whatweb.rb 未完待续
#!/usr/bin/env ruby #表示ruby的执行环境 =begin # ruby中用=begin来表示注释的开始 .$$$ $. .$$$ $. $$$$ $$. .$$$ $$$ .$$$$$$. .$$$$$$$$$$. $$$$ $$. .$$$$$$$. .$$$$$$. $ $$ $$$ $ $$ $$$ $ $$$$$$. $$$$$ $$$$$$ $ $$ $$$ $ $$ $$ $ $$$$$$. $ `$ $$$ $ `$ $$$ $ `$ $$$ $$' $ `$ `$$ $ `$ $$$ $ `$ $ `$ $$$' $. $ $$$ $. $$$$$$ $. $$$$$$ `$ $. $ :' $. $ $$$ $. $$$$ $. $$$$$. $::$ . $$$ $::$ $$$ $::$ $$$ $::$ $::$ . $$$ $::$ $::$ $$$$ $;;$ $$$ $$$ $;;$ $$$ $;;$ $$$ $;;$ $;;$ $$$ $$$ $;;$ $;;$ $$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$ $$$ $$$$ $$$ $$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$' WhatWeb - Next generation web scanner. Author: Andrew Horton aka urbanadventurer Homepage: http://www.morningstarsecurity.com/research/whatweb Copyright 2009-2012 Andrew Horton <andrew at morningstarsecurity dot com> This file is part of WhatWeb. WhatWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. WhatWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with WhatWeb. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. =end # ruby中用=end 表示注释的结束 #require 'profile' require 'getoptlong' require 'pp' require 'net/http' require 'open-uri' require 'cgi' require 'thread' require 'tempfile' require 'rbconfig' # detect environment, e.g. windows or linux require 'resolv' require 'resolv-replace' # asynchronous DNS ### ruby 1.9 changes if RUBY_VERSION =~ /^1\.9/ || RUBY_VERSION =~ /^2\.0/ #ruby 中使用=~ 运算符根据正则表达式测试一个字符串,这里用正则判断ruby的版本 require 'digest/md5' else require 'md5' require 'net/https' end ### gem detection & loading def gem_available?(gemname) # gem_available_new_rubygems?(gemname) or gem_available_old_rubygems?(gemname) if defined?(Gem::Specification) and defined?(Gem::Specification.find_by_name) gem_available_new_rubygems?(gemname) else gem_available_old_rubygems?(gemname) end end # Needed by Ruby 1.8.7 (2010-08-16 patchlevel 302) used as stable in Debian in Aug2012. def gem_available_old_rubygems?(gemname) Gem.available?(gemname) end def gem_available_new_rubygems?(gemname) begin true if Gem::Specification.find_by_name(gemname) rescue LoadError false end end gems = %w|json mongo rchardet | #### gems = ["json", "mongo", "rchardet"] gems.each do |thisgem| #### 遍历gems,加载json,mongo,rchardet begin require 'rubygems' # rubygems is optional if gem_available?(thisgem) # require thisgem else end rescue LoadError # that failed.. no big deal raise if $WWDEBUG==true end end ## set up load paths - must be before loading lib/ files ####设置加载路径,必须在加载 lib 下的文件之前设置 # add the directory of the file currently being executed to the load path $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))) unless $:.include?(File.dirname(__FILE__)) || $LOAD_PATH.include?(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))) $LOAD_PATH << "/usr/share/whatweb/" # if __FILE__ is a symlink then follow *every* symlink ####如果文件是链接形式存在,要找到文件的真实路径 if File.symlink?(__FILE__) require 'pathname' $LOAD_PATH << File.dirname( Pathname.new(__FILE__).realpath ) end require 'lib/target.rb' require 'lib/plugins.rb' require 'lib/output.rb' require 'lib/colour.rb' require 'lib/tld.rb' require 'lib/extend-http.rb' require 'lib/version_class.rb' #### 加载插件目录 # look through LOAD_PATH for the following plugin directories. Could be in same dir as whatweb or /usr/share/whatweb, etc PLUGIN_DIRS=[ "plugins", "my-plugins"].map {|x| $LOAD_PATH.map {|y| y+"/"+x if File.exists?(y+"/"+x) } }.flatten.compact # nothing says pro-developer like using global variables $VERSION="0.4.8-dev" #### 程序版本 $WWDEBUG = false # raise exceptions in plugins, etc #### 是否开启调试模式 $verbose=0 # $VERBOSE is reserved in ruby #### 冗长模式,在ruby中是预留的 $USE_EXAMPLE_URLS=false #### 使用测试URL $use_colour="auto" #### 使用颜色 $USER_AGENT="WhatWeb/#{$VERSION}" #### HTTP 中的User-Agent $MAX_THREADS=25 #### 最大线程数为25 $AGGRESSION=1 #### 攻击性 $FOLLOW_REDIRECT="always" #### 跟踪重定向 $MAX_REDIRECTS=10 #### 重定向深度 $USE_PROXY=false #### 使用代理 $PROXY_HOST=nil $PROXY_PORT=8080 $PROXY_USER=nil $PROXY_PASS=nil $URL_PREFIX="" $URL_SUFFIX="" $URL_PATTERN=nil $NO_THREADS=false $HTTP_OPEN_TIMEOUT=15 $HTTP_READ_TIMEOUT=30 $WAIT=nil #### 延时 $OUTPUT_ERRORS=nil $QUIET=false $CUSTOM_HEADERS={} $BASIC_AUTH_USER=nil $BASIC_AUTH_PASS=nil $PLUGIN_TIMES=Hash.new(0) #### 创建hash表 $NO_ERRORS=false ### matching # fuzzy matching ftw def make_tag_pattern(b) # remove stuff between script and /script # don't bother with !--, --> or noscript and /noscript inscript=false; b.scan(/<([^\s>]*)/).flatten.map {|x| x.downcase!; r=nil; r=x if inscript==false inscript=true if x=="script" (inscript=false; r=x) if x=="/script" r }.compact.join(",") end def decode_html_entities(s) t = s.dup html_entities = { """=>'"', "'"=>"'", "&"=>"&", "<"=>"<", ">"=>">" } html_entities.each_pair {|from,to| t.gsub!(from,to) } t end def certainty_to_words(p) case p when 0..49 "maybe" when 50..99 "probably" when 100 "certain" end end # some plugins want a random string in URLs def randstr rand(36**8).to_s(36) end def match_ghdb(ghdb, body, meta, status, base_uri) # this could be made faster by creating code to eval once for each plugin pp "match_ghdb",ghdb if $verbose > 2 # take a GHDB string and turn it into code to be evaluated matches=[] # fill with true or false. succeeds if all true s = ghdb # does it contain intitle? if s =~ /intitle:/i # extract either the next word or the following words enclosed in "s, it can't possibly be both intitle = (s.scan(/intitle:"([^"]*)"/i) + s.scan(/intitle:([^"]\w+)/i)).to_s matches << ((body =~ /<title>[^<]*#{Regexp.escape(intitle)}[^<]*<\/title>/i).nil? ? false : true) # strip out the intitle: part s=s.gsub(/intitle:"([^"]*)"/i,'').gsub(/intitle:([^"]\w+)/i,'') end if s =~ /filetype:/i filetype = (s.scan(/filetype:"([^"]*)"/i) + s.scan(/filetype:([^"]\w+)/i)).to_s # lame method: check if the URL ends in the filetype unless base_uri.nil? unless base_uri.path.split("?")[0].nil? matches << ((base_uri.path.split("?")[0] =~ /#{Regexp.escape(filetype)}$/i).nil? ? false : true) end end s=s.gsub(/filetype:"([^"]*)"/i,'').gsub(/filetype:([^"]\w+)/i,'') end if s =~ /inurl:/i inurl = (s.scan(/inurl:"([^"]*)"/i) + s.scan(/inurl:([^"]\w+)/i)).flatten # can occur multiple times. inurl.each {|x| matches << ((base_uri.to_s =~ /#{Regexp.escape(x)}/i).nil? ? false : true) } # strip out the inurl: part s=s.gsub(/inurl:"([^"]*)"/i,'').gsub(/inurl:([^"]\w+)/i,'') end # split the remaining words except those enclosed in quotes, remove the quotes and sort them remaining_words = s.scan(/([^ "]+)|("[^"]+")/i).flatten.compact.each {|w| w.delete!('"') }.sort.uniq pp "Remaining GHDB words", remaining_words if $verbose > 2 remaining_words.each do |w| # does it start with a - ? if w[0..0] == '-' # reverse true/false if it begins with a - matches << ((body =~ /#{Regexp.escape(w[1..-1])}/i).nil? ? true : false) else w = w[1..-1] if w[0..0] == '+' # if it starts with +, ignore the 1st char matches << ((body =~ /#{Regexp.escape(w)}/i).nil? ? false : true) end end pp matches if $verbose > 2 # if all matcbhes are true, then true if matches.uniq == [true] true else false end end ### targets def make_target_list(cmdline_args, inputfile=nil,pluginlist = nil) url_list = cmdline_args # read each line as a url, skipping lines that begin with a # if !inputfile.nil? and File.exists?(inputfile) pp "loading input file: #{inputfile}" if $verbose > 2 url_list += File.open(inputfile).readlines.each {|line| line.strip! }.delete_if {|line| line =~ /^#.*/ }.each {|line| line.delete!("\n") } end # add example urls to url_list if required. plugins must be loaded already if $USE_EXAMPLE_URLS url_list += pluginlist.map {|name,plugin| plugin.examples unless plugin.examples.nil? }.compact.flatten end genrange=url_list.map do |x| range=nil if x =~ /^[0-9\.\-*\/]+$/ and not x =~ /^[\d\.]+$/ # check for nmap error "Target ranges require nmap to be in the path" if `which nmap` == "" range=`nmap -n -sL #{x} 2>&1 | egrep -o "([0-9]{1,3}\\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}"` range=range.split("\n") end range end.compact.flatten url_list= url_list.select {|x| not x =~ /^[0-9\.\-*\/]+$/ or x =~ /^[\d\.]+$/ } url_list += genrange unless genrange.empty? #make urls friendlier, test if it's a file, if test for not assume it's http:// # http, https, ftp, etc url_list=url_list.map do |x| if File.exists?(x) x else # use url pattern if $URL_PATTERN x = $URL_PATTERN.gsub('%insert%',x) end # add prefix & suffix x=$URL_PREFIX + x + $URL_SUFFIX if x =~ (/^[a-z]+:\/\//) x else x.sub(/^/,"http://") end end end url_list=url_list.flatten #.sort.uniq end def next_target t=nil puts "Target List:" + $targets.inspect if $verbose > 2 # while $recent_targets.include?(t) or t.nil? t=$targets.shift puts "# t at the end of the $targets list" if $verbose > 2 # t at the end of the $targets list if t.nil? puts "t is nil" if $verbose > 2 if $targets.empty? if Thread.list.size > 1 if $verbose > 2 puts "Thread list size: #{Thread.list.size}" Thread.list.each do |thread| puts "Thread: #{thread.inspect} is #{thread.status}" end end #sleep 1 Thread.pass else puts "breaking now" if $verbose > 2 break end end end end puts "Recent Targets:" + $recent_targets.join(",") if $verbose > 2 $recent_targets.push t $recent_targets.pop if $recent_targets.size > 100 # we dont need to care about mroe than 100 t end # backwards compatible convenience method for plugins to use def open_target(url) newt = Target.new(url) newt.open [newt.status,newt.uri,newt.ip,newt.body,newt.headers,newt.raw_headers] end ### output def error(s) return if $NO_ERRORS if defined?($semaphore) # We want the output mutex locked. # Has our current thread already locked the Mutex? begin $semaphore.lock rescue ThreadError # we're already locked. This was expected. end end if ($use_colour=="auto") or ($use_colour=="always") STDERR.puts red(s) else STDERR.puts s end STDERR.flush unless $OUTPUT_ERRORS.nil? $OUTPUT_ERRORS.out(s) end $semaphore.unlock if defined?($semaphore) end # takes a string and returns an array of lines. used by plugin_info def word_wrap(s,width=10) ret=[] line="" s.split.map {|x| word=x if line.size + x.size + 1 <= width line += x + " " else if word.size > width ret << line line = "" w=word.clone while w.size > width ret << w[0..(width-1)] w=w[width.to_i..-1] end ret << w unless w.size == 0 else ret << line line=x + " " end end } ret << line ret end ### core def run_plugins(target) results=[] $plugins_to_use.each do |name,plugin| begin while plugin.locked? #sleep 0.1 puts "Waiting for plugin:#{name} to unlock" if $verbose > 2 Thread.pass end plugin.lock plugin.init(target) # eXecute the plugin #start_time = Time.now result=plugin.x #end_time = Time.now #$PLUGIN_TIMES[name] += end_time - start_time plugin.unlock rescue Exception => err error("ERROR: Plugin #{name} failed for #{target.to_s}. #{err}") plugin.unlock raise if $WWDEBUG==true end results << [name, result] unless result.nil? or result.empty? end results end def usage() puts" .$$$ $. .$$$ $. $$$$ $$. .$$$ $$$ .$$$$$$. .$$$$$$$$$$. $$$$ $$. .$$$$$$$. .$$$$$$. $ $$ $$$ $ $$ $$$ $ $$$$$$. $$$$$ $$$$$$ $ $$ $$$ $ $$ $$ $ $$$$$$. $ `$ $$$ $ `$ $$$ $ `$ $$$ $$' $ `$ `$$ $ `$ $$$ $ `$ $ `$ $$$' $. $ $$$ $. $$$$$$ $. $$$$$$ `$ $. $ :' $. $ $$$ $. $$$$ $. $$$$$. $::$ . $$$ $::$ $$$ $::$ $$$ $::$ $::$ . $$$ $::$ $::$ $$$$ $;;$ $$$ $$$ $;;$ $$$ $;;$ $$$ $;;$ $;;$ $$$ $$$ $;;$ $;;$ $$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$ $$$ $$$$ $$$ $$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$' " puts "WhatWeb - Next generation web scanner version #{$VERSION}.\nDeveloped by Andrew Horton aka urbanadventurer and Brendan Coles" puts "Homepage: http://www.morningstarsecurity.com/research/whatweb" puts puts "Usage: whatweb [options] <URLs>" puts " TARGET SELECTION: <URLs>\t\tEnter URLs, filenames or nmap-format IP ranges. \t\t\tUse /dev/stdin to pipe HTML directly --input-file=FILE, -i\tIdentify URLs found in FILE. You can pipe \t\t\thostnames or URLs directly with -i /dev/stdin TARGET MODIFICATION: --url-prefix\t\tAdd a prefix to target URLs --url-suffix\t\tAdd a suffix to target URLs --url-pattern\t\tInsert the targets into a URL. Requires --input-file, \t\t\teg. www.example.com/%insert%/robots.txt AGGRESSION: The aggression level controls the trade-off between speed/stealth and reliability. --aggression, -a=LEVEL Set the aggression level. Default: 1 Aggression levels are: 1. Stealthy\tMakes one HTTP request per target. Also follows redirects. 2. Unused 3. Aggressive\tCan make a handful of HTTP requests per target. This triggers \t\taggressive plugins for targets only when those plugins are \t\tidentified with a level 1 request first. 4. Heavy\tMakes a lot of HTTP requests per target. Aggressive tests from \t\tall plugins are used for all URLs. HTTP OPTIONS: --user-agent, -U=AGENT Identify as AGENT instead of WhatWeb/#{$VERSION}. --header, -H\t\tAdd an HTTP header. eg \"Foo:Bar\". Specifying a default \t\t\theader will replace it. Specifying an empty value, eg. \t\t\t\"User-Agent:\" will remove the header. --follow-redirect=WHEN Control when to follow redirects. WHEN may be `never', \t\t\t`http-only', `meta-only', `same-site', `same-domain' \t\t\tor `always'. Default: #{$FOLLOW_REDIRECT} --max-redirects=NUM\tMaximum number of contiguous redirects. Default: 10 AUTHENTICATION: --user, -u=<user:password> HTTP basic authentication --cookie, -c=COOKIES\tProvide cookies, e.g. 'name=value; name2=value2 ' PROXY: --proxy\t\t<hostname[:port]> Set proxy hostname and port \t\t\tDefault: #{$PROXY_PORT} --proxy-user\t\t<username:password> Set proxy user and password PLUGINS: --list-plugins, -l\tList all plugins --plugins, -p=LIST\tSelect plugins. LIST is a comma delimited set of \t\t\tselected plugins. Default is all. \t\t\tEach element can be a directory, file or plugin name and \t\t\tcan optionally have a modifier, eg. + or - \t\t\tExamples: +/tmp/moo.rb,+/tmp/foo.rb \t\t\ttitle,md5,+./plugins-disabled/ \t\t\t./plugins-disabled,-md5 \t\t\t-p + is a shortcut for -p +plugins-disabled --info-plugins, -I=PLUGINS\tDisplay detailed information for plugins. \t\t\tOptionally search with keywords in a comma delimited \t\t\tlist. --grep, -g=STRING\tSearch for STRING in HTTP responses. Reports with a \t\t\tplugin named Grep --custom-plugin=DEFINITION\tDefine a custom plugin named Custom-Plugin, \t\t\tExamples: \":text=>'powered by abc'\" \t\t\t\":version=>/powered[ ]?by ab[0-9]/\" \t\t\t\":ghdb=>'intitle:abc \\\"powered by abc\\\"'\" \t\t\t\":md5=>'8666257030b94d3bdb46e05945f60b42'\" \t\t\t\"{:text=>'powered by abc'},{:regexp=>/abc [ ]?1/i}\" --dorks=PLUGIN\tList google dorks for the selected plugin --example-urls, -e=PLUGIN Update the target list with example URLs from \t\t\tthe selected plugins. OUTPUT: --verbose, -v\t\tVerbose output includes plugin descriptions. Use twice \t\t\tfor debugging. --colour,--color=WHEN\tcontrol whether colour is used. WHEN may be `never', \t\t\t`always', or `auto' --quiet, -q\t\tDo not display brief logging to STDOUT --no-errors\t\tSuppress error messages LOGGING: --log-brief=FILE\tLog brief, one-line output --log-verbose=FILE\tLog verbose output --log-xml=FILE\tLog XML format --log-json=FILE\tLog JSON format "+ # --log-sql=FILE\tLog SQL INSERT statements # --log-sql-create=FILE\tCreate SQL database tables " --log-json-verbose=FILE Log JSON Verbose format --log-magictree=FILE\tLog MagicTree XML format --log-object=FILE\tLog Ruby object inspection format --log-mongo-database\tName of the MongoDB database --log-mongo-collection Name of the MongoDB collection. Default: whatweb --log-mongo-host\tMongoDB hostname or IP address. Default: --log-mongo-username\tMongoDB username. Default: nil --log-mongo-password\tMongoDB password. Default: nil --log-errors=FILE\tLog errors PERFORMANCE & STABILITY: --max-threads, -t\tNumber of simultaneous threads. Default: #{$MAX_THREADS}. --open-timeout\tTime in seconds. Default: #{$HTTP_OPEN_TIMEOUT} --read-timeout\tTime in seconds. Default: #{$HTTP_READ_TIMEOUT} --wait=SECONDS\tWait SECONDS between connections \t\t\tThis is useful when using a single thread. HELP & MISCELLANEOUS: --help, -h\t\tThis help --debug\t\tRaise errors in plugins --version\t\tDisplay version information. (WhatWeb #{$VERSION}) EXAMPLE USAGE: * Scan example.com whatweb example.com * Scan reddit.com slashdot.org with verbose plugin descriptions whatweb -v reddit.com slashdot.org * An aggressive scan of mashable.com detects the exact version of Wordpress whatweb -a 3 mashable.com * Scan the local network quickly with 255 threads and suppress errors whatweb --no-errors -t 255\n" suggestions="" suggestions << "To enable JSON logging install the json gem.\n" unless gem_available?('json') suggestions << "To enable MongoDB logging install the mongo gem.\n" unless gem_available?('mongo') suggestions << "To enable character set detection and MongoDB logging install the rchardet gem.\n" unless gem_available?('rchardet') unless suggestions.empty? print "\nOPTIONAL DEPENDENCIES\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" + suggestions + "\n" end if RUBY_VERSION =~ /^1\.9/ puts "WARNING: Ruby 1.9 support is experimental. For stable usage use Ruby 1.8 instead. Please report bugs at https://github.com/urbanadventurer/WhatWeb/issue\n\n" end puts end if ARGV.size==0 # faster usage info usage exit end plugin_selection=nil use_custom_plugin=false use_custom_grep_plugin=false input_file=nil output_list = [] mongo={} mongo[:use_mongo_log]=false opts = GetoptLong.new( [ '--help', '-h', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '-v','--verbose', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '-l','--list-plugins', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '-p','--plugins', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '-I','--info-plugins', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT ], [ '--dorks', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '-e','--example-urls', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--colour','--color', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--log-object', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--log-brief', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--log-xml', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--log-json', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--log-json-verbose', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--log-magictree', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--log-verbose', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--log-mongo-collection', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--log-mongo-host', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--log-mongo-database', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--log-mongo-username', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--log-mongo-password', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--log-sql', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--log-sql-create', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--log-errors', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--no-errors', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '-i','--input-file', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '-U','--user-agent', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '-a','--aggression', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '-t','--max-threads', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--follow-redirect', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--max-redirects', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--proxy', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--proxy-user', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--url-prefix', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--url-suffix', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--url-pattern', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--custom-plugin', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '-g','--grep', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--open-timeout', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--read-timeout', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--header','-H', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--cookie','-c', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--user','-u', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--wait', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--debug', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--version', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '-q','--quiet', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT] ) begin opts.each do |opt, arg| case opt when '-i','--input-file' input_file=arg when '-l','--list-plugins' PluginSupport.load_plugins PluginSupport.plugin_list exit when '-p','--plugins' plugin_selection=arg when '-I','--info-plugins' PluginSupport.load_plugins PluginSupport.plugin_info(arg.split(",")) exit when '--dorks' PluginSupport.load_plugins PluginSupport.plugin_dorks(arg) exit when '-e','--example-urls' $USE_EXAMPLE_URLS=true when '--color','--colour' case arg when 'auto' $use_colour="auto" when 'always' $use_colour="always" when 'never' $use_colour=false else raise("--colour argument not recognized") end when '--log-object' output_list << OutputObject.new(arg) when '--log-brief' output_list << OutputBrief.new(arg) when '--log-xml' output_list << OutputXML.new(arg) when '--log-magictree' output_list << OutputMagicTreeXML.new(arg) when '--log-verbose' output_list << OutputVerbose.new(arg) when '--log-sql' output_list << OutputSQL.new(arg) when '--log-sql-create' PluginSupport.load_plugins("+") # delete the file if it already exists begin File.delete(arg) rescue end OutputSQL.new(arg).create_tables puts "SQL CREATE statements written to #{arg}" exit when '--log-json' if defined?(JSON) output_list << OutputJSON.new(arg) else raise("Sorry. The JSON gem is required for JSON output") end when '--log-json-verbose' if defined?(JSON) output_list << OutputJSONVerbose.new(arg) else raise("Sorry. The JSON gem is required for JSONVerbose output") end when '--log-mongo-collection' if defined?(Mongo) and defined?(CharDet) mongo[:collection]=arg mongo[:use_mongo_log]=true else raise("Sorry. The mongo and rchardet gems are required for Mongo output") end when '--log-mongo-host' if defined?(Mongo) and defined?(CharDet) mongo[:host]=arg mongo[:use_mongo_log]=true else raise("Sorry. The mongo and rchardet gems are required for Mongo output") end when '--log-mongo-database' if defined?(Mongo) and defined?(CharDet) mongo[:database]=arg mongo[:use_mongo_log]=true else raise("Sorry. The mongo and rchardet gems are required for Mongo output") end when '--log-mongo-username' if defined?(Mongo) and defined?(CharDet) mongo[:username]=arg mongo[:use_mongo_log]=true else raise("Sorry. The mongo and rchardet gems are required for Mongo output") end when '--log-mongo-password' if defined?(Mongo) and defined?(CharDet) mongo[:password]=arg mongo[:use_mongo_log]=true else raise("Sorry. The mongo and rchardet gems are required for Mongo output") end when '--log-errors' $OUTPUT_ERRORS = OutputErrors.new(arg) when '--no-errors' $NO_ERRORS = true when '-U','--user-agent' $USER_AGENT=arg when '-t','--max-threads' $MAX_THREADS=arg.to_i when '-a','--aggression' $AGGRESSION=arg.to_i when '--proxy' $USE_PROXY=true $PROXY_HOST = arg.to_s.split(":")[0] $PROXY_PORT = arg.to_s.split(":")[1].to_i if arg.to_s.include?(":") when '--proxy-user' $PROXY_USER=arg.to_s.split(":")[0] $PROXY_PASS=arg.to_s.scan(/^[^:]*:(.+)/).to_s if arg =~ /^[^:]*:(.+)/ when '-q','--quiet' $QUIET=true when '--url-prefix' $URL_PREFIX=arg when '--url-suffix' $URL_SUFFIX=arg when '--url-pattern' $URL_PATTERN=arg when '--custom-plugin' use_custom_plugin=true if PluginSupport.custom_plugin(arg) when '--grep','-g' use_custom_grep_plugin=true if PluginSupport.custom_plugin(arg,"grep") when '--follow-redirect' if ["never","http-only","meta-only","same-site","same-domain","always"].include?(arg.downcase) $FOLLOW_REDIRECT=arg.downcase else raise("Invalid --follow-redirect parameter.") end when '--max-redirects' $MAX_REDIRECTS=arg.to_i when '--open-timeout' $HTTP_OPEN_TIMEOUT=arg.to_i when '--read-timeout' $HTTP_READ_TIMEOUT=arg.to_i when '--wait' $WAIT = arg.to_i when '-H','--header' begin x=arg.scan(/([^:]+):(.*)/).flatten raise if x.empty? $CUSTOM_HEADERS[x.first]=x.last rescue raise("Invalid --header parameter.") end when '-c','--cookie' begin raise if arg.empty? $CUSTOM_HEADERS["Cookie"]=arg rescue raise("Cookie require a parameter, e.g. name=value; name2=value2") end when '-u','--user' $BASIC_AUTH_USER=arg.split(":").first $BASIC_AUTH_PASS=arg.to_s.scan(/^[^:]*:(.+)/).to_s if arg =~ /^[^:]*:(.+)/ when '--debug' $WWDEBUG = true when '-h','--help' usage exit when '-v','--verbose' $verbose=$verbose+1 when '--version' puts "WhatWeb version #{$VERSION} ( http://www.morningstarsecurity.com/research/whatweb/ )" exit end end rescue Errno::EPIPE exit rescue StandardError, GetoptLong::Error => err puts usage puts err exit end # sanity check # Disable colours in Windows environments if RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw/ $use_colour = false end # example URLs are only allowed with selected plugins, not all plugins if $USE_EXAMPLE_URLS and not plugin_selection error "You must select plugins with -p or --plugins to include examples in the target list" exit 1 end ### PLUGINS plugin_selection += ",+Custom-Plugin" if use_custom_plugin and plugin_selection plugin_selection += ",+Grep" if use_custom_grep_plugin and plugin_selection $plugins_to_use = PluginSupport.load_plugins(plugin_selection) # load all the plugins # sanity check # no plugins? if $plugins_to_use.size == 0 error "No plugins selected, exiting." exit 1 end # optimise plugins PluginSupport.precompile_regular_expressions ### OUTPUT output_list << OutputBrief.new unless $QUIET # by default output brief output_list << OutputObject.new() if $verbose > 1 # full output if -vv output_list << OutputVerbose.new() if $verbose > 0 # full output if -v ## output dependencies if mongo[:use_mongo_log] if $plugins_to_use.map { |a,b| a }.include?("Charset") output_list << OutputMongo.new(mongo) else error("MongoDB logging requires the Charset plugin to be activated. The Charset plugin is the slowest whatweb plugin, it not included by default, and resides in the plugins-disabled folder. Use ./whatweb -p +./plugins-disabled/Charset.rb to enable it.") exit end end ## Headers $CUSTOM_HEADERS["User-Agent"]=$USER_AGENT unless $CUSTOM_HEADERS["User-Agent"] $CUSTOM_HEADERS.delete_if {|k,v| v=="" } ### TARGETS # clean up urls, add example urls if needed $targets=make_target_list(ARGV, input_file, $plugins_to_use) $recent_targets=[] # fail & show usage if no targets. if $targets.size <1 error "No targets selected" usage exit 1 end $semaphore=Mutex.new Thread.abort_on_exception = true if $WWDEBUG while t = next_target Thread.new(t) do |thistarget| begin target = Target.new(thistarget) # we set the target within the thread rescue => err error(err) next end puts Thread.current.to_s + " started for " + target.to_s if $verbose>1 sleep $WAIT unless $WAIT.nil? # wait # follow redirects no_redirects =false num_redirects = 0 while no_redirects == false do no_redirects=true if target.is_file? # if we redirect 10 times we give up if num_redirects == $MAX_REDIRECTS error("ERROR Too many redirects: #{target.to_s}") no_redirects=true next end begin target.open rescue => err error("ERROR Opening target: #{target.to_s} - #{err}") no_redirects = true # without this we can get stuck in a loop raise if $WWDEBUG next end if target.is_url? and target.status.nil? # assume all HTTP sites return a status no_redirects=true next end results = run_plugins(target) # reporting # multiple output plugins simultaneously, some stdout, some files output_list.each do |o| begin o.out(target.to_s, target.status, results) rescue => err #srsly, logging failed error("ERROR Logging failed: #{target.to_s} - #{err}") raise if $WWDEBUG==true end end # REDIRECTION unless no_redirects begin if newtarget = target.get_redirection_target num_redirects+=1 target=Target.new(newtarget) else no_redirects=true end rescue => err error("ERROR Redirection broken: #{target.to_s} - #{err}") no_redirects=true raise if $WWDEBUG==true end end end # while no_redirects end # Thread.new while Thread.list.size>($MAX_THREADS+1) puts "Thread list full, passing control" if $verbose>1 #sleep 0.5 Thread.pass end end # targets.each # close output logs output_list.each {|o| o.close } # shutdown plugins Plugin.registered_plugins.map {|name,plugin| plugin.shutdown } #pp $PLUGIN_TIMES.sort_by {|x,y|y }