从OpenGL ES 2.0到Direct3D 11.1之路

Direct3D是由微软发布的游戏图形标准,可以让游戏开发者为玩家提供最优秀的游戏品质 及 优秀的游戏画质表现力。对开发PC客户端游戏的中国开发者而言,对Direct3D熟悉的不能再熟悉了。而对于从事移动平台游戏的中国开发者,在开发Windows Phone和Windows 8游戏的时候,面临着需要快速从熟悉的OpenGL ES转移到Direct3D上。以下3个文档会对开发者的技术迁移提供强大的帮助。

1. Map OpenGL ES 2.0 to Direct3D 11.1
When starting the process of porting your graphics architecture from OpenGL ES 2.0 to Direct3D for the first time, familiarize yourself with the key differences between the APIs. The topics in this section help you plan your port strategy and the  API changes that you must make when moving your graphics processing to Direct3D.

2. Walkthrough sample ports from OpenGL ES 2.0
This set of topics walks a number of OpenGL ES 2.0 graphics pipeline porting scenarios of differing complexity.

3. OpenGL ES 2.0 to Direct3D 11.1 reference
Use these reference topics to look up API mapping and short code samples when porting from OpenGL ES 2.0 to Direct3D 11.1.

希望能帮助大家解决OpenGL ES迁移到Direct3D的障碍和困惑。

posted @ 2013-03-26 09:19  Tory Xu  阅读(288)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报