一个RDF 图可以这样书写RDF/XML:
1 All blank nodes are assigned blank node identifiers.
所有空白结点(blank nodes)被指定空白结点标识符(blank node identifiers)。
2 Each node is listed in turn as the subject of an un-nested rdf:Description element, using an rdf:about attribute if the node has a URIref,
or an rdf:nodeID attribute if the node is blank.
依次列出各个结点,将它作为一个非嵌套的rdf;Description元素的主体(subject)。若该结点有URIref,则rdf:Description元素使用rdf:about 属性 attribute);若该结点是空结点,则rdf:Description 元素使用rdf:nodeID属性(attribute)。