How To Join XLA_AE_HEADERS and RCV_TRANSACTIONS(子分类账到事务处理追溯)


Applies to:   Oracle Inventory Management - Version: 12.0.6<max_ver> and later   [Release: 12 and later ] Information in this document applies to any platform. ***Checked for relevance on 7-Sep-2011***   Goal   In Release 12, Subledger Accounting has been introduced for Procurement.  As a part of Subledger Accounting, new SLA tables XLA_AE_HEADERS, XLA_AE_LINES and XLA_DISTRIBUTION_LINKS have been introduced.

How to join the tables XLA_AE_HEADERS with RCV_TRANSACTIONS?   Solution   There is no direct join between these 2 tables, however you can link via other tables and return data.

In the rcv_receiving_sub_ledger with the rcv_transaction_id you can tie in the rcv_transactions table with the transaction_id, so:

       rrsl.rcv_transaction_id = rt.transaction_id

In the rcv_receiving_sub_ledger with the RCV_SUB_LEDGER_ID you can tie in the XLA_DISTRIBUTION_LINKS table with the SOURCE_DISTRIBUTION_ID_NUM_1:


And then complete the join between the tables with the ae_header_id reference between xla_ae_headers and XLA_DISTRIBUTION_LINKS:

        aeh.ae_header_id = xdl.ae_header_id

So with the following completed script by entering an accrued receipt number you can obtain the rcv_transaction transaction_id and the xla_ae_headers table ae_header_id values, thus effectively joining the respective tables.   Please note however that the transactions must have been accrued and the Create Accounting process have completed for records to be seen in the Subledger Tables.   Here is the script, it requires the entry of a receipt number and the appropriate set of books id ( for a receipt that has been accrued as described above):  

SELECT aeh.ae_header_id,
FROM   xla_ae_headers aeh,
       xla_ae_lines ael,
       rcv_transactions rt,
xla_distribution_links xdl,
       rcv_receiving_sub_ledger rrsl
WHERE  aeh.ae_header_id = xdl.ae_header_id
       AND aeh.ae_header_id = ael.ae_header_id
       AND ael.ae_header_id = xdl.ae_header_id
       AND ael.ae_line_num = xdl.ae_line_num
       AND xdl.source_distribution_type = 'RCV_RECEIVING_SUB_LEDGER'
       AND xdl.source_distribution_id_num_1 = rrsl.rcv_sub_ledger_id
       AND rrsl.rcv_transaction_id = rt.transaction_id
       AND rrsl.set_of_books_id = &set_of_books_id
       AND rt.shipment_header_id IN (SELECT shipment_header_id
                                     FROM   rcv_shipment_headers
                                     WHERE  receipt_num = '&RECEIPT_NUM')
ORDER  BY rt.transaction_id,

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