Note: This is an extension of House Robber.After robbing those houses on that street, the thief has found himself a new place for his thievery so that... 阅读全文
Given a 2D board and a list of words from the dictionary, find all words in the board.Each word must be constructed from letters of sequentially adjac... 阅读全文
Design a data structure that supports the following two operations:void addWord(word)bool search(word)search(word) can search a literal word or a regu... 阅读全文
There are a total of n courses you have to take, labeled from 0 to n - 1.Some courses may have prerequisites, for example to take course 0 you have to... 阅读全文
Given an array of n positive integers and a positive integer s, find the minimal length of a subarray of which the sum ≥ s. If there isn't one, return... 阅读全文
Implement a trie with insert, search, and startsWith methods. Note:You may assume that all inputs are consist of lowercase letters a-z.解题思路:参考百度百科:Tri... 阅读全文