(lldb) help
Debugger commands:
  apropos           -- List debugger commands related(相关) to a word or subject.(列出与单词或主题相关的调试器命令)

  breakpoint        -- Commands for operating on breakpoints (see 'help b' for shorthand.) (在断点上操作的命令(速记请参阅'帮助b')。)

  bugreport         -- Commands for creating domain-specific bug reports.(用于创建特定于域的错误报告的命令。)

  command           -- Commands for managing custom LLDB commands.(用于管理自定义LLDB命令的命令。)

  disassemble       -- Disassemble specified instructions in the current 
                       target.  Defaults to the current function for the
                       current thread and stack frame.
				在当前目标中反汇编指定的指令。 对于当前线程和堆栈框架,默认为当前函数。
  expression        -- Evaluate an expression on the current thread.  Displays
                       any returned value with LLDB's default formatting.
				在当前线程上求一个表达式。 以LLDB的默认格式显示任何返回的值。

  frame             -- Commands for selecting and examing the current thread's
                       stack frames. (用于选择和检查当前线程的堆栈框架的命令。)

  gdb-remote        -- Connect to a process via remote GDB server.  If no host
                       is specifed, localhost is assumed.
				通过远程GDB服务器连接到进程。 如果未指定主机,则假定为localhost。

  gui               -- Switch into the curses based GUI mode. (切换到基于curses的GUI模式。)

  help              -- Show a list of all debugger commands, or give details
                       about a specific command.

  kdp-remote        -- Connect to a process via remote KDP server.  If no UDP
                       port is specified, port 41139 is assumed.
				通过远程KDP服务器连接到进程。 如果未指定UDP端口,则假定端口为41139。

  language          -- Commands specific to a source language. (特定于源语言的命令。)

  log               -- Commands controlling LLDB internal logging.

  memory            -- Commands for operating on memory in the current target

  platform          -- Commands to manage and create platforms.(用于管理和创建平台的命令。)

  plugin            -- Commands for managing LLDB plugins.(用于管理LLDB插件的命令。)

  process           -- Commands for interacting with processes on the current
                       platform. (与当前平台上的进程进行交互的命令。)

  quit              -- Quit the LLDB debugger.

  register          -- Commands to access registers for the current thread and
                       stack frame.(用于访问当前线程和堆栈帧的寄存器的命令。)

  script            -- Invoke the script interpreter with provided code and
                       display any results.  Start the interactive interpreter
                       if no code is supplied.
				用提供的代码调用脚本解释器并显示所有结果。 如果没有提供代码,请启动交互式解释器。

  settings          -- Commands for managing LLDB settings.

  source            -- Commands for examining source code described by debug
                       information for the current target process.

  statistics        -- Print statistics about a debugging session.(打印有关调试会话的统计信息)

  target            -- Commands for operating on debugger targets.(用于在调试器目标上运行的命令)

  thread            -- Commands for operating on one or more threads in the
                       current process.

  type              -- Commands for operating on the type system.(用于在类型系统上运行的命令。)

  version           -- Show the LLDB debugger version.

  watchpoint        -- Commands for operating on watchpoints.

Current command abbreviations (type 'help command alias' for more info):
  add-dsym  -- Add a debug symbol file to one of the target's current modules
               by specifying a path to a debug symbols file, or using the
               options to specify a module to download symbols for.
  attach    -- Attach to process by ID or name.
  b         -- Set a breakpoint using one of several shorthand formats.
  bt        -- Show the current thread's call stack.  Any numeric argument
               displays at most that many frames.  The argument 'all' displays
               all threads.
  c         -- Continue execution of all threads in the current process.
  call      -- Evaluate an expression on the current thread.  Displays any
               returned value with LLDB's default formatting.
  continue  -- Continue execution of all threads in the current process.
  detach    -- Detach from the current target process.
  di        -- Disassemble specified instructions in the current target. 
               Defaults to the current function for the current thread and
               stack frame.
  dis       -- Disassemble specified instructions in the current target. 
               Defaults to the current function for the current thread and
               stack frame.
  display   -- Evaluate an expression at every stop (see 'help target
  down      -- Select a newer stack frame.  Defaults to moving one frame, a
               numeric argument can specify an arbitrary number.
  env       -- Shorthand for viewing and setting environment variables.
  exit      -- Quit the LLDB debugger.
  f         -- Select the current stack frame by index from within the current
               thread (see 'thread backtrace'.)
  file      -- Create a target using the argument as the main executable.
  finish    -- Finish executing the current stack frame and stop after
               returning.  Defaults to current thread unless specified.
  image     -- Commands for accessing information for one or more target
  j         -- Set the program counter to a new address.
  jump      -- Set the program counter to a new address.
  kill      -- Terminate the current target process.
  l         -- List relevant source code using one of several shorthand formats.
  list      -- List relevant source code using one of several shorthand formats.
  n         -- Source level single step, stepping over calls.  Defaults to
               current thread unless specified.
  next      -- Source level single step, stepping over calls.  Defaults to
               current thread unless specified.
  nexti     -- Instruction level single step, stepping over calls.  Defaults to
               current thread unless specified.
  ni        -- Instruction level single step, stepping over calls.  Defaults to
               current thread unless specified.
  p         -- Evaluate an expression on the current thread.  Displays any
               returned value with LLDB's default formatting.
  parray    -- Evaluate an expression on the current thread.  Displays any
               returned value with LLDB's default formatting.
  po        -- Evaluate an expression on the current thread.  Displays any
               returned value with formatting controlled by the type's author.
  poarray   -- Evaluate an expression on the current thread.  Displays any
               returned value with LLDB's default formatting.
  print     -- Evaluate an expression on the current thread.  Displays any
               returned value with LLDB's default formatting.
  q         -- Quit the LLDB debugger.
  r         -- Launch the executable in the debugger.
  rbreak    -- Sets a breakpoint or set of breakpoints in the executable.
  repl      -- Evaluate an expression on the current thread.  Displays any
               returned value with LLDB's default formatting.
  run       -- Launch the executable in the debugger.
  s         -- Source level single step, stepping into calls.  Defaults to
               current thread unless specified.
  si        -- Instruction level single step, stepping into calls.  Defaults to
               current thread unless specified.
  sif       -- Step through the current block, stopping if you step directly
               into a function whose name matches the TargetFunctionName.
  step      -- Source level single step, stepping into calls.  Defaults to
               current thread unless specified.
  stepi     -- Instruction level single step, stepping into calls.  Defaults to
               current thread unless specified.
  t         -- Change the currently selected thread.
  tbreak    -- Set a one-shot breakpoint using one of several shorthand
  undisplay -- Stop displaying expression at every stop (specified by stop-hook
  up        -- Select an older stack frame.  Defaults to moving one frame, a
               numeric argument can specify an arbitrary number.
  x         -- Read from the memory of the current target process.
Current user-defined commands:
  alamborder    -- Put a border around views with an ambiguous layout
  alamunborder  -- Removes the border around views with an ambiguous layout
  bdisable      -- Disable a set of breakpoints for a regular expression
  benable       -- Enable a set of breakpoints for a regular expression
  binside       -- Set a breakpoint for a relative address within the
                   framework/library that's currently running. This does the
                   work of finding the offset for the framework/library and
                   sliding your address accordingly.
  bmessage      -- Set a breakpoint for a selector on a class, even if the
                   class itself doesn't override that selector. It walks the
                   hierarchy until it finds a class that does implement the
                   selector and sets a conditional breakpoint there.
  border        -- Draws a border around <viewOrLayer>. Color and width can be
                   optionally provided. Additionally depth can be provided in
                   order to recursively border subviews.
  caflush       -- Force Core Animation to flush. This will 'repaint' the UI
                   but also may mess with ongoing animations.
  copy          -- Copy data to your Mac.
  dcomponents   -- Set debugging options for components.
  dismiss       -- Dismiss a presented view controller.
  fa11y         -- Find the views whose accessibility labels match labelRegex
                   and puts the address of the first result on the clipboard.
  findinstances -- Find instances of specified ObjC classes.
  flicker       -- Quickly show and hide a view to quickly help visualize where
                   it is.
  fv            -- Find the views whose class names match classNameRegex and
                   puts the address of first on the clipboard.
  fvc           -- Find the view controllers whose class names match
                   classNameRegex and puts the address of first on the
  heapfrom      -- Show all nested heap pointers contained within a given
  hide          -- Hide a view or layer.
  mask          -- Add a transparent rectangle to the window to reveal a
                   possibly obscured or hidden view or layer's bounds
  mwarning      -- simulate a memory warning
  pa11y         -- Print accessibility labels of all views in hierarchy of
  pa11yi        -- Print accessibility identifiers of all views in hierarchy of
  pactions      -- Print the actions and targets of a control.
  paltrace      -- Print the Auto Layout trace for the given view. Defaults to
                   the key window.
  panim         -- Prints if the code is currently execution with a UIView
                   animation block.
  pbcopy        -- Print object and copy output to clipboard
  pblock        -- Print the block`s implementation address and signature
  pbundlepath   -- Print application's bundle directory path.
  pcells        -- Print the visible cells of the highest table view in the
  pclass        -- Print the inheritance starting from an instance of any class.
  pcomponents   -- Print a recursive description of components found starting
                   from <aView>.
  pcurl         -- Print the NSURLRequest (HTTP) as curl command.
  pdata         -- Print the contents of NSData object as string.
  pdocspath     -- Print application's 'Documents' directory path.
  pinternals    -- Show the internals of an object by dereferencing it as a
  pinvocation   -- Print the stack frame, receiver, and arguments of the
                   current invocation. It will fail to print all arguments if
                   any arguments are variadic (varargs).
  pivar         -- Print the value of an object's named instance variable.
  pjson         -- Print JSON representation of NSDictionary or NSArray object
  pkp           -- Print out the value of the key path expression using
  pmethods      -- Print the class and instance methods of a class.
  poobjc        -- Print the expression result, with the expression run in an
                   ObjC++ context. (Shortcut for "expression -O -l ObjC++ -- " )
  pproperties   -- Print the properties of an instance or Class
  present       -- Present a view controller.
  presponder    -- Print the responder chain starting from a specific responder.
  psjson        -- Print JSON representation of Swift Dictionary or Swift Array
  ptv           -- Print the highest table view in the hierarchy.
  pvc           -- Print the recursion description of <aViewController>.
  pviews        -- Print the recursion description of <aView>.
  rcomponents   -- Synchronously reflow and update all components.
  sequence      -- Run commands in sequence, stopping on any error.
  setinput      -- Input text into text field or text view that is first
  settext       -- Set text on text on a view by accessibility id.
  show          -- Show a view or layer.
  slowanim      -- Slows down animations. Works on the iOS Simulator and a
  taplog        -- Log tapped view to the console.
  uikit         -- Imports the UIKit module to get access to the types while in
  unborder      -- Removes border around <viewOrLayer>.
  unmask        -- Remove mask from a view or layer
  unslowanim    -- Turn off slow animations.
  visualize     -- Open a UIImage, CGImageRef, UIView, CALayer, or
                   CVPixelBuffer in Preview.app on your Mac.
  vs            -- Interactively search for a view by walking the hierarchy.
  wivar         -- Set a watchpoint for an object's instance variable.
  xdebug        -- Print debug description the XCUIElement in human readable
  xnoid         -- Print XCUIElement objects with label but without identifier.
  xobject       -- Print XCUIElement details.
  xtree         -- Print XCUIElement subtree.
  zzz           -- Executes specified lldb command after delay.
For more information on any command, type 'help <command-name>'.


posted @ 2021-03-03 15:31  徒步阳光855  阅读(95)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报