DevExpress LayoutControlItem 动态添加

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace DXApp
    using DevExpress.XtraEditors;
    using DevExpress.XtraLayout;
    using DevExpress.XtraLayout.Utils;

    public partial class Form1 : DevExpress.XtraEditors.XtraForm
        public Form1()

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

            TextEdit editorName = new TextEdit() { Name = "editorName" };
            MemoEdit editorAddress = new MemoEdit() { Name = "editorAddress" };
            ButtonEdit editorEmail = new ButtonEdit() { Name = "editorEmail" };
            PictureEdit editorPicture = new PictureEdit() { Name = "pePhoto" };
            TextEdit editorPhone1 = new TextEdit() { Name = "editorPhone1" };
            TextEdit editorPhone2 = new TextEdit() { Name = "editorPhone2" };
            TextEdit editorFax = new TextEdit() { Name = "editorFax" };
            SimpleButton btnOK = new SimpleButton() { Name = "btnOK", Text = "OK" };
            SimpleButton btnCancel = new SimpleButton() { Name = "btnCancel", Text = "Cancel" };
            MemoEdit editorNotes = new MemoEdit() { Name = "editorNotes" };

            LayoutControl lc = new LayoutControl();
            lc.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

            //Create a layout item in the Root group using the LayoutGroup.AddItem method
            LayoutControlItem itemName = lc.Root.AddItem();
            itemName.Name = "liName";
            itemName.Control = editorName;
            itemName.Text = "Name";

            //Create a layout item using the LayoutControlItem constructor
            LayoutControlItem itemAddress = new LayoutControlItem(lc, editorAddress);
            itemAddress.Name = "liAddress";
            itemAddress.Text = "Address";
            // Move the layout item to a position next to the 'Name' layout item.
            itemAddress.Move(itemName, InsertType.Right);

            //Create a layout item using the LayoutControlItem constructor
            LayoutControlItem itemEmail = new LayoutControlItem(lc, editorEmail);
            itemEmail.Name = "liEmail";
            itemEmail.Text = "E-mail";
            // Move the layout item to a position below the 'Name' layout item.
            itemEmail.Move(itemName, InsertType.Bottom);

            // Add the Photo group.
            LayoutControlGroup groupPhoto = lc.Root.AddGroup();
            groupPhoto.Name = "lgPhoto";
            groupPhoto.Text = "Photo";
            // Add a new layout item to the group to display an image.
            LayoutControlItem liPhoto = groupPhoto.AddItem();
            liPhoto.Name = "liPhoto";
            liPhoto.Control = editorPicture;
            liPhoto.TextVisible = false;

            //A tabbed group
            TabbedControlGroup tabbedGroup = lc.Root.AddTabbedGroup(groupPhoto, InsertType.Right);
            tabbedGroup.Name = "TabbedGroupPhoneFax";
            // Add the Phone group as a tab.
            LayoutControlGroup groupPhone = tabbedGroup.AddTabPage() as LayoutControlGroup;
            groupPhone.Name = "lgPhone";
            groupPhone.Text = "Phone";

            LayoutControlItem liPhone1 = groupPhone.AddItem();
            liPhone1.Name = "liPhone1";
            liPhone1.Control = editorPhone1;
            liPhone1.Text = "Phone 1";
            LayoutControlItem liPhone2 = groupPhone.AddItem();
            liPhone2.Name = "liPhone2";
            liPhone2.Control = editorPhone2;
            liPhone2.Text = "Phone 2";

            // Add an empty resizable region below the last added layout item.
            EmptySpaceItem emptySpace11 = new EmptySpaceItem();
            emptySpace11.Parent = groupPhone;

            // Add the Fax group as a tab.
            LayoutControlGroup groupFax = tabbedGroup.AddTabPage() as LayoutControlGroup;
            groupFax.Name = "lgFax";
            groupFax.Text = "Fax";
            LayoutControlItem liFax = groupFax.AddItem();
            liFax.Name = "liFax";
            liFax.Control = editorFax;
            liFax.Text = "Fax";

            // Add an empty resizable region below the last added layout item.
            EmptySpaceItem emptySpace12 = new EmptySpaceItem();
            emptySpace12.Parent = groupFax;

            tabbedGroup.SelectedTabPage = groupPhone;

            // Create a borderless group to display the OK and CANCEL buttons at the bottom of the LayoutControl
            // If items are combined in a group, their alignmenent is not dependent on the items outside this group.
            LayoutControlGroup groupButtons = lc.Root.AddGroup();
            groupButtons.Name = "GroupButtons";
            groupButtons.GroupBordersVisible = false;

            EmptySpaceItem emptySpace2 = new EmptySpaceItem();
            emptySpace2.Parent = groupButtons;

            //Create a layout item (using the LayoutGroup.AddItem method) next to the 'emptySpace2' item
            LayoutControlItem itemOKButton = groupButtons.AddItem(emptySpace2, InsertType.Right);
            itemOKButton.Name = "liButtonOK";
            itemOKButton.Control = btnOK;
            itemOKButton.Text = "OK Button";
            itemOKButton.TextVisible = false;
            itemOKButton.SizeConstraintsType = SizeConstraintsType.Custom;
            itemOKButton.MaxSize = new Size(200, 25);
            itemOKButton.MinSize = new Size(90, 25);

            //Create a layout item (using the LayoutGroup.AddItem method) next to the 'itemOKButton' item
            LayoutControlItem itemCancelButton = groupButtons.AddItem(itemOKButton, InsertType.Right);
            itemCancelButton.Name = "liButton";
            itemCancelButton.Control = btnCancel;
            itemCancelButton.Text = "Cancel Button";
            itemCancelButton.TextVisible = false;
            itemCancelButton.SizeConstraintsType = SizeConstraintsType.Custom;
            itemCancelButton.MaxSize = new Size(200, 25);
            itemCancelButton.MinSize = new Size(90, 25);

            // Create a hidden layout item.
            LayoutControlItem itemNotes = new LayoutControlItem();
            itemNotes.Name = "liNotes";
            lc.HiddenItems.AddRange(new BaseLayoutItem[] { itemNotes });
            itemNotes.Control = editorNotes;
            itemNotes.Text = "Notes";



posted @ 2020-08-19 22:11  千年海岩  阅读(1027)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报