Script to compile invalid objects in DB
REM: Script to compile invalid objects in DB after refreshing REM: REM:***************************************** REM: REM: NOTE: PLEASE TEST THIS SCRIPT BEFORE USE. REM: Author will not be responsible for any damage that may be cause by this script. REM:***************************************** set pagesize 0 set feedback off set trimspool on prompt prompt Run the script as sysdba otherwise invalid objects will remain (ORA-01031 error) prompt prompt Run the script several times. It only takes long the first time prompt prompt check the progress of compilation by issueing from another session prompt select count(*) "invalid" from dba_objects where status <> 'VALID'; prompt prompt hit <enter> to continue pause spool compile.lis select 'alter '||object_type||' '||owner||'.\"'||object_name||'\" compile;' from dba_objects where status<>'VALID' and object_type not in ('PACKAGE BODY','TYPE BODY','UNDEFINED','JAVA CLASS','SYNONYM') union select 'alter package '||owner||'.'||object_name||' compile body;' from dba_objects where status<>'VALID' and object_type='PACKAGE BODY' union select 'alter type '||owner||'.'||object_name||' compile body;' from dba_objects where status<>'VALID' and object_type='TYPE BODY' union select 'alter materialized view '||owner||'.'||object_name||' compile;' from dba_objects where status<>'VALID' and object_type='UNDEFINED' union select 'alter java class '||owner||'.\"'||object_name||'\" resolve;' from dba_objects where status<>'VALID' and object_type='JAVA CLASS' union select 'alter synonym '||owner||'.'||object_name||' compile;' from dba_objects where status<>'VALID' and object_type='SYNONYM' and owner<>'PUBLIC' union select 'alter public synonym '||object_name||' compile;' from dba_objects where status<>'VALID' and object_type='SYNONYM' and owner='PUBLIC'; spool off set feedback on