codeforces 1051 D. Bicolorings (DP)
You are given a grid, consisting of 22 rows and nn columns. Each cell of this grid should be colored either black or white.
Two cells are considered neighbours if they have a common border and share the same color. Two cells AA and BB belong to the same component if they are neighbours, or if there is a neighbour of AA that belongs to the same component with BB.
Let's call some bicoloring beautiful if it has exactly kk components.
Count the number of beautiful bicolorings. The number can be big enough, so print the answer modulo 998244353998244353.
The only line contains two integers nn and kk (1≤n≤10001≤n≤1000, 1≤k≤2n1≤k≤2n) — the number of columns in a grid and the number of components required.
Print a single integer — the number of beautiful bicolorings modulo 998244353998244353.
3 4
4 1
1 2
One of possible bicolorings in sample 11:
(i,k,0)(i,k,0) 的矩阵,可以由 i−1i−1 列的矩阵添加一列 0000 得到,当它的结尾为 0000, 0101, 1010, 1111时,分别会让连通块个数:不变,不变,不变,+1,所以 (i,k,0)(i,k,0)由 (i−1,k,0)(i−1,k,0), (i−1,k,1)(i−1,k,1), (i−1,k,2)(i−1,k,2), (i−1,k−1,3)(i−1,k−1,3)得到: dp[i][k][0,0]= dp[i−1][k][0,0]+dp[i−1][k][0,1]+dp[i−1][k][1,0]+dp[i−1][k−1][1,1] (i,k,1)的矩阵同理,为i−1列的矩阵添加 01,当结尾为 00, 01, 10, 11时,分别会使连通块的个数:+1,不变,+2,+1,所以(i,k,1)由(i−1,k−1,0),(i−1,k,1),(i−1,k−2,2),(i−1,k−1,3)得到: dp[i][k][0,1]= dp[i−1][k−1][0,0]+dp[i−1][k][0,1]+dp[i−1][k−2][1,0]+dp[i−1][k−1][1,1] (i,k,2)同理可得: dp[i][k][1,0]= dp[i−1][k−1][0,0]+dp[i−1][k−2][0,1]+dp[i−1][k][1,0]+dp[i−1][k−1][1,1] (i,k,3)同理可得: dp[i][k][1,1]= dp[i−1][k−1][0,0]+dp[i−1][k][0,1]+dp[i−1][k][1,0]+dp[i−1][k][1,1] 于是得到了完整的递推公式,只需要从下面的状态开始, dp[1][1][0,0]=1dp[1][2][0,1]=1dp[1][2][1,0]=1dp[1][1][1,1]=1 就能推到出所有的状态,最后对dp[n][k]的所有情况求和就是答案了。
#include<stdio.h> typedef long long LL; #define mod 998244353 int dp[1003][2006][4] = {0}; int main() { int n, lm; scanf("%d %d", &n, &lm); //初始化 dp[1][1][0] = 1;//00 dp[1][2][2] = 1;//10 dp[1][2][1] = 1;//01 dp[1][1][3] = 1;//11 LL temp=0; for (int i = 2; i <= n; ++i) { for (int k = 1; k <= (i << 1); ++k) { temp = 0;//使用temp求和来避免溢出 temp =temp + dp[i - 1][k][1]//01 + dp[i - 1][k][0]//00 + dp[i - 1][k][2]//10 + dp[i - 1][k - 1][3];//11 dp[i][k][0] = temp % mod; temp = 0; temp = temp + dp[i - 1][k][1]//01 + dp[i - 1][k-1][0]//00 + (k>=2?dp[i - 1][k - 2][2]:0)//10 + dp[i - 1][k-1][3];//11 dp[i][k][1] = temp%mod; temp = 0; temp = temp + (k>=2?dp[i - 1][k - 2][1]:0)//01 + dp[i - 1][k-1][0]//00 + dp[i - 1][k][2]//10 + dp[i - 1][k-1][3];//11 dp[i][k][2] = temp%mod; temp = 0; temp = temp + dp[i - 1][k][1]//01 + dp[i - 1][k - 1][0]//00 + dp[i - 1][k][2]//10 + dp[i - 1][k][3];//11 dp[i][k][3] = temp%mod; temp = 0; } } LL ans = 0; ans = ans + dp[n][lm][0] + dp[n][lm][1] + dp[n][lm][2] + dp[n][lm][3]; ans = ans%mod; printf("%I64d\n", ans); }
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