2017-06-24 09:37 tlnshuju 阅读(395) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报HVR数据复制软件部署之(一)--HUB端部署
OS: RHEL5.9 x86-64bit DB: Oracle x86-64bit HVR:highgohvr-4.7.3_7-linux_glibc2.5-x64-64bit.tar.gz
sqlplus / as sysdba create user c##hvrhub identified by mypass default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp quota unlimited on users; grant create session to c##hvrhub; grant create table to c##hvrhub; grant create trigger to c##hvrhub; grant create procedure to c##hvrhub; grant execute on dbms_alert to c##hvrhub;
mkdir -p /u04/hvr chown -R oracle:oinstall /u04/hvr mkdir -p /u04/hvr/hvr_home mkdir -p /u04/hvr/hvr_config mkdir -p /u04/hvr/hvr_tmp
su - oracle cat .bash_profile export HVR_HOME=/u04/hvr/hvr_home export HVR_CONFIG=/u04/hvr/hvr_config export HVR_TMP=/u04/hvr/hvr_tmp export PATH=$HVR_HOME/bin:$PATH
vi /etc/services 加入例如以下一行: hvr 4343/tcp
vi /etc/inetd.conf 加入例如以下一行: hvr stream tcp nowait root /u04/hvr/hvr_home/bin/hvr hvr -r -EHVR_HOME=/u04/hvr/hvr_home -EHVR_CONFIG=/u04/hvr/hvr_config -EHVR_TMP=/u04/hvr/hvr_tmp
vi /etc/xinet.d/hvr service hvr { socket_type = stream wait = no user = root server = /u04/hvr/hvr_home/bin/hvr server_args = -r env += HVR_HOME=/u04/hvr/hvr_home env += HVR_CONFIG=/u04/hvr/hvr_config env += HVR_TMP=/u04/hvr/hvr_tmp disable = no cps = 10000 30 per_source = 100 instances = 500 } #/etc/init.d/xinetd force reload [root@rhel59 ~]# /etc/init.d/xinetd force reload Usage: /etc/init.d/xinetd {start|stop|status|restart|condrestart|reload} [root@rhel59 ~]# /etc/init.d/xinetd reload Reloading configuration: [ OK ] [root@rhel59 ~]# [root@rhel59 ~]# lsof -i :4343 COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME xinetd 3285 root 5u IPv4 18389 0t0 TCP *:unicall (LISTEN) [root@rhel59 ~]#
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