1、server.xml 系统配置信息
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- - - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - You may obtain a copy of the License at - - - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. --> <!DOCTYPE mycat:server SYSTEM "server.dtd"> <mycat:server xmlns:mycat="http://io.mycat/"> <system> <property name="useSqlStat">0</property> <!-- 1为开启实时统计、0为关闭 --> <property name="useGlobleTableCheck">0</property> <!-- 1为开启全加班一致性检测、0为关闭 --> <property name="sequnceHandlerType">2</property> <!-- <property name="useCompression">1</property>--> <!--1为开启mysql压缩协议--> <!-- <property name="fakeMySQLVersion">5.6.20</property>--> <!--设置模拟的MySQL版本号--> <!-- <property name="processorBufferChunk">40960</property> --> <!-- <property name="processors">1</property> <property name="processorExecutor">32</property> --> <!--默认为type 0: DirectByteBufferPool | type 1 ByteBufferArena--> <property name="processorBufferPoolType">0</property> <!--默认是65535 64K 用于sql解析时最大文本长度 --> <!--<property name="maxStringLiteralLength">65535</property>--> <!--<property name="sequnceHandlerType">0</property>--> <!--<property name="backSocketNoDelay">1</property>--> <!--<property name="frontSocketNoDelay">1</property>--> <!--<property name="processorExecutor">16</property>--> <!-- <property name="serverPort">8066</property> <property name="managerPort">9066</property> <property name="idleTimeout">300000</property> <property name="bindIp"></property> <property name="frontWriteQueueSize">4096</property> <property name="processors">32</property> --> <!--分布式事务开关,0为不过滤分布式事务,1为过滤分布式事务(如果分布式事务内只涉及全局表,则不过滤),2为不过滤分布式事务,但是记录分布式事务日志--> <property name="handleDistributedTransactions">0</property> <!-- off heap for merge/order/group/limit 1开启 0关闭 --> <property name="useOffHeapForMerge">1</property> <!-- 单位为m --> <property name="memoryPageSize">1m</property> <!-- 单位为k --> <property name="spillsFileBufferSize">1k</property> <property name="useStreamOutput">0</property> <!-- 单位为m --> <property name="systemReserveMemorySize">384m</property> <!--是否采用zookeeper协调切换 --> <property name="useZKSwitch">true</property> </system> <!-- 全局SQL防火墙设置 --> <!-- <firewall> <whitehost> <host host="" user="mycat"/> <host host="" user="mycat"/> </whitehost> <blacklist check="false"> </blacklist> </firewall> --> <user name="root"> <property name="password">123456</property> <property name="schemas">imall,gupao</property> <!-- 表级 DML 权限设置 --> <!-- <privileges check="false"> <schema name="TESTDB" dml="0110" > <table name="tb01" dml="0000"></table> <table name="tb02" dml="1111"></table> </schema> </privileges> --> </user> </mycat:server>
2、schema.xml 逻辑库、逻辑表、表的分片规则、数据源
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE mycat:schema SYSTEM "schema.dtd"> <mycat:schema xmlns:mycat="http://io.mycat/"> <schema name="imall" checkSQLschema="false" sqlMaxLimit="100"> <table name="customer" primaryKey="id" dataNode="122-imall,123-imall,124-imall" rule="auto-sharding-long" /> <table name="order_info" dataNode="122-imall,123-imall,124-imall" rule="mod-long-order" > <childTable name="order_detail" primaryKey="id" joinKey="order_id" parentKey="order_id"/> </table> <table name="mycat_sequence" dataNode="122-imall" autoIncrement="true" primaryKey="id"></table> </schema> <schema name="gupao" checkSQLschema="false" sqlMaxLimit="100"> <table name="student" primaryKey="sid" dataNode="122-gupao,123-gupao,124-gupao" rule="mod-long" /> <table name="noshard" primaryKey="id" autoIncrement="true" dataNode="122-gupao" /> <table name="dict" primaryKey="id" type="global" dataNode="122-gupao,123-gupao,124-gupao" /> <table name="fee" primaryKey="id" subTables="fee2025$1-3" dataNode="122-gupao" rule="sharding-by-month" /> </schema> <dataNode name="122-imall" dataHost="host122" database="122-imall" /> <dataNode name="123-imall" dataHost="host123" database="123-imall" /> <dataNode name="124-imall" dataHost="host124" database="124-imall" /> <dataNode name="122-gupao" dataHost="host122" database="122-gupao" /> <dataNode name="123-gupao" dataHost="host123" database="123-gupao" /> <dataNode name="124-gupao" dataHost="host124" database="124-gupao" /> <dataHost name="host122" maxCon="1000" minCon="10" balance="0" writeType="0" dbType="mysql" dbDriver="native" switchType="1" slaveThreshold="100"> <heartbeat>select user()</heartbeat> <writeHost host="hostM1" url="" user="root" password="root"> </writeHost> </dataHost> <dataHost name="host123" maxCon="1000" minCon="10" balance="0" writeType="0" dbType="mysql" dbDriver="native" switchType="1" slaveThreshold="100"> <heartbeat>select user()</heartbeat> <writeHost host="hostM1" url="" user="root" password="root"> <!-- <readHost host="hostS1"></readHost> --> </writeHost> </dataHost> <dataHost name="host124" maxCon="1000" minCon="10" balance="0" writeType="0" dbType="mysql" dbDriver="native" switchType="1" slaveThreshold="100"> <heartbeat>select user()</heartbeat> <writeHost host="hostM1" url="" user="root" password="root"> </writeHost> </dataHost> </mycat:schema>
3、rule.xml 分片规则和分片算法
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- - - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - You may obtain a copy of the License at - - - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. --> <!DOCTYPE mycat:rule SYSTEM "rule.dtd"> <mycat:rule xmlns:mycat="http://io.mycat/"> <tableRule name="rule-fee"> <rule> <columns>id</columns> <algorithm>func-fee</algorithm> </rule> </tableRule> <tableRule name="rule1"> <rule> <columns>id</columns> <algorithm>func1</algorithm> </rule> </tableRule> <tableRule name="rule2"> <rule> <columns>user_id</columns> <algorithm>func1</algorithm> </rule> </tableRule> <tableRule name="sharding-by-intfile"> <rule> <columns>sharding_id</columns> <algorithm>hash-int</algorithm> </rule> </tableRule> <tableRule name="auto-sharding-long"> <rule> <columns>id</columns> <algorithm>rang-long</algorithm> </rule> </tableRule> <tableRule name="mod-long"> <rule> <columns>sid</columns> <algorithm>mod-long</algorithm> </rule> </tableRule> <tableRule name="mod-long-order"> <rule> <columns>order_id</columns> <algorithm>mod-long</algorithm> </rule> </tableRule> <tableRule name="sharding-by-murmur"> <rule> <columns>id</columns> <algorithm>murmur</algorithm> </rule> </tableRule> <tableRule name="crc32slot"> <rule> <columns>id</columns> <algorithm>crc32slot</algorithm> </rule> </tableRule> <tableRule name="sharding-by-month"> <rule> <columns>create_time</columns> <algorithm>partbymonth</algorithm> </rule> </tableRule> <tableRule name="latest-month-calldate"> <rule> <columns>calldate</columns> <algorithm>latestMonth</algorithm> </rule> </tableRule> <tableRule name="auto-sharding-rang-mod"> <rule> <columns>id</columns> <algorithm>rang-mod</algorithm> </rule> </tableRule> <tableRule name="jch"> <rule> <columns>id</columns> <algorithm>jump-consistent-hash</algorithm> </rule> </tableRule> <function name="murmur" class="io.mycat.route.function.PartitionByMurmurHash"> <property name="seed">0</property><!-- 默认是0 --> <property name="count">2</property><!-- 要分片的数据库节点数量,必须指定,否则没法分片 --> <property name="virtualBucketTimes">160</property><!-- 一个实际的数据库节点被映射为这么多虚拟节点,默认是160倍,也就是虚拟节点数是物理节点数的160倍 --> <!-- <property name="weightMapFile">weightMapFile</property> 节点的权重,没有指定权重的节点默认是1。以properties文件的格式填写,以从0开始到count-1的整数值也就是节点索引为key,以节点权重值为值。所有权重值必须是正整数,否则以1代替 --> <!-- <property name="bucketMapPath">/etc/mycat/bucketMapPath</property> 用于测试时观察各物理节点与虚拟节点的分布情况,如果指定了这个属性,会把虚拟节点的murmur hash值与物理节点的映射按行输出到这个文件,没有默认值,如果不指定,就不会输出任何东西 --> </function> <function name="func-fee" class="io.mycat.route.function.PartitionByMod"> <property name="count">3</property> </function> <function name="crc32slot" class="io.mycat.route.function.PartitionByCRC32PreSlot"> <property name="count">2</property><!-- 要分片的数据库节点数量,必须指定,否则没法分片 --> </function> <function name="hash-int" class="io.mycat.route.function.PartitionByFileMap"> <property name="mapFile">partition-hash-int.txt</property> </function> <function name="rang-long" class="io.mycat.route.function.AutoPartitionByLong"> <property name="mapFile">autopartition-long.txt</property> </function> <function name="mod-long" class="io.mycat.route.function.PartitionByMod"> <!-- how many data nodes --> <property name="count">3</property> </function> <function name="func1" class="io.mycat.route.function.PartitionByLong"> <property name="partitionCount">128</property> <property name="partitionLength">8</property> </function> <function name="latestMonth" class="io.mycat.route.function.LatestMonthPartion"> <property name="splitOneDay">24</property> </function> <function name="partbymonth" class="io.mycat.route.function.PartitionByMonth"> <property name="dateFormat">yyyy-MM-dd</property> <property name="sBeginDate">2025-01-01</property> </function> <function name="rang-mod" class="io.mycat.route.function.PartitionByRangeMod"> <property name="mapFile">partition-range-mod.txt</property> </function> <function name="jump-consistent-hash" class="io.mycat.route.function.PartitionByJumpConsistentHash"> <property name="totalBuckets">3</property> </function> </mycat:rule>
#******************************************************************** # Wrapper Properties #******************************************************************** # Java Application\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_181\bin\java.exe wrapper.working.dir=.. # Java Main class. This class must implement the WrapperListener interface # or guarantee that the WrapperManager class is initialized. Helper # classes are provided to do this for you. See the Integration section # of the documentation for details. set.default.REPO_DIR=lib set.APP_BASE=. # Java Classpath (include wrapper.jar) Add class path elements as # needed starting from 1* # Java Library Path (location of Wrapper.DLL or # Java Additional Parameters # Initial Java Heap Size (in MB) # Maximum Java Heap Size (in MB) # Application parameters. Add parameters as needed starting from 1 #******************************************************************** # Wrapper Logging Properties #******************************************************************** # Format of output for the console. (See docs for formats) wrapper.console.format=PM # Log Level for console output. (See docs for log levels) wrapper.console.loglevel=INFO # Log file to use for wrapper output logging. wrapper.logfile=logs/wrapper.log # Format of output for the log file. (See docs for formats) wrapper.logfile.format=LPTM # Log Level for log file output. (See docs for log levels) wrapper.logfile.loglevel=INFO # Maximum size that the log file will be allowed to grow to before # the log is rolled. Size is specified in bytes. The default value # of 0, disables log rolling. May abbreviate with the 'k' (kb) or # 'm' (mb) suffix. For example: 10m = 10 megabytes. wrapper.logfile.maxsize=0 # Maximum number of rolled log files which will be allowed before old # files are deleted. The default value of 0 implies no limit. wrapper.logfile.maxfiles=0 # Log Level for sys/event log output. (See docs for log levels) wrapper.syslog.loglevel=NONE #******************************************************************** # Wrapper Windows Properties #******************************************************************** # Title to use when running as a console wrapper.console.title=Mycat-server #******************************************************************** # Wrapper Windows NT/2000/XP Service Properties #******************************************************************** # WARNING - Do not modify any of these properties when an application # using this configuration file has been installed as a service. # Please uninstall the service before modifying this section. The # service can then be reinstalled. # Name of the service # Display name of the service wrapper.ntservice.displayname=Mycat-server # Description of the service wrapper.ntservice.description=The project of Mycat-server # Service dependencies. Add dependencies as needed starting from 1 wrapper.ntservice.dependency.1= # Mode in which the service is installed. AUTO_START or DEMAND_START wrapper.ntservice.starttype=AUTO_START # Allow the service to interact with the desktop. wrapper.ntservice.interactive=false
--在所有数据库节点上创建数据库imall,创建3张表 -- 范围分片表 CREATE TABLE `customer` ( `id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ER分片表 CREATE TABLE `order_info` ( `order_id` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '订单ID', `uid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '用户ID', `nums` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '商品数量', `state` int(2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '订单状态', `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间', `update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '更新时间', PRIMARY KEY (`order_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- ER分片表 CREATE TABLE `order_detail` ( `order_id` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '订单号', `id` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '订单详情', `goods_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '货品ID', `price` decimal(10,2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '价格', `is_pay` int(2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '支付状态', `is_ship` int(2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '是否发货', `status` int(2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '订单详情状态', PRIMARY KEY (`order_id`,`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; --测试语句(在mycat连接中imall数据库中执行) truncate table customer; truncate table order_info; truncate table order_detail; --测试范围分片(在mycat连接中imall数据库中执行) INSERT INTO `customer` (`id`, `name`) VALUES (6666, '赵先生'); INSERT INTO `customer` (`id`, `name`) VALUES (7777, '钱先生'); INSERT INTO `customer` (`id`, `name`) VALUES (16666, '孙先生'); INSERT INTO `customer` (`id`, `name`) VALUES (17777, '李先生'); INSERT INTO `customer` (`id`, `name`) VALUES (26666, '周先生'); INSERT INTO `customer` (`id`, `name`) VALUES (27777, '吴先生'); --测试ER分片(在mycat连接中imall数据库中执行) INSERT INTO `order_info` (`order_id`, `uid`, `nums`, `state`, `create_time`, `update_time`) VALUES (1, 1000001, 1, 2, '2025-9-23 14:35:37', '2025-9-23 14:35:37'); INSERT INTO `order_info` (`order_id`, `uid`, `nums`, `state`, `create_time`, `update_time`) VALUES (2, 1000002, 1, 2, '2025-9-24 14:35:37', '2025-9-24 14:35:37'); INSERT INTO `order_info` (`order_id`, `uid`, `nums`, `state`, `create_time`, `update_time`) VALUES (3, 1000003, 3, 1, '2025-9-25 11:35:49', '2025-9-25 11:35:49'); --测试ER分片(在mycat连接中imall数据库中执行) INSERT INTO `order_detail` (`order_id`, `id`, `goods_id`, `price`, `is_pay`, `is_ship`, `status`) VALUES (3, 20180001, 85114752, 19.99, 1, 1, 1); INSERT INTO `order_detail` (`order_id`, `id`, `goods_id`, `price`, `is_pay`, `is_ship`, `status`) VALUES (1, 20180002, 25411251, 1280.00, 1, 1, 0); INSERT INTO `order_detail` (`order_id`, `id`, `goods_id`, `price`, `is_pay`, `is_ship`, `status`) VALUES (1, 20180003, 62145412, 288.00, 1, 1, 2); INSERT INTO `order_detail` (`order_id`, `id`, `goods_id`, `price`, `is_pay`, `is_ship`, `status`) VALUES (2, 20180004, 21456985, 399.00, 1, 1, 2); INSERT INTO `order_detail` (`order_id`, `id`, `goods_id`, `price`, `is_pay`, `is_ship`, `status`) VALUES (2, 20180005, 21457452, 1680.00, 1, 1, 2); INSERT INTO `order_detail` (`order_id`, `id`, `goods_id`, `price`, `is_pay`, `is_ship`, `status`) VALUES (2, 20180006, 65214789, 9999.00, 1, 1, 3); -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --在所有数据库节点上创建数据库gupao,创建两张表 --全局表 CREATE TABLE `dict` ( `id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `param_code` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL, `param_name` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; -- 取模分片表 CREATE TABLE `student` ( `sid` int(8) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `qq` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`sid`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; --测试语句(在mycat连接中gupao数据库中执行) truncate table dict; truncate table student; --测试全局表 INSERT INTO `dict` (`id`, `param_code`, `param_name`) VALUES (1, '0731', '长沙市'); --测试取模分片(在mycat连接中gupao数据库中执行) INSERT INTO `student` (`sid`, `name`, `qq`) VALUES (1, '李大彪', '166669999'); INSERT INTO `student` (`sid`, `name`, `qq`) VALUES (4, '菜狗子', '655556666'); INSERT INTO `student` (`sid`, `name`, `qq`) VALUES (2, '等候那場雪', '466669999'); INSERT INTO `student` (`sid`, `name`, `qq`) VALUES (5, '猫老公', '265286999'); INSERT INTO `student` (`sid`, `name`, `qq`) VALUES (3, 'tj-大白', '368828888'); INSERT INTO `student` (`sid`, `name`, `qq`) VALUES (6, '大郎', '516895555'); -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 在第一个数据库节点(122)gupao数据库创建非分片表 CREATE TABLE `noshard` ( `id` bigint(30) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; truncate table noshard; --测试非分片表(在mycat连接中gupao数据库中执行) INSERT INTO `noshard` (`id`, `name`) VALUES (1, '这是一条没有分片的数据'); -- 库内分表 -- 在第一个数据库节点(122)gupao数据库创建单库分片表 CREATE TABLE `fee` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin; CREATE TABLE `fee20251` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `create_time` datetime(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ); CREATE TABLE `fee20252` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `create_time` datetime(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ); CREATE TABLE `fee20253` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `create_time` datetime(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ); truncate table fee; -- 测试语句(在mycat连接中gupao数据库中执行) INSERT INTO `fee` (`id`, `create_time`) VALUES (1, '2025-1-1 14:46:19'); INSERT INTO `fee` (`id`, `create_time`) VALUES (2, '2025-2-1 14:46:19'); INSERT INTO `fee` (`id`, `create_time`) VALUES (3, '2025-3-1 14:46:19');
# range start-end ,data node index # K=1000,M=10000. # 未使用 0-10000=0 10001-20000=1 20001-30000=2
0-10000=0 10001-20000=1 20001-30000=2
800M1-1000M=6 600M1-800M=4 200M1-400M=1 0-200M=5 400M1-600M=4
10000=0 10010=1
# range start-end ,data node group size 0-200M=5 200M1-400M=1 400M1-600M=4 600M1-800M=4 800M1-1000M=6
800M1-1000M=6 600M1-800M=4 200M1-400M=1 0-200M=5 400M1-600M=4
truncate table customer; truncate table order_info; truncate table order_detail; INSERT INTO `customer` (`id`, `name`) VALUES (6666, '赵先生'); INSERT INTO `customer` (`id`, `name`) VALUES (7777, '钱先生'); INSERT INTO `customer` (`id`, `name`) VALUES (16666, '孙先生'); INSERT INTO `customer` (`id`, `name`) VALUES (17777, '李先生'); INSERT INTO `customer` (`id`, `name`) VALUES (26666, '周先生'); INSERT INTO `customer` (`id`, `name`) VALUES (27777, '吴先生'); select * from customer ORDER BY id ; -- 测试ER分片(在mycat连接中imall数据库中执行) INSERT INTO `order_info` (`order_id`, `uid`, `nums`, `state`, `create_time`, `update_time`) VALUES (1, 1000001, 1, 2, '2025-9-23 14:35:37', '2025-9-23 14:35:37'); INSERT INTO `order_info` (`order_id`, `uid`, `nums`, `state`, `create_time`, `update_time`) VALUES (2, 1000002, 1, 2, '2025-9-24 14:35:37', '2025-9-24 14:35:37'); INSERT INTO `order_info` (`order_id`, `uid`, `nums`, `state`, `create_time`, `update_time`) VALUES (3, 1000003, 3, 1, '2025-9-25 11:35:49', '2025-9-25 11:35:49'); select * from order_info; -- 测试ER分片(在mycat连接中imall数据库中执行) INSERT INTO `order_detail` (`order_id`, `id`, `goods_id`, `price`, `is_pay`, `is_ship`, `status`) VALUES (3, 20180001, 85114752, 19.99, 1, 1, 1); INSERT INTO `order_detail` (`order_id`, `id`, `goods_id`, `price`, `is_pay`, `is_ship`, `status`) VALUES (1, 20180002, 25411251, 1280.00, 1, 1, 0); INSERT INTO `order_detail` (`order_id`, `id`, `goods_id`, `price`, `is_pay`, `is_ship`, `status`) VALUES (1, 20180003, 62145412, 288.00, 1, 1, 2); INSERT INTO `order_detail` (`order_id`, `id`, `goods_id`, `price`, `is_pay`, `is_ship`, `status`) VALUES (2, 20180004, 21456985, 399.00, 1, 1, 2); INSERT INTO `order_detail` (`order_id`, `id`, `goods_id`, `price`, `is_pay`, `is_ship`, `status`) VALUES (2, 20180005, 21457452, 1680.00, 1, 1, 2); INSERT INTO `order_detail` (`order_id`, `id`, `goods_id`, `price`, `is_pay`, `is_ship`, `status`) VALUES (2, 20180006, 65214789, 9999.00, 1, 1, 3); explain select * from order_detail;