Tony's Log

Algorithms, Distributed System, Machine Learning

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1. LC\EPI summary
  Quick Sort: in C and in Haskell

2. G's slides

  NP-Complete: salesman\knapsack(encrypted)
    Salesman: enumeration solution: n!. DP: n^2 * 2^n
    encrypted knapsack problem is NP-Complete. 01-Knapsack\Complete-Knapsack is not (classic DP).
  Algorithm:  A*:
          For each node: f = g(actual) + h(estimated). Everytime we pick min f.
          To avoid hash\sorting in A*: like a water-level control based pruning strategy(on h())
        Sorting pros\cons
  Combinatorics: k out of n
  Graph: data structure's pros\cons (pointers, matrix, adjacent list)
  OS: process vs threads:
    Threads share global val\mem\code.
  System Design: network basics: router, DNS, load balancer, firewalls etc.
  TCP\IP: general knowledge
  Papers: Google Spanner\Chubby

3. My own resume

4. Misc.

  Binary tree problems:

  LCA problem:

posted on 2014-11-01 01:11  Tonix  阅读(192)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报