每日一题刷到2029题,看完了其他人的解答,思路还是不够清晰,自己整理一下,顺便理解一下博弈论的思路。 题目: Alice 和 Bob 再次设计了一款新的石子游戏。现有一行 n 个石子,每个石子都有一个关联的数字表示它的价值。给你一个整数数组 stones ,其中 stones[i] 是第 i 个石 阅读全文
对补码符号位代入计算的认识 大家都知道计算机对数值的存储与计算都是通过补码来进行的,同时符号位可以直接代入计算,最终结果的符号位也是算出来的,今天我就来聊聊为什么补码的符号位可以代入计算,同时计算出来的结果符号位也恰恰是正确答案的符号位。 首先,聊符号位之前,要聊一下进制与数值之间的关系。 同样的n 阅读全文
MySQL中’like’和’='用于查询的区别 MySQL中用于查询的关键字中’like’称为模糊查询,’='就是判断是否相等,但使用时出现了一个小问题。 问题描述 这里我需要对表格最后结果中的’department_name’属性进行精确查询值为’IT’的记录。 话不多说,先上代码 SELECT 阅读全文
How to quickly extract the best insights from a huge topic There are somgthing unnatural about how you are been taught to learn all your life. Conside 阅读全文
How to finally stop feeling stressed and guilty Stress and guilt are two emotions familiar to most students. The first is the most obvious, stress. Th 阅读全文
Seven keys to get good at learning Here are seven ways to become a better learner: 1. Understand how your memory works. Some key ideas include:vivid b 阅读全文
Here are three most common learning mistakes and what to do instead: Bad Method #1: Re-reading There are two reasons you should not re-read: It does n 阅读全文
How to learn subjects above your level Nobody likes to feel stupid. Unfortunately, when you try learning something above your level, that is exactly h 阅读全文
Rapid learner skills(5)——How I was able to put in 8+ hours of focus per day during the MIT Challenge
How I was able to put in 8+ hours of focus per day during the MITChallenge One of the most common questions I get asked about the MIT Challenge, my go 阅读全文
How to stop forgetting what you read How often do you read a book and find yourself forgetting many of the key points? If I picked up a random book fr 阅读全文