2、目录分类 程序入口
bin 提供统一登录
conf 提供用户包括管理员操作函数,包括:添加账户、锁定账户、
info.txt 保存账户信息
log 记录用户操作日志的函数 管理员查看用户操作日志的函数 记录用户消费流水的函数 用户获取消费流水的函数
shop 购物车导航、购物、付款函数
------ 欢迎来到XX银行信用卡中心 ------
# 管理员登录
------ 欢迎来到XX银行信用卡中心 ------
|账户数据示例:User(账户名)| Pass(密码)| Card_Num(卡号)| Quota(信用额度)| Balance(可用额度)| Take_Quota(取现额度)| Status(账户状态)| Type(账户类型)|
############################## 管理员功能列表 ##############################
1.添加账户 2.冻结账户 3.搜索账户
4.更新额度 5.日志查看 q.退出
# 普通用户登录
------ 欢迎来到XX银行信用卡中心 ------
------------------------------------------------ 用户菜单列表 ------------------------------------------------
1.提现 2.转账 3.还款
4.查询 6.流水 q.退出
############################## 管理员功能列表 ##############################
1.添加账户 2.冻结账户 3.搜索账户
4.更新额度 5.日志查看 q.退出
user4账户开户成功!当前信用额度10000 当前可用余额10000 当前取现额度5000
############################## 管理员功能列表 ##############################
1.添加账户 2.冻结账户 3.搜索账户
4.更新额度 5.日志查看 q.退出
############################## 管理员功能列表 ##############################
1.添加账户 2.冻结账户 3.搜索账户
4.更新额度 5.日志查看 q.退出
############################## 管理员功能列表 ##############################
1.添加账户 2.冻结账户 3.搜索账户
4.更新额度 5.日志查看 q.退出
############################## 管理员功能列表 ##############################
1.添加账户 2.冻结账户 3.搜索账户
4.更新额度 5.日志查看 q.退出
############################## 管理员功能列表 ##############################
1.添加账户 2.冻结账户 3.搜索账户
4.更新额度 5.日志查看 q.退出
############################## 管理员功能列表 ##############################
1.添加账户 2.冻结账户 3.搜索账户
4.更新额度 5.日志查看 q.退出
############################## 管理员功能列表 ##############################
1.添加账户 2.冻结账户 3.搜索账户
4.更新额度 5.日志查看 q.退出
2017-02-06 21:53:22,021 - 操作日志 - INFO - 进行了'信息查看'操作
2017-02-06 21:53:52,632 - 操作日志 - INFO - 进行了'购物'操作
------------------------------------------------ 用户菜单列表 ------------------------------------------------
1.提现 2.转账 3.还款
4.查询 6.流水 q.退出
user1取现成功! 取现金额1000, 取现手续费50, 当前取现额度3950
------------------------------------------------ 用户菜单列表 ------------------------------------------------
1.提现 2.转账 3.还款
4.查询 6.流水 q.退出
------------------------------------------------ 用户菜单列表 ------------------------------------------------
1.提现 2.转账 3.还款
4.查询 6.流水 q.退出
------------------------------------------------ 用户菜单列表 ------------------------------------------------
1.提现 2.转账 3.还款
4.查询 6.流水 q.退出
user1还款成功! 还款金额1550, 账单剩余0
------------------------------------------------ 用户菜单列表 ------------------------------------------------
1.提现 2.转账 3.还款
4.查询 6.流水 q.退出
------------------------------------------------ 用户菜单列表 ------------------------------------------------
1.提现 2.转账 3.还款
4.查询 6.流水 q.退出
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
* 欢迎user1来到购物商城 *
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
0 - 服装类
1 - 电子类
2 - 家电类
3 - 食品类
[选择种类,按q返回用户菜单] 请输入您的选择:1
--> 0 通讯
--> 1 办公
[选择分类,按'b'返回上一级,按'q'返回到用户菜单] 请输入您的选择:1
----> 0 笔记本 5000
----> 1 台式机 3000
[选择商品,按'b'返回上一级,按'q'返回到用户菜单] 请输入您的选择:1
台式机 {'总价': 3000, '件数': 1, '单价': 3000} 2017.02.06 22.16.33
台式机 {'总价': 30000, '件数': 10, '单价': 3000} 2017.02.08 15.55.16
------------------------------------------------ 用户菜单列表 ------------------------------------------------
1.提现 2.转账 3.还款
4.查询 6.流水 q.退出
2017-02-06 22:18:38,955 - 消费流水 - INFO - 购物花费了3000
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- 3 # Author: Tony Chiu 4 # Blog: 5 # Github: 6 7 from bin import auth 8 9 10 def main(): 11 """ 12 程序入口 13 :return: 14 """ 15 print('-'.center(6, '-'), "\033[1;34;43m欢迎来到XX银行信用卡中心\033[0m", '-'.center(6, '-')) 16 print("\t1.登录\n\tq、退出") 17 print('-'.center(38, '-')) 18 19 while True: 20 inp = input("请键入您要的操作:") 21 if inp == "q": 22 exit() 23 if not inp.isdigit(): 24 print("输入无效") 25 continue 26 if inp == "1": 27 auth.login() 28 break 29 else: 30 print("请输入正确的数字") 31 continue 32 33 main()
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 3 # Author: Tony Chiu 4 # Blog: 5 # Github: 6 7 import os 8 import time 9 from conf import operation 10 from shop import shopping 11 from log import openlog 12 from log import openwater 13 14 15 INFO = os.path.join("db", "info.txt") 16 INFO_TMP = os.path.join("db", "info_tmp.txt") 17 INFO_BAK = os.path.join("db", "info_bak.txt") 18 LOGIN_USER = {"is_login": False} 19 20 21 def login(): 22 """ 23 定义登录功能函数 24 提供三次尝试登陆机会 25 :return: 26 """ 27 try_times = 3 28 for i in range(3): 29 try_times -= 1 30 username = input("请输入用户名:") 31 pwd = input("请输入密码:") 32 with open(INFO, 'r') as f: 33 for line in f.readlines(): 34 # 布尔值判断是否为空行,strip()忽略空格和换行符\n 35 if line.strip(): 36 User, Pass, Card_Num, Quota, Balance, Take_Quota, Status, Type = line.strip().split('|') 37 if username == User and pwd == Pass: 38 LOGIN_USER['is_login'] = True # 字典修改 39 LOGIN_USER['current_user'] = username # 字典添加 40 LOGIN_USER['Quota'] = Quota # 字典添加 41 LOGIN_USER['Balance'] = Balance # 字典添加 42 LOGIN_USER['Take_Quota'] = Take_Quota # 字典添加 43 LOGIN_USER['Status'] = Status # 字典添加 44 LOGIN_USER['Type'] = Type # 字典添加 45 # order() # 函数order执行不可放置在此,下一步调用rename INFO,将会报错文件正在使用 46 break 47 order() 48 if try_times == 0: 49 print("\n\033[1;31;47m...已尝试了3次均错误,系统将在3秒后退出...\033[0m") 50 time.sleep(3) 51 exit() 52 53 54 def order(): 55 if LOGIN_USER['is_login']: 56 print("\n>>>欢迎%s登录<<<" % (LOGIN_USER['current_user'])) 57 while True: 58 if LOGIN_USER['Type'] == 'a': 59 print("-".center(164,'-')) 60 print("|账户数据示例:User(账户名)| Pass(密码)| Card_Num(卡号)| Quota(信用额度)| Balance(可用额度)| Take_Quota(取现额度)| Status(账户状态)| Type(账户类型)|") 61 print("-".center(164, '-')) 62 print('#'.center(30, '#'), "管理员功能列表", '#'.center(30, '#')) 63 print("1.添加账户\t2.冻结账户\t3.搜索账户\n4.更新额度\t5.日志查看\tq.退出\n") 64 select = input("键入您的选择:") 65 if select == '1': 66 operation.register() 67 elif select == '2': 68 operation.lock() 69 elif select == '3': 70 71 elif select == '4': 72 operation.update() 73 elif select == '5': 74 openlog.openlog() 75 elif select == 'q': 76 exit() 77 elif LOGIN_USER['Type'] == 'u': 78 if LOGIN_USER['Status'] == '1': 79 print('-'.center(48, '-'), "用户菜单列表", '-'.center(48, '-')) 80 print("1.提现\t2.转账\t3.还款\n4.查询\\t6.流水\tq.退出\n") 81 select = input("键入您的选择:") 82 if select == '1': 83 operation.take() 84 elif select == '2': 85 operation.transfer() 86 elif select == '3': 87 operation.repay() 88 elif select == '4': 89 operation.check() 90 elif select == '5': 91 shopping.navigation() 92 elif select == '6': 93 openwater.openwater() 94 elif select == 'q': 95 exit() 96 else: 97 print("\n但是您的账户已被锁定!系统将在3秒后退出....") 98 time.sleep(3) 99 exit()
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 3 # Author: Tony Chiu 4 # Blog: 5 # Github: 6 7 8 """ 9 如下from bin import auth从bin目录导入,以便调用auth中定义的变量 10 代码调用auth中变量,比如auth.INFO 11 """ 12 import os 13 from bin import auth 14 from log import getlog 15 16 17 USER_LIST = [] 18 CARD_LIST = [] 19 20 21 def outer1(func): 22 """ 23 定义函数:装饰器 24 :param func: 25 :return: 26 """ 27 def inner(): 28 r = func() 29 # 这里首先判断是否存在auth.INFO_TMP的原因是:保证用户修改成功完成(例如执行升级额度操作,如果用户输入的不是合法的数字,那么就不存在auth.INFO_TMP) 30 if os.path.exists(auth.INFO_TMP): 31 if os.path.exists(auth.INFO_BAK): 32 os.remove(auth.INFO_BAK) 33 os.rename(auth.INFO, auth.INFO_BAK) 34 os.rename(auth.INFO_TMP, auth.INFO) 35 return r 36 return inner 37 38 39 def register(): 40 """ 41 定义添加账户功能函数 42 提供三次尝试机会避免添加已存在的用户 43 使用列表USER_LIST.append(User)保存已存在的用户 44 :return: 45 """ 46 for i in range(3): 47 username = input("请输入新的用户名:") 48 cardnum = input("请输入卡号:") 49 with open(auth.INFO, 'r') as f: 50 for line in f.readlines(): 51 if line.strip(): 52 User, Pass, Card_Num, Quota, Balance, Take_Quota, Status, Type = line.strip().split('|') 53 USER_LIST.append(User) 54 CARD_LIST.append(Card_Num) 55 if username in USER_LIST or cardnum in CARD_LIST: 56 print('xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') 57 print("账户已存在!请选择其他账户") 58 print('xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') 59 continue 60 else: 61 pwd = input("请输入密码:") 62 quota = input("请输入额度:") 63 #提现额度=信用额度/2 64 take_quota = int(int(quota) / 2) 65 with open(auth.INFO, 'a') as f: 66 f.write('\n'+str(username)+'|'+str(pwd)+'|'+str(cardnum)+'|'+str(quota)+'|'+str(quota)+'|'+str(take_quota)+'|'+'1'+'|'+str('u')) 67 print("\n\t%s账户开户成功!当前信用额度%s 当前可用余额%s 当前取现额度%s" % (username,quota,quota,take_quota)) 68 print("*".center(70, '*')) 69 break 70 71 72 @outer1 73 def lock(): 74 """ 75 定义函数:冻结指定的账户 76 :return: 77 """ 78 Lock_User = input("请输入要冻结的账户:") 79 with open(auth.INFO, 'r') as old, open(auth.INFO_TMP,'w') as new: 80 for line in old: 81 # 布尔值判断是否为空行,strip()忽略空格和换行符\n 82 if line.strip(): 83 User, Pass, Card_Num, Quota, Balance, Take_Quota, Status, Type = line.strip().split('|') 84 USER_LIST.append(User) 85 if Lock_User == User: 86 new.write(str(User)+'|'+str(Pass)+'|'+str(Card_Num)+'|'+str(Quota)+'|'+str(Balance)+'|'+str(Take_Quota)+'|'+str('0')+'|'+str(Type) + '\n') 87 # elif User == 'admin': 88 # new.write(str(User)+'|'+str(Pass)+'|'+str(Card_Num)+'|'+str(Quota)+'|'+str(Balance)+'|'+str(Take_Quota)+'|'+str(Status)+'|'+str(Type)+'\n') 89 else: 90 new.write(str(User)+'|'+str(Pass)+'|'+str(Card_Num)+'|'+str(Quota)+'|'+str(Balance)+'|'+str(Take_Quota)+'|'+str(Status)+'|'+str(Type)+'\n') 91 if Lock_User in USER_LIST: 92 print("\n\t%s账户冻结成功!" % Lock_User) 93 print("*".center(25, '*')) 94 else: 95 print("\n\033[1;31;47m...您要冻结的账户不存在!...\033[0m\n") 96 97 98 # if os.path.exists(auth.INFO_BAK): 99 # os.remove(auth.INFO_BAK) 100 # os.rename(auth.INFO, auth.INFO_BAK) 101 # os.rename(auth.INFO_TMP, auth.INFO) 102 103 104 def search(): 105 """ 106 定义搜索功能函数,支持精确查找和模糊查找 107 :return: 108 """ 109 SEARCH_EXIST = {"is_ok": False} 110 Search_info = input("请输入要搜索的账户信息(账户名或卡号):") 111 with open(auth.INFO,'r') as f: 112 for line in f.readlines(): 113 # 布尔值判断是否为空行,strip()忽略空格和换行符\n 114 if line.strip(): 115 User, Pass, Card_Num, Quota, Balance, Take_Quota, Status, Type = line.strip().split('|') 116 if Search_info in User: 117 SEARCH_EXIST = {"is_ok": True} 118 if Status == '1': 119 print("\n\t账户:%s,卡号:%s,信用额度:%s,可用余额:%s,取现额度:%s,账户状态:正常\n" % (User, Card_Num,Quota,Balance,Take_Quota)) 120 elif Status == '0': 121 print("\n\t账户:%s,卡号:%s,信用额度:%s,可用余额:%s,取现额度:%s,账户状态:锁定!请联系管理员\n" % (User, Card_Num,Quota,Balance,Take_Quota)) 122 elif Search_info in Card_Num: 123 SEARCH_EXIST = {"is_ok": True} 124 if Status == '1': 125 print("\n\t账户:%s,卡号:%s,信用额度:%s,可用余额:%s,取现额度:%s,账户状态:正常\n" % (User, Card_Num,Quota,Balance,Take_Quota)) 126 elif Status == '0': 127 print("\n\t账户:%s,卡号:%s,信用额度:%s,可用余额:%s,取现额度:%s,账户状态:锁定!请联系管理员\n" % (User, Card_Num,Quota,Balance,Take_Quota)) 128 129 if SEARCH_EXIST == {"is_ok": False}: 130 print("\n\t\033[1;31;47m...账户不存在,请确认!...\033[0m\n") 131 132 133 @outer1 134 def update(): 135 """ 136 定义函数:更新设定指定的账户额度 137 :return: 138 """ 139 UPDATE_EXIST = {"is_ok": False} 140 Update_User = input("请输入要更新额度的账户:") 141 142 with open(auth.INFO, 'r') as f: 143 for line in f: 144 # 布尔值判断是否为空行,strip()忽略空格和换行符\n 145 if line.strip(): 146 User, Pass, Card_Num, Quota, Balance, Take_Quota, Status, Type = line.strip().split('|') 147 if Update_User in User: 148 UPDATE_EXIST = {"is_ok": True} 149 if UPDATE_EXIST == {"is_ok": False}: 150 outp = print("\n\t\033[1;31;47m...账户不存在,请确认!...\033[0m\n") 151 return outp # 当前条件如果成立,以下程序就不执行了,执行return 152 153 Update_Quota = input("请输入要更新的额度:") 154 if Update_Quota.isdigit(): 155 with open(auth.INFO, 'r') as old, open(auth.INFO_TMP,'w') as new: 156 for line in old: 157 # 布尔值判断是否为空行,strip()忽略空格和换行符\n 158 if line.strip(): 159 User, Pass, Card_Num, Quota, Balance, Take_Quota, Status, Type = line.strip().split('|') 160 if Update_User == User: 161 UPDATE_EXIST = {"is_ok": True} 162 # 更新后的提现额度 = 更新后的信用额度/2 163 Update_Take_Quota = int(int(Update_Quota) / 2) 164 # 更新后的可用额度 = 当前可用额度 + (更新后的信用额度 - 原始信用额度) 165 Update_Balance = int(Balance) + int(int(Update_Quota) - int(Quota)) 166 new.write(str(User)+'|'+str(Pass)+'|'+str(Card_Num)+'|'+str(Update_Quota)+'|'+str(Update_Balance)+'|'+str(Update_Take_Quota)+'|'+str(Status)+'|'+str(Type) + '\n') 167 # elif User == 'admin': 168 # new.write(str(User)+'|'+str(Pass)+'|'+str(Card_Num)+'|'+str(Quota)+'|'+str(Balance)+'|'+str(Take_Quota)+'|'+str(Status)+'|'+str(Type)+'\n') 169 else: 170 UPDATE_EXIST = {"is_ok": True} 171 new.write(str(User)+'|'+str(Pass)+'|'+str(Card_Num)+'|'+str(Quota)+'|'+str(Balance)+'|'+str(Take_Quota)+'|'+str(Status)+'|'+str(Type)+'\n') 172 print("\n\t%s账户额度更新成功,当前:信用额度%s,可用额度%s,取现额度%s!" % (Update_User,Update_Quota,Update_Balance,Update_Take_Quota)) 173 print("*".center(70, '*')) 174 175 # if os.path.exists(auth.INFO_BAK): 176 # os.remove(auth.INFO_BAK) 177 # os.rename(auth.INFO, auth.INFO_BAK) 178 # os.rename(auth.INFO_TMP, auth.INFO) 179 180 else: 181 print("\n\033[1;31;47mError! 请键入正确的数字\033[0m\n") 182 183 184 @outer1 185 def take(): 186 """ 187 定义函数:取现 188 :return: 189 """ 190 getlog.create_log("进行了'取现'操作") # 调用日志函数记录操作日志 191 print("当前取现额度%s" % auth.LOGIN_USER['Take_Quota']) 192 Take_Money = input("请输入要提取的金额:") 193 if Take_Money.isdigit(): 194 with open(auth.INFO, 'r') as f: 195 for line in f: 196 # 布尔值判断是否为空行,strip()忽略空格和换行符\n 197 if line.strip(): 198 User, Pass, Card_Num, Quota, Balance, Take_Quota, Status, Type = line.strip().split('|') 199 if auth.LOGIN_USER['current_user'] == User: 200 if int(Take_Quota) < int(Take_Money): 201 outp = print("\n\033[1;31;47m...取现余额不足!...\033[0m\n") 202 return outp 203 else: 204 # 定义提现手续费5% 205 Take_Charge = int(int(Take_Money) * 0.05) 206 with open(auth.INFO, 'r') as old, open(auth.INFO_TMP, 'w') as new: 207 for line in old: 208 # 布尔值判断是否为空行,strip()忽略空格和换行符\n 209 if line.strip(): 210 User, Pass, Card_Num, Quota, Balance, Take_Quota, Status, Type = line.strip().split('|') 211 # 当前提现额度 = 原始取现额度-已取现金额-手续费 212 New_Take_Quota = int(Take_Quota) - int(Take_Money) - int(Take_Charge) 213 # 当前可用额度 = 原始可用额度-已取现金额-手续费 214 New_Balance = int(Balance) - int(Take_Money) - int(Take_Charge) 215 if auth.LOGIN_USER['current_user'] == User: 216 new.write(str(User)+'|'+str(Pass)+'|'+str(Card_Num)+'|'+str(Quota)+'|'+str(New_Balance)+'|'+str(New_Take_Quota)+'|'+str(Status)+'|'+str(Type)+'\n') 217 # elif User == 'admin': 218 # new.write(str(User)+'|'+str(Pass)+'|'+str(Card_Num)+'|'+str(Quota)+'|'+str(Balance)+'|'+str(Take_Quota)+'|'+str(Status)+'|'+str(Type)+'\n') 219 else: 220 new.write(str(User)+'|'+str(Pass)+'|'+str(Card_Num)+'|'+str(Quota)+'|'+str(Balance)+'|'+str(Take_Quota)+'|'+str(Status)+'|'+str(Type)+'\n') 221 # 显示当前提现额度=当前用户的原始额度-提现数-手续费 int(int(auth.LOGIN_USER['Take_Quota'])-int(Take_Money)-int(Take_Charge)) 222 print("\n\t%s取现成功! 取现金额%s, 取现手续费%s, 当前取现额度%s" % (auth.LOGIN_USER['current_user'], Take_Money, Take_Charge, int(int(auth.LOGIN_USER['Take_Quota'])-int(Take_Money)-int(Take_Charge)) )) 223 print("*".center(70, '*')) 224 225 # if os.path.exists(auth.INFO_BAK): 226 # os.remove(auth.INFO_BAK) 227 # os.rename(auth.INFO, auth.INFO_BAK) 228 # os.rename(auth.INFO_TMP, auth.INFO) 229 else: 230 print("\n\033[1;31;47mError! 请键入正确的数字\033[0m\n") 231 232 233 @outer1 234 def transfer(): 235 """ 236 定义函数:转账给指定账户 237 :return: 238 """ 239 getlog.create_log("进行了'转账'操作") # 调用日志函数记录操作日志 240 Transfer_User = input("您需要转账给谁:") 241 Transfer_Money = input("请输入转账金额:") 242 Transfer_Charge = int(int(Transfer_Money) * 0.05) 243 if Transfer_Money.isdigit(): 244 with open(auth.INFO, 'r') as old, open(auth.INFO_TMP, 'w') as new: 245 for line in old: 246 # 布尔值判断是否为空行,strip()忽略空格和换行符\n 247 if line.strip(): 248 User, Pass, Card_Num, Quota, Balance, Take_Quota, Status, Type = line.strip().split('|') 249 if Transfer_User == User: 250 #接收账户当前余额=原始余额+转账数 251 New_Balance = int(Balance) + int(Transfer_Money) 252 #接受账户当前提现额度=原始额度+转账数 253 New_Take_Quota = int(Take_Quota) + int(Transfer_Money) 254 new.write(str(User)+'|'+str(Pass)+'|'+str(Card_Num)+'|'+str(Quota) + '|' + str(New_Balance)+'|'+str(New_Take_Quota)+'|'+str(Status)+'|'+str(Type)+'\n') 255 elif auth.LOGIN_USER['current_user'] == User: 256 #转账账户当前余额=原始余额-转账数 257 New_Balance = int(Balance) - int(Transfer_Money) - int(Transfer_Charge) 258 #转账账户当前提现额度=原始额度-转账数 259 New_Take_Quota = int(Take_Quota) - int(Transfer_Money) - int(Transfer_Charge) 260 new.write(str(User) + '|' + str(Pass) + '|' + str(Card_Num) + '|' + str(Quota) + '|' + str(New_Balance) + '|' + str(New_Take_Quota) + '|' + str(Status) + '|' + str(Type) + '\n') 261 # elif User == 'admin': 262 # new.write(str(User) + '|' + str(Pass) + '|' + str(Card_Num) + '|' + str(Quota) + '|' + str(Balance) + '|' + str(Take_Quota) + '|' + str(Status) + '|' + str(Type) + '\n') 263 else: 264 new.write(str(User) + '|' + str(Pass) + '|' + str(Card_Num) + '|' + str(Quota) + '|' + str(Balance) + '|' + str(Take_Quota) + '|' + str(Status) + '|' + str(Type) + '\n') 265 print("\n\t转账成功!") 266 print("*".center(20, '*')) 267 268 # if os.path.exists(auth.INFO_BAK): 269 # os.remove(auth.INFO_BAK) 270 # os.rename(auth.INFO, auth.INFO_BAK) 271 # os.rename(auth.INFO_TMP, auth.INFO) 272 273 else: 274 print("\nError! 请键入正确的金额\n") 275 276 277 @outer1 278 def repay(): 279 """ 280 定义函数:还账单 281 :return: 282 """ 283 getlog.create_log("进行了'还款'操作") # 调用日志函数记录操作日志 284 """ 285 重新读取账户相应金额,不可以从默认auth中LOGIN_USER字典读取,那样会引起数据不一致 286 """ 287 with open(auth.INFO, 'r') as f: 288 for line in f: 289 if line.strip(): 290 User, Pass, Card_Num, Quota, Balance, Take_Quota, Status, Type = line.strip().split('|') 291 Bill = int(int(Quota) - int(Balance)) 292 if auth.LOGIN_USER['current_user'] == User: 293 print("当前账单%s" % int(Bill)) 294 295 Repay_Money = input("请输入还款金额:") 296 if Repay_Money.isdigit(): 297 with open(auth.INFO, 'r') as old, open(auth.INFO_TMP, 'w') as new: 298 for line in old: 299 # 布尔值判断是否为空行,strip()忽略空格和换行符\n 300 if line.strip(): 301 User, Pass, Card_Num, Quota, Balance, Take_Quota, Status, Type = line.strip().split('|') 302 # 新的可用额度 = 原始可用额度 + 还款金额 303 New_Balance = int(Balance) + int(Repay_Money) 304 # 新的取现额度 = 原始取现额度 + 还款金额 305 New_Take_Quota = int(Take_Quota) + int(Repay_Money) 306 # 新的账单金额 = 原始信用额度 - 新的可用额度 307 # New_Bill = int(Quota) - int(New_Balance) 308 if auth.LOGIN_USER['current_user'] == User: 309 new.write(str(User) + '|' + str(Pass) + '|' + str(Card_Num) + '|' + str(Quota) + '|' + str(New_Balance) + '|' + str(New_Take_Quota) + '|' + str(Status) + '|' + str(Type) + '\n') 310 # elif User == 'admin': 311 # new.write(str(User) + '|' + str(Pass) + '|' + str(Card_Num) + '|' + str(Quota) + '|' + str( 312 # Balance) + '|' + str(Take_Quota) + '|' + str(Status) + '|' + str(Type) + '\n') 313 else: 314 new.write(str(User) + '|' + str(Pass) + '|' + str(Card_Num) + '|' + str(Quota) + '|' + str(Balance) + '|' + str(Take_Quota) + '|' + str(Status) + '|' + str(Type) + '\n') 315 #账单剩余=信用额度-当前余额-还款数 316 print("\n\t%s还款成功! 还款金额%s, 账单剩余%s" % (auth.LOGIN_USER['current_user'], Repay_Money, int(Bill))) 317 # print("\n\t%s还款成功! 还款金额%s, 账单剩余%s" % (auth.LOGIN_USER['current_user'], Repay_Money, int(int(auth.LOGIN_USER['Quota']) - int(auth.LOGIN_USER['Balance']) - int(Repay_Money)))) 318 print("*".center(70, '*')) 319 320 # if os.path.exists(auth.INFO_BAK): 321 # os.remove(auth.INFO_BAK) 322 # os.rename(auth.INFO, auth.INFO_BAK) 323 # os.rename(auth.INFO_TMP, auth.INFO) 324 325 else: 326 print("\nError! 请键入正确的数字\n") 327 328 329 def check(): 330 """ 331 定义查看信息函数:信用额度、可用余额、取现额度 332 :return: 333 """ 334 getlog.create_log("进行了'信息查看'操作") # 调用日志函数记录操作日志 335 with open(auth.INFO,'r') as f: 336 for line in f.readlines(): 337 # 布尔值判断是否为空行,strip()忽略空格和换行符\n 338 if line.strip(): 339 User, Pass, Card_Num, Quota, Balance, Take_Quota, Status, Type = line.strip().split('|') 340 if auth.LOGIN_USER['current_user'] == User: 341 if Status == '1': 342 Bill = int(int(Quota) - int(Balance)) 343 if int(Bill) < 0: 344 print("\n\t账户:%s,卡号:%s,信用额度:%s,可用余额:%s,取现额度:%s,账单金额:0,账户状态:正常\n" % (User, Card_Num,Quota,Balance,Take_Quota)) 345 else: 346 print("\n\t账户:%s,卡号:%s,信用额度:%s,可用余额:%s,取现额度:%s,账单金额:%s,账户状态:正常\n" % (User, Card_Num,Quota,Balance,Take_Quota,int(Bill)))
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 3 # Author: Tony Chiu 4 # Blog: 5 # Github: 6 7 import os 8 import logging 9 from bin import auth 10 11 # from conf import operation 12 13 14 def create_log(option): 15 with open(auth.INFO, 'r') as f: 16 for line in f: 17 if line.strip(): 18 User, Pass, Card_Num, Quota, Balance, Take_Quota, Status, Type = line.strip().split('|') 19 if auth.LOGIN_USER['current_user'] == User: 20 global LOG_INFO 21 LOG_INFO = os.path.join("log", auth.LOGIN_USER['current_user']+'_'+"access.log") 22 # LOG_INFO = os.path.join("access.log") 23 24 # create logger 25 logger = logging.getLogger("操作日志") # 首先获取日志对象 26 logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # 设定全局日志级别(下面局部设定的级别只能比全局高,否则按照全局来) 27 28 # create console handler and set level to info 29 outstream = logging.StreamHandler() # 把日志打印到屏幕 30 outstream.setLevel(logging.INFO) # 设定输出到屏幕的日志级别 31 32 # create file handler and set level to info 33 outfile = logging.FileHandler(LOG_INFO) # 把info日志输出到文件access.log 34 outfile.setLevel(logging.INFO) # 设定输出文件的日志级别 35 36 # create formatter 37 formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') 38 39 # add formatter to outstream and outfile 40 outstream.setFormatter(formatter) # 设定输出到屏幕的日志格式(可以与输出到文件的不一样) 41 outfile.setFormatter(formatter) # 设定输出到access.log文件的日志格式(可以与输出到屏幕的不一样) 42 43 # add outstream and outfile to logger 44 # logger.addHandler(outstream) # 加载到屏幕 45 logger.addHandler(outfile) # 加载到文件access.log 46 47 # 'application' code 48
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 3 # Author: Tony Chiu 4 # Blog: 5 # Github: 6 7 import os 8 import time 9 10 11 def openlog(): 12 checkuser = input("请输入要查询的用户:") 13 log = os.path.join("log", checkuser+'_'+"access.log") 14 if os.path.exists(log): 15 with open(log,'r') as f: 16 for line in f.readlines(): 17 print(line) 18 print("\t---日志结果将会停留屏幕5秒钟---\n") 19 time.sleep(5) 20 else: 21 print("\n\t***用户%s未进行过任何操作***\n" % checkuser) 22 23 24 # openlog()
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 3 # Author: Tony Chiu 4 # Blog: 5 # Github: 6 import os 7 import logging 8 from bin import auth 9 10 # from conf import operation 11 12 13 def create_water(option): 14 """ 15 定义函数:记录消费流水 16 :param option: 17 :return: 18 """ 19 with open(auth.INFO, 'r') as f: 20 for line in f: 21 if line.strip(): 22 User, Pass, Card_Num, Quota, Balance, Take_Quota, Status, Type = line.strip().split('|') 23 if auth.LOGIN_USER['current_user'] == User: 24 global LOG_INFO 25 LOG_INFO = os.path.join("log", auth.LOGIN_USER['current_user']+'_'+"water.log") 26 # LOG_INFO = os.path.join("access.log") 27 28 # create logger 29 logger = logging.getLogger("消费流水") # 首先获取日志对象 30 logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # 设定全局日志级别(下面局部设定的级别只能比全局高,否则按照全局来) 31 32 # create console handler and set level to info 33 outstream = logging.StreamHandler() # 把日志打印到屏幕 34 outstream.setLevel(logging.INFO) # 设定输出到屏幕的日志级别 35 36 # create file handler and set level to info 37 outfile = logging.FileHandler(LOG_INFO) # 把info日志输出到文件access.log 38 outfile.setLevel(logging.INFO) # 设定输出文件的日志级别 39 40 # create formatter 41 formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') 42 43 # add formatter to outstream and outfile 44 outstream.setFormatter(formatter) # 设定输出到屏幕的日志格式(可以与输出到文件的不一样) 45 outfile.setFormatter(formatter) # 设定输出到access.log文件的日志格式(可以与输出到屏幕的不一样) 46 47 # add outstream and outfile to logger 48 # logger.addHandler(outstream) # 加载到屏幕 49 logger.addHandler(outfile) # 加载到文件access.log 50 51 # 'application' code 52
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 3 # Author: Tony Chiu 4 # Blog: 5 # Github: 6 import os 7 import time 8 from bin import auth 9 10 11 def openwater(): 12 """ 13 定义函数:获取消费流水 14 :return: 15 """ 16 with open(auth.INFO, 'r') as f: 17 for line in f: 18 if line.strip(): 19 User, Pass, Card_Num, Quota, Balance, Take_Quota, Status, Type = line.strip().split('|') 20 if auth.LOGIN_USER['current_user'] == User: 21 global LOG_INFO 22 LOG_INFO = os.path.join("log", auth.LOGIN_USER['current_user']+'_'+"water.log") 23 # log = os.path.join("log", checkuser+'_'+"water.log") 24 if os.path.exists(LOG_INFO): 25 with open(LOG_INFO,'r') as f: 26 for line in f.readlines(): 27 print(line) 28 print("\t---消费流水将会停留屏幕5秒钟---\n") 29 time.sleep(5) 30 else: 31 print("\n\t***用户%s未进行过任何消费***\n" % auth.LOGIN_USER['current_user'])
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 3 # Author: Tony Chiu 4 # Blog: 5 # Github: 6 7 import os 8 import time 9 import json 10 from bin import auth 11 from log import getlog 12 from log import getwater 13 14 SHOPPING_LIST = os.path.join("shop", "shopping_list.txt") 15 16 buy_time = time.strftime("%Y.%m.%d %H.%M.%S",time.localtime(time.time())) 17 18 # 定义购物车字典 19 shopping_cart = {} 20 21 # 定义商品列表字典 22 Product = { 23 "家电类":{"厨房用品":[("微波炉",500),("冰箱",1000),("燃气灶",1500)], 24 "卧室用品":[("空调",3000),("电风扇",200)], 25 "卫浴用品":[("马桶",1200),("花洒",800)]}, 26 "服装类":{"休闲":[("休闲鞋",300),("休闲裤",200)], 27 "正装":[("西服",3000),("皮鞋",500)]}, 28 "电子类":{"办公":[("笔记本",5000),("台式机",3000)], 29 "通讯":[("手机",2000),("座机",100)]}, 30 "食品类":{"生鲜":[("三文鱼",50),("鸡",80)], 31 "熟食":[("夫妻肺片",30),("烤鸭",40)]} 32 } 33 34 35 def kind1(): 36 """ 37 定义函数:打印一级商品种类 38 :return: 39 """ 40 print(''' 41 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 42 * 欢迎%s来到购物商城 * 43 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **''' %(auth.LOGIN_USER['current_user'])) 44 for kind1_index, kind1_key in enumerate(Product.keys()): 45 print(kind1_index, '-', kind1_key) 46 print('End'.center(50, '-')) 47 48 49 def kind2(): 50 """ 51 定义函数:打印二级商品种类 52 :return: 53 """ 54 for kind2_index,kind2_key in enumerate(Product[kind1_list]): 55 print('->'.center(3,'-'),kind2_index,kind2_key) 56 print('End'.center(50,'-')) 57 58 59 def kind3(): 60 """ 61 定义函数:打印三级商品种类 62 :return: 63 """ 64 for kind3 in enumerate(Product[kind1_list][kind2_list]): 65 kind3_index = kind3[0] 66 kind3_key = kind3[1][0] 67 kind3_price = kind3[1][1] 68 print('--->'.center(5, '-'), kind3_index, kind3_key, kind3_price) 69 print('End'.center(50, '-')) 70 71 72 def start_shopping(): 73 """ 74 定义函数:生成购物车 75 :return: 76 """ 77 select = list(Product[kind1_list][kind2_list])[choice3] # 生成所选商品的列表信息 78 select_product = select[0] 79 select_price = select[1] 80 select_num = input("请输入商品件数:") 81 if select_num.isdigit(): 82 select_sum_price = int(select_num) * int(select_price) 83 84 # 判断商品是否已存在于购物车 85 if select_product in shopping_cart.keys(): 86 exist_num = shopping_cart[select_product]["件数"] # 取值已存在的件数 87 exist_sum_price = shopping_cart[select_product]["总价"] # 取值已存在的总价 88 current_num = int(exist_num) + int(select_num) # 当前件数=已存在的加上此次选择的 89 global current_sum_price # 定义current_sum_price为全局变量,便于payment调用 90 current_sum_price = int(exist_sum_price) + int(select_sum_price) # 当前总价=已存在的加上此次选择的 91 shopping_cart[select_product] = {"件数":int(current_num), "单价": select_price, "总价":int(current_sum_price)} 92 payment() # 调用付款函数 93 else: 94 current_sum_price = int(select_sum_price) 95 shopping_cart[select_product] = {"件数":int(select_num),"单价":select_price, "总价":int(current_sum_price)} 96 payment() # 调用付款函数 97 98 getwater.create_water("购物花费了%s" %current_sum_price) # 调用流水函数,记录花费流水 99 json.dump(shopping_cart, open(SHOPPING_LIST, 'w')) 100 shopping_list = json.load(open(SHOPPING_LIST, 'r')) 101 print("购物清单".center(45,'*')) 102 for key in shopping_list: 103 print(key,shopping_list[key],, '-'), '\n') 104 print('清单END'.center(50, '-'),'\n') 105 106 else: 107 print("\nError! 请键入正确的数字\n") 108 109 110 def payment(): 111 """ 112 定义函数:付款 113 :return: 114 """ 115 with open(auth.INFO, 'r') as f: 116 for line in f: 117 # 布尔值判断是否为空行,strip()忽略空格和换行符\n 118 if line.strip(): 119 User, Pass, Card_Num, Quota, Balance, Take_Quota, Status, Type = line.strip().split('|') 120 if auth.LOGIN_USER['current_user'] == User: 121 if int(Balance) < int(current_sum_price): 122 outp = print("\n\033[1;31;47m...余额不足以支付此次购物!但同样会显示购物清单...\033[0m\n") 123 return outp 124 else: 125 with open(auth.INFO, 'r') as old, open(auth.INFO_TMP, 'w') as new: 126 for line in old: 127 # 布尔值判断是否为空行,strip()忽略空格和换行符\n 128 if line.strip(): 129 User, Pass, Card_Num, Quota, Balance, Take_Quota, Status, Type = line.strip().split('|') 130 if auth.LOGIN_USER['current_user'] == User: 131 # 账户当前可用额度 = 原始可用额度 - 购物总价 132 New_Balance = int(Balance) - int(current_sum_price) 133 #账户当前取现额度 = 原始取现额度 - 购物总价 134 New_Take_Quota = int(Take_Quota) - int(current_sum_price) 135 136 new.write(str(User) + '|' + str(Pass) + '|' + str(Card_Num) + '|' + str(Quota) + '|' + str( 137 New_Balance) + '|' + str(New_Take_Quota) + '|' + str(Status) + '|' + str(Type) + '\n') 138 else: 139 new.write(str(User) + '|' + str(Pass) + '|' + str(Card_Num) + '|' + str(Quota) + '|' + str( 140 Balance) + '|' + str(Take_Quota) + '|' + str(Status) + '|' + str(Type) + '\n') 141 142 print("\n\t付款成功!") 143 # print("*".center(20, '*')) 144 if os.path.exists(auth.INFO_TMP): 145 if os.path.exists(auth.INFO_BAK): 146 os.remove(auth.INFO_BAK) 147 os.rename(auth.INFO, auth.INFO_BAK) 148 os.rename(auth.INFO_TMP, auth.INFO) 149 150 151 def navigation(): 152 """ 153 定义函数:列出菜单导航 154 :return: 155 """ 156 getlog.create_log("进行了'购物'操作") # 调用日志函数记录操作日志 157 kind1() 158 while True: 159 choice1 = input("[选择种类,按q返回用户菜单] 请输入您的选择:") 160 if choice1.isdigit(): 161 choice1 = int(choice1) 162 if choice1 < len(Product): 163 global kind1_list 164 kind1_list = list(Product.keys())[choice1] # 得出选择种类的具体类,比如“电子类” 165 kind2() 166 else: 167 print("请输入正确的选择!") 168 continue 169 elif choice1.lower() == 'q': # lower转换为小写,无论输入大写还是小写字母都执行返回到用户菜单 170 auth.order() 171 else: 172 print("你输入的不是数字!") 173 continue 174 175 while True: 176 choice2 = input("[选择分类,按'b'返回上一级,按'q'返回到用户菜单] 请输入您的选择:") 177 if choice2.isdigit(): 178 choice2 = int(choice2) 179 if choice2 < len(Product[kind1_list]): 180 global kind2_list 181 kind2_list = list(Product[kind1_list].keys())[choice2] 182 kind3() 183 else: 184 print("请输入正确的选择!") 185 continue 186 elif choice2.lower() == 'b': 187 kind1() 188 break 189 elif choice2.lower() == 'q': 190 auth.order() 191 else: 192 print("你输入的不是数字!") 193 continue 194 195 while True: 196 global choice3 197 choice3 = input("[选择商品,按'b'返回上一级,按'q'返回到用户菜单] 请输入您的选择:") 198 if choice3.isdigit(): 199 choice3 = int(choice3) 200 if choice3 < len(Product[kind1_list][kind2_list]): 201 start_shopping() 202 kind3() 203 else: 204 print("请输入正确的选择!") 205 continue 206 elif choice3.lower() == 'b': 207 kind2() 208 break 209 elif choice3.lower() == 'q': 210 auth.order() 211 else: 212 print("你输入的不是数字!") 213 continue
作者: Tonychiu