ 2023-11-09 10:49  烟儿公主  阅读(48)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报