Freebsd/tcsh 改变控制台下ls显示文件目录的颜色


setenv CLICOLOR 1 // 这个貌似没什么用设成1、0都显示彩色 
setenv LSCOLORS Gxfxaxdxcxegedabagacad


LSCOLORS 的值描述了当CLICOLOR被启用时将会显示的颜色。它的值为多个fb对组合,其中f代表前景色(文字颜色)b代表背景颜色。

a black
b red
c green
d brown
e blue
f magenta
g cyan
h light grey
A bold black, usually shows up as dark grey
B bold red
C bold green
D bold brown, usually shows up as yellow
E bold blue
F bold magenta
G bold cyan
H bold light grey; looks like bright white
x default foreground or backgroundNote that the above are standard ANSI colors. The actual display may differ depending on the color capabilities of the terminal in use.

1. directory
2. symbolic link
3. socket
4. pipe
5. executable
6. block special
7. character special
8. executable with setuid bit set
9. executable with setgid bit set
10. directory writable to others, with sticky bit
11. directory writable to others, without sticky bit

默认颜色设置为 “exfxcxdxbxegedabagacad”。蓝字默认背景显示常规目录,红底黑字显示setuid可执行文件等。

posted @ 2013-06-03 10:33  TobyDev  阅读(1245)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报