AR Adjustment

1.设置对应的Activity Name 路径:AR SETUP USER->Setup->RECEIPT->Receivable Activities

2.设置对对应的approve  limits 路径:AR SETUP USER->setup->transactions->Accounting Rules

具体参考Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide (4-1)



您可以使用“调整”窗口来创建调整。在您将活动分配给调整时,Oracle Receivables 会自动使用为进行调整而分配给该活动的帐户。











输入调整额。如果指定“发票”作为调整类型,Oracle Receivables 将要求调整额至少能够足以结清要调整的项目,并在“金额”字段中显示此值。如果此调整额超出审批限制范围,则 Oracle Receivables 会在您保存时将调整状态设置为“待批”(未批准调整不会更新项目的到期余额)。


输入此调整的 GL 日期(可选)。默认值是事务处理 GL 日期或当前日期中较迟的一个。但是,如果此日期不在打开会计期内,则默认 GL 日期为最近打开会计期的最后日期。GL 日期必须迟于或等于要调整借项的 GL 日期,并且必须在一个打开或将来可输入的会计期内。


打开“帐户标识”标签区域,然后输入此调整的 GL 帐户(可选)。活动名称会提供默认的 GL 帐户,但您可以更改此值。

如果要使用人工单据编号,请输入此调整的唯一单据编号。如果使用自动单据编号,则 Oracle Receivables 会在您保存时分配单据编号。请参阅:实施单据序号

打开“备注”标签区域,输入创建此调整的原因(可选)。Oracle Receivables 会在调整登记表中打印原因。

注:除非您将“AR:需要调整原因”配置文件选项设置为“是”,否则调整原因是可选的。请参阅:Oracle Receivables 用户配置文件选项概览

更新此调整的状态(可选)。如果此调整在用户审批限制之内,您可以选择任何状态。如果您要复核先前批准的调整,则 Oracle Receivables 将跳过此字段。

保存您所做的工作。Oracle Receivables 会为此调整生成唯一编号。

Entering Manual Adjustments
Use the Adjustments window to create your adjustments. When you assign an activity to your adjustment, Receivables automatically uses the accounts assigned to that activity for the adjustment.

A transaction must have a status of Complete before you can adjust it.


Define your user approval limits

Enter transactions

To create a manual adjustment:
Navigate to the Transactions Summary window.

Query the transaction to adjust.

Select the transaction, then choose Adjust.

If this transaction has multiple installments, select the installment to adjust, then choose Adjust.

Enter the adjustment.

Enter an Activity Name and choose the Type of adjustment you are creating. Valid adjustment types include Invoice, Charges, Freight, and Tax.

Enter the Amount of this adjustment. If you specify 'Invoice' as your adjustment type, Receivables requires that the amount of your adjustment be at least enough to close the item you are adjusting, and displays this value in the Amount field. If the amount of this adjustment is outside your approval limits, Receivables sets the status of the adjustment to Pending Approval when you save (unapproved adjustments do not update the balance due for an item).

Attention: You can enter an amount greater than the balance due only if the transaction type's Allow Overapplication option is set to Yes. For more information, see: Transaction Types.

Enter the GL Date for this adjustment (optional). The default is the later of either the transaction GL date or the current date. However, if this date is not in an open period, the default GL Date is the last date of the most recent open period. The GL date must be later than or equal to the GL date of the debit item you are adjusting and must be in an open or future-enterable period.

Enter the Adjustment Date (optional). The default is the current date, but you can change it.

Open the Account IDs tabbed region, then enter the GL Account for this adjustment (optional). The activity name provides the default GL account, but you can change it.

If you are using manual document numbering, enter a unique Document Number for this adjustment. If you are using automatic document numbering, Receivables assigns a document number when you save. See: Implementing Document Sequences.

Open the Comments tabbed region, then enter a Reason for creating this adjustment. Receivables prints your reasons on the Adjustment Register.

Note: An adjustment reason is optional unless you set the AR: Require Adjustment Reason profile option to Yes. See: Overview of Receivables User Profile Options.

Update the Status of this adjustment (optional). If this adjustment is within your user approval limits, you can choose any status. If you are reviewing a previously approved adjustment, Receivables skips this field.

Save your work. Receivables generates a unique number for this adjustment.


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