docker ubuntu 不选时区


FROM ubuntu:18.04
#env 环境变量
ENV AUTHOR="xianyunyehe" PWD="." 
COPY ${PWD}/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list
#CMD [ "" ]
VOLUME [ "/tmp" ]
#工作目录 构建的每层操作都在该目录下进行
USER root

# 当以当前镜像为基础镜像,去构建下一级镜像的时候才会被执行
#RUN mkdir /app
#ONBUILD COPY ./package.json /app
#ONBUILD RUN [ "npm", "install" ]

RUN buildDeps='gcc libc6-dev make' \
    && apt-get update \
    && apt-get install -y $buildDeps \
    && apt-get install -y php \
    && apt-get purge -y --auto-remove $buildDeps
Please select the geographic area in which you live. Subsequent configuration
questions will narrow this down by presenting a list of cities, representing
the time zones in which they are located.

  1. Africa      4. Australia  7. Atlantic  10. Pacific  13. Etc
  2. America     5. Arctic     8. Europe    11. SystemV
  3. Antarctica  6. Asia       9. Indian    12. US
Geographic area:


ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
posted @ 2018-09-14 12:57  闲云-野鹤  阅读(4471)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报